Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Let's give'em something to talk about...

On the weekend Paul and I went to see the movie "Extremely Loud & Incrediabley Close". It's the one with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock. Its about how a young boy struggles with the loss of his father after 9/11. The young boys character is traumatically effected when his father is killed when the twin towers fall. The boy was very close to his dad, spent alot of time with him and his dad understood his "kinda odd" personality. Not only did his dad understand him, he encouraged him to succeed and always push himself through his fears and anxieties.
It was an ok movie, I enjoyed it more than Paul...but then again any movie that involves catastrophic events and "incrediably loud" pain hits home to me. There is one scene in this movie where the young boy looses himself. He has a moment where he physically destroys everything in his path, ripping apart all his hard work of trying to find the lock to a key he believes his father had left for him. He believes this key is a journey that will unlock a secret his father had left for him to find. He hopes this key will bring him closer to his father..even after his death. This young boy has such a deep yearning inside his soul to feel his father again, to hear his voice on last time, to feel connected again to him..that once he realizes its never going to happen the pain and grieve that he experiences is so overwhelming that he cannot control his emotions and he screams out with a force that overpowers him. This young actor did an amazing job, he was so young yet so convincing of the pain he was feeling. I felt it, I felt his pain...it brought back a few very powerful memories to me. I can't even begin to explain the feeling that comes from deep within...have you ever had a moment in life where the pain in your heart is so strong that you loose all control? Has it ever hurt so bad that you scream so loud your throat hurts, and feels like its closing over? I mean there aren't even tears at this stage, your screaming, head is pounding, throat is tight and you literally feel like there is nothing else going on around you. You literally black out. It is one of the most scariest, lonliest feelings in the world. There is absolutely nothing no one can do, the hurt is so painful your body aches and screaming is the only way of feeling a slight bit of relief. Everything in your head is heavy, and you almost feel like its going to burst. There is NO control and destroying things around you is what releases the pain and pressure built up inside you.

When this young boy was having his fit of rage, Paul leaned over asked me..."What is he doing?" Paul didn't understand what this young boy was feeling, why was he so irrational? What are these emotions the boy is feeling?
I became very quiet, in my head...i was totally relating to this young boy. I was in a moment, feeling everything he was feeling. Initially ifelt lonely, i was disappointed with Paul..i felt how could he NOT have had moments like this in life? Seriously, after EVERYTHING we have been through with my accident...but also in our marriage? I will not discuss certain events on my blog related to my marriage, I will save that for my book. Its just some things are too personal and putting it on here doesn't feel right. Please know that everything that we have been through has only made us stronger and we are very proud of who we have become...
So as I quietly sat there on our car ride home i turned to Paul and asked him "You mean to tell me...you have NEVER had a moment like that in life?" You have never lost complete control of yourself due to feeling so much pain? I could NOT understand how he could not have...I mean, we have been through more shit than most couples who have been married for 50 years, thankfully though...we are still together!
He admitted "NO", he has never had a moment like that! I was shocked and I was sad...i had wondered how he couldn't feel so sad when there were times of loss, suffering and pain! He explained he HAS been overwhelmed with sadness but just didn't react like that...I admitted to him right there and then..."maybe i don't really know you as well as I thought?"
Paul and I have ALWAYS had amazing communication skills, we have always managed to discuss things when needed. But, on Saturday night as we were driving home we both realized we have never really had the chance to sit down and go over our life events. We've never discussed how each of us seperatly felt through certain events or how we handled things seperatly or at times alone. When I look back at times when Braden had been hospitalized and on life support...our duty was to get him well. I did day shift at the hospital and Paul did night shift...we never really had the chance to discuss with eachother how WE were feeling or how we were coping, privately and seperately. Then by the time we would be released from the hospital, niether of us would want to talk about anything...we'd want to forget it, not talk about it. I guess all those years of surviving, passing in the night and bonding together physically...we didn't really talk about things. We didn't express our coping, we just looked at eachother and as long as we were both standing up right, we just kept going forward~
After some deep discussion, Paul and I had decided that we need to go back. We need to go back to the beginning, no holds bar and open up and share our feelings. There is so much that we have missed between eachother. Paul had NO idea that I even had moments like this young boy did in the movie. Then there were times in our marriage when neither of us had any idea what the other was thinking...so we are going back to pick eachothers minds, and get to know one another in an area of life that we feel may have been neglected.
Once we finished our discussion on "Fits of rage"..and coping skills, we both looked at eachother and realized WOW we have come soooo far!! We have beat the odds, and in all these years of marriage we are just realizing now how successful we really are. It hit me when I was spending time with a highshcool friend who I hadn't seen since highschool. She didn't know that I had an 18 year old son, she asked "So, is your husband your son's father?". I was dumbfounded!! I was shocked and initally slightly insulted. But, when you think about it..in her defence how many 18 year olds manage to stay with the same man for all those years, especially after surviving such a blow in life with having my car accident. It has NOT been an easy road for us, we have jumped,crashed,hurdled and tumbled through so many obstacels and for some reason...we always manage to come out of them together. Part of this sitting down and reliving our life together we hope to find the reason for this. I'm fasinated to know what it is about me that makes him want to be married to me...what is it that he loves so much to keep working on this? We want to find what makes us work, i like to believe its "true love", or that maybe we are "soul mates"? The romantic in me believes this...through everything, we always find eachother and always end up right beside one another. We are blessed, we really are..I have to say our love is strong, and we will continue to build, strengthen and nurture this love...
I am looking forward to going back in time, its actually going to help me with my book as there is so much I don't remember and hubby does. Its time to talk...its time to understand!
I will keep you posted Zeta"s..have a good night and god bless~

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's Menu...Chicken Crock pot dinner tonight

I've decided to incorporate some crock pot meals into my Monday Menu's..and for this being my first one!! It was fantastic...definately something we will redo again, everyone in my family loved it!!

4 - 6 chicken breasts
2 cans of cream of chicken
1/4 c water
a box of chicken stove top stuffing
1/2 a stick of butter
1 pack of provolone cheese

lay half of your breasts in bottom, mix water with both cans of cream of chicken, pour half over chicken and then repeate with the rest of chicken and cream/water mixture. Pour the stuffing in and pour melted butter over it. Let it cook for 6 hours and put the cheese on about 20 minutes before eating.

This is something you can throw quickly together in the morning before work,let it cook the whole day and enjoy at dinner time. I made mashed potatoes, but noodles or rice would work wonderfully too.
Have a great night Zeta's, untill tomorrow,
Good night and god bless~

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday's Families Matter...

So since I focused so much on Kailey in the last blog, this one will be about Braden. Keep in mind my kids HATE when I write about them, so I do have to respect them and their wishes. My blogs about them will be short and sweet but to the point. So, when Braden was in highschool I have to say he was miserable. The last two years of his highschool career was horrible. It was so bad, I have NEVER seen my kid that unhappy. It wasn't the social aspect of highschool..god know's he did great there, it was the support from the "special ed" program that was absolutely terrible. I shouldn't even say support, I can't even count on my fingers the amount of times I had to go in to explain something over and over again to them.
Honestly, i think they had limited experience with "Special needs" kids and kinda just lumped them all under the same umbrella and kept them there.
Most of you know i could a book about this topic, special needs kids and the school board. I won't go into that topic because that's a whole lot of typing.
In grade 11 we had decided to let Braden take spare's...badically he understood that with taking spare's he'd be taking longer to graduate highschool. I loved the fact that he had some spares but worried that once grade 12 hit, he'd hate being in that school. Especially once his friends all started to graduate and go off to college and university.
Needless to say, we were right...once his friends left that highschool he hated it..basically he out grew it. He didn't feel like he belonged there any more. We respected that and he asked if he could finish highschool online?! I was terrified!! I opposed the idea at first, and kinda felt that maybe doing school from home would make him lazy?! i figured he just wouldn't do it...he would be pre-occupied by everything else going on at home. Not only those concerns arose, but I was also worried that i wouldn't have any more control over his education. That really scared me!
It took alot for me to accept this idea of Braden being schooled at home, however always in the back of my mind I couldn't stand the thought of him going in that school everyday and being soooo unhappy. He was so unhappy with his educational assistance and just didn't feel like he would be able to deal with the way they treated him. Bottom line, he out grew them.
So, we took a leap of faith and Braden started two online courses from our hotel room in Ottawa, AND i had NO say in any of it.
He did it all on his own, I can't even begin to describe the feeling of relief that began to settle in quickly once i could see how he could handle this online education. IT WAS BY FAR THE BEST THING WE EVER DID and that my friends is the honest to god truth! I must admit, the boy was right. This online course thing has been the best thing for him. It gives him the time to wake up in the morning on his own time, take his time getting ready, choosing his clothes, personal care and all those things that use to have to be done within an hour in order to get out the door, which somedays caused ALOT Of stress. Today he is a clear headed, rested, happy young man who has a goal set in mind and is taking all the right steps to get there. Since quitting going to school daily Braden has become healthier, happier and he's building muscle and self confidence. I'm very happy to hear about his progress. I will admit in the beginning once we got home from Ottawa i sort of thought maybe things were to easy for him. But then he showed me his marks online and we chatted about his goals for going to college and I feel better. He's really growing up, there has been alot of changes lately that Paul and I are seeing in him and we LOVE it! He seems much happier, he enjoys family get togethers and he still loves being with his friends.
I didn't see this one coming...honestly..the thought of Braden being right humbled me and made me realize that he is growing up and I need to respect him of that. He starts his second 2 courses in the next two weeks and then he is finished, DONE highschool. Then we start looking at all the options for college...that is when once again, my life will be busy..things will be changing!
Good night my friends, and god bless~

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Talking Teenage...

Where my Zeta's at??

This weekend we had trouble with our computer. I had some serious virus action going on here, so hubby had to fix it! That is why we did not have a post for Satuday.
I always try to think of a topic for Saturdays teenage talk. I think we'll keep it simple and just discuss what's on everyone's mind who has teens lately.
That would be "EXAMS"
Yep, in my house the girl is preparing. I've always struggled with how much to get involved, how much should we step in and make sure she's doing her best. Then I think we must trust in her, trust that she is doing everything she needs to do to write her exams with confidence. I did make some rules this weekend, there was absolutely NO get togethers, no sleepovers, no studying with others...its one weekend to stay home and properly prepare for her exams. NOT sure if that was too harsh. She was a bit pissed with me because other friends were getting together and wanting her there, but I felt these are habits that they are forming and one good habit would be to stay home and take your exam preparation seriously. This is just the beginning...its now that we need to show them what it takes to prioritize. It's only ONE weekend, she will survive. I felt aweful, i always only want her to be happy...however, its still our job to help her figure out whats really important right now. I told her after Tuesday she should start planning her weekend celebrations, its this coming weekend that she can have fun with friends and not have to worry about studying. I hope all your teens are getting ready, studying hard and manage to do well on their exams! Good luck young Zeta's.. and good luck to my girl!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Not sure what happened to the hours in the day...

I'm sorry Zeta's..I don't have time today to do Fashion Friday. I will return tomorrow with a post regarding some fashion. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, I am off...its been busy!

Opppss...Fashion Friday,,

This week I didn't have time to do a Fashion Friday and i'm so sorry. I am clearly NOT a fashion diva and for the most part I really have no idea what i'm talking about when it comes to fashion, BUT i can try, and that's what i'm going to do.
While I was out and about checking the new fashions out for this coming spring, I learned that the newest colours in fashion is Tangerine and coral. So be prepared to have something with those colors in it for your spring collection.

So i'm simple and easy when it comes to fashion and here it is, one piece of tangerine clothing mixed with a cute denim skirt or a pair of jeans...BEAUTIFUL!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

~Go Forward~

I guess I should have had a post all together and thought out before tonight, but I don't. So i'm going to wing it and try to annotate the emotions that were felt tonight. About 6 years ago my whole family excluding the kids all got matching tattoo's. Might sound a bit dramatic or "over the top" to some of you...i mean, really?? Who gets matching tattoo's?
Well Zeta's...WE DO!!
After someone or some families in my case lives through a traumatic event AND survives, there is usually a lifetime of change that takes place. In our situation, with Braden being paralyzed our lives were NEVER the same. We as a family had to pick up the broken pieces and put back together everything we felt had been broken. We had two choices at that time, either we gear up and push through this terrible trauma, or we give up. Simple.
You see the thing is...giving up NEVER once came into my mind. WE as a family were NOT going to give up. We made a concious decision to "GO FORWARD", and not look back.
With that said, at the same time Christopher Reeves or Superman had an accident and recieved the exact same injury as our son. Shortly after his injury he started up an awareness foundation for spinal cord injuries. I could do a whole blog on how I felt at the time of Christopher Reeve;s injury and then how we felt once the Go Forward foundation was formed. Someday I will share those feelings and memories.
Basically 12 years or so after my accident, we as a family decided to bond together as one and permanently symbolize on our bodies the love, determination, dedication and perseverence we shared together. I/we were lucky to have a family that would have and did give up everything in thier lives in order to be right beside us during our journey. Seriously, we are blessed to have the family that we have. Once we knew what we were up against with our survival and fight, we bonded together and literally became one. My parents, brother,Paul and I (some extended family)jumped in feet first and learned everything needed inorder for Braden to recieve the best care possible. WE all learned how to suction, chest physio, Range of Motion, physical therapy, NG tube feeds, sign language (in the beginning) chest assessments, Occupational therapy (constant training of how to do every day tasks with one functioning arm) from head to toe this young baby boy had to be cared for inorder for him to survive. THe biggest hurdle which I hope to write about in full detail was his breathing problems. Even my parents and brother had to be aware of respiratory failure and/or stress. They had to learn about oxygen and O2 sats, bi-pap machines...oh it was so much stuff. Thank god we had them all, they were there everyday...I always had my mom and dad, at anytime of the day or night.
Anyways by the time Braden was 12 yrs old, things were calming down and we all had more time to realize what had happened in our lives and the significance of it all.
Paul and I never felt alone in our struggles, we had a family that were beside us the whole time. We were learning together, all of us. The love was strong, powerful and unconditional.
Back to the reason for the tattoo...basically it symbolized our journey, our attitude and our determination to go forward.
We fought, we struggled and but we never gave up. Tonight our son joined our group...he got his Superman Go Forward tattoo. It was such an amazing night, I still remember him being in the tattoo studio when we were all getting our tat's. I also remember thinking someday he'll be 18 years old and he'll be getting his own. WOW...where did the time go? Welcome to the club Braden, we have always admired your strength...and even on the days when we hated everything about our situation, I was always thankful for our family. It has been a pleasure watching you grow up into this amazing young man, we are very proud of you~ and if there is anything in this world that I hope to have taught you it would have to be...never give up the fight, always choose to GO FORWARD~
Here are a few pictures from tonights tattoo adventure, Congratulations Braden, we love you very much and we are very proud of the man you've become! Just to let you know...tattoo's are addicting...be careful there!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do it yourself Wednesday...

Pillow talk...
This week I made a pillow for Braden. It has lyrics from his favorite song "In the end" by Linkin Park. Basically, I bought the pillow cover and pillow from Ikea and then I used a pencil, wrote out the words. I used a stencil to do the letters, then I used a fabric marker and traced the letters over. He LOVES the pillow, and I enjoyed making it. The only thing that I would do differently is use a smaller pillow next time, and i wouldn't use pencil to draw lines for the words. I would maybe try tape to make lines on the pillow's for the words.
Anyways here are the pictures from this weeks..Do it yourself Wednesday~

This was a great project...and I was very happy to have made it for my boy! I am happy to report that the boy was so surprised and absolutely loved it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just a few tid bits...

Love these purple cupcakes...I want to make these, maybe soon i'll try them?!

Just something to think about...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's Menu..

Mac & Cheese Lasanga
Good evening Zeta's~
Just so you all know, I did double this recipe for our family. It was really good, and very affordable. You could also substitute the beef for chicken.

strong>What You Need
1 pkg. (225 g) Kraft Dinner Macaroni and Cheese
1/2 lb. (225 g) extra-lean ground beef
1-1/2 cups pasta sauce
1 cup Kraft Part Skim Mozzarella Shredded Cheese
2 Tbsp. Kraft 100% Parmesan Grated Cheese
Make ItHEAT oven to 350°F.

Kraft Dinner as directed on package, using the Sensible Solution directions. Meanwhile, brown meat in non-stick skillet.

SPOON half the Kraft Dinner into 8-inch square baking dish sprayed with cooking spray; top with layers of half each of the pasta sauce, meat and mozzarella. Repeat layers. Sprinkle with Parmesan.

20 min. or until heated through

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday`s Family Matters...

Tonight we are heading to my parents for dinner. We haven`t been there in soooo long! Mostly because its just easier to have family dinners here because of accessibility for Braden. My mom usually works weekends too, and sometimes they have lots of dogs (they dog sit)so its alot harder for my mom to cook and entertain with all that going on.
I`m looking forward to it, always nice to have a change in routine. We`ve been busy this weekend getting Braden`s bedroom done, I love the colour we`ve chosen. Its very manly...check out the pics so far.
This picture is Braden's old bedroom which is know his media room. We have done some touch ups on the red and black stripes, it needed to be mudded and sanded down inorder to help the new paint stick better.

This picture is the NHL logo Team Canada mural we had painted at least 6 years ago. He's out grown this room, this is the last "theme room" in our home that needs to be upgraded. He's gonna have a big boy room!! *Wink*

Here is the primer colour, which is very close to the actual color. It looks so much better already.

The spot where once the mural was admired!

I will keep you posted on the before and after shots!
Being slightly random here, but I have to admit that i have an obsession. I am totally addicted to the show Come Dine With Me Canada. I honestly can't get enough of that show. I can watch it over and over again, same episode continuously. I don't think I'd ever go on that show,as much as I fantasize about it, I don't think I have the confidence. I do however LOVE to watch others make fools of themselves. Plus I think the commentary is so funny.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Talking Teenage...A crisis of Confidence.

Let's face it people...raising teen's is NOT an easy job! I remember when the kids were little, and up all night with fever's or the stomach flu, or going through the terrible 2's, they go through phases of lying, hiding things and then we reach the "independant" phase. I can recall moments when I would sit and think about "oh when they get older, it will be much easier"...Little did I realize what we'd be in for! I had NO idea how much more emotionally draining these teen years would be, not only emotionally and mentally but physically too. Constantly busy, someone always going somewhere. Kids picking up and driving around with MY kids in thier vehicles, parties, get togethers, homework, projects, school activities...etc etc...once they become more independant, then they have to become more responsible. I have no problems at all with my kids growing and becoming independant... its the exhausting role we take of guiding them and trying to provide the tools they will need to become happy, functional successful people in our society. I had NO idea how much more challenging and tiring things were going to get!
I was reading this article about teenage girls and how they can loose confidence during their teenage years.
Some advice given was too get a female mentor for your daughter if you see her struggling with depression or confidence. No matter how good your communication is with your daughter, there are things she will not and cannot tell you, things she needs desperately to tell someone. I do agree with this, not even just for girls but for boys too. Unfortunatley while a teenager is finding her/his way they tend to disconnect from their parents and sometimes don't like to share what is going on in their lives.
I think this is a very important point and as parents we should realize that our teens will not always feel comfortable coming to us with problems, therefore it is our job to help our kids find someone who they can trust and open up too.
Sometimes it can be a coach, another parent, teacher, counsellor or even a therapist. Teenagers who learn to talk about their issue's tend to do better with coping. Don't take it personally if your teen doesn't want to talk things out with you...it will only be temporary. You all know how much we need our mommies and daddies when we become adults and new parents ourselves..they'll come back to you, they always do!
It is known that a mother/daughter bond can be even stronger if a mom can respect her daughter's wishes to have privacy. As long as that mom know's her daughter is talking to someone, and recieving good advice and a trusting relationship then we can rest knowing we've done our job right.
So if you do have a teenager who you find is not opening up or pulling away from you, ask him/her if she'd like to talk with someone. Someone who can keep things confidential. There are many services in your community that can provide someone to listen and help your teen. Remember not to take things personally, its not about you..its about your teen trying to find his/her way in the world. I can't express enough how it is OUR job to help them find the best way for them to cope, whether its directly with us or with someone else.
Happy Saturday my Lovelies~

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fashion Friday's...and a lil' bit of history!

Welcome Friday!! Seriously how much happier can I be that it is Friday?! I LOVE THE WEEKEND!!
What plans to you have this weekend my Zeta's? We will be painting..trying to get Braden's room's finished and functioning as the bachelor pad that he wants.
So hopefully that gets done!
I mentioned yesterday that I would share with you some of my journal entries from back in the day when I was still living at the hospital while Braden was recovering.

This entry is from Thursday May 25th, 1995 and it is day 1 after Braden had undergone surgery on his Spinal Cord..it reads like this,
Day 1
Braden moved upstairs. (Children's ward from ICU). Excellent recovery. His catheter was removed. He is still being fully ventilated so that he doesn't become ill or too tired to recover. Braden has been sleeping most of the day. He often wakes up very startled and frightened. He is getting alot of Moriphine to hinder any pain. He has smiled and played for small periods. He enjoys his gingerale. Braden had some collapse in the upper right lobe and lower left. Lots of physio is helping, every 2 hours he has physio and is suctioned. Some changes have been seen. He keeps his right hand and wrist straight and in line with one another. He does have difficulty opening his fingers. There is clones in his left and arm. His is wiggling his toes in his left foot without any stimulation. There seems to be more tone there too??(possible) too early too tell. He is handling everything like a trooper. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
You know, I am so happy that I have these little writings that I have kept. It makes it alot easier to remember,especially with writing my book. Thankfully with my memory, I will be able to expand greatly on these enteries. I think the strongest feeling that comes through to me from this day was desperation and relief. Have you ever felt those two emotions all in the same moment? We felt so relieved that it was over..this surgery was 8 hours long, ONE of the longest days of my life. I remember meeting Dr. Hollinburg(Neurosugeon) the night before this day. I was so young, so innocent and so unaware of the seriousness of it all. I mean...I was certainly aware of the situation...just not able to comprehend the fine line we were teetering on. I guess maybe a part of me couldn't look at it like that, I didn't want to understand the severity or grimness of it. Looking back now, I remember like it was yesterday..as a 40 year old women today, I think and reflect on the young, vulnerable frightened 22 year old I was then. I do have to admit, as I sit here and recite the incidents from that time in my life...I am so proud of us. We did good!

Ok, its been awhile since i've shared anything related to my book. With all that said let me go back to fashion Fridays and share a few cute little outfits that I love!!


Have a wonderful weekend my friends..
Until tomorrow, Good night and god bless~

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday's talk..

Since i have been blogging I have found that the most popular blog...or the one's that get alot of recognition are the ones who blog personally about their special needs children, how difficult things are OR the popular blogs are filled with new mom reports, the newest things in parenting, food fads, recycled clothing lines for children, organic baby products..etc etc..
Unfortunatly when I started out with this blog I was going to share ALL of my trials and tribulations however...as time passed my kids were not as thrilled with the idea. Braden does not like me sharing certain stories or issues here and I need to respect that.

I also found out the whatever I write here on blogger is actually owned by blogger. The only way around that is by getting my own website. That my friends IS in the making, I just need to sit down and get that going. Once I have my own website, whatever I post or write about is strictly mine! I've been holding off a bit with going back to writing about my life raising a child with a disability and all the good, bad and ugly that came with that. I have held back only because of copyright reasons. Once I switch to my own site, I will start up again. I think tomorrow I will share with you something that I wrote a very very long time ago..I know that Friday's are for fashion so i'll be sure to have a few fun things for that too. I hope everyone is keeping well...good night my Zeta's and god bless~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Do it Yourself Wednesday...

More S'more's Please!!!This was an easy peasy do it yourself little project! Love this one and would be cute to give as party favors after a birthday party. Sometimes we've had winter fires in our yard along with hot tub parties...these would be great to have as well.
Anyways..early night my Zeta's! Have a wonderful night and I hope to see you all try this one...its so easy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday's Menu on Tuesday...

Easy Cheesy Stuffed Chicken
What you need
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups shredded zucchini (about 2 medium zucchini)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3/4 cup water
1 pkg. Stove Top Stuffing Mix for Chicken

1 cup Kraft 4 Cheese Italiano Shredded Cheese
8 bone-in skin-on chicken legs
Make itPREHEAT oven to 400°F. Melt butter in medium saucepan on medium heat. Add zucchini and onion; cook and stir 5 min. or until onion is tender. Remove from heat. Stir in water, stuffing mix and cheese until well blended. Cover and set aside.

CAREFULLY insert fingers between the meat and skin of each chicken leg to form a pocket. Fill pockets evenly with the stuffing mixture. Place, filled sides up, on baking sheet.

BAKE 45 to 50 min. or until chicken is cooked through

This recipe was amazing! My whole family LOVED it!! Yes...even Braden! The only thing that I did differently was substituted Zuccini with Asparagus.

Our family likes Asparagus so I just cut it up into 1 inch pieces and cooked it with the onion. I would totally recommend this chicken recipe...its very economically friendly (cost wise) and easy to make!
Finished product...minus a second vegetable...

Monday, January 16, 2012

I lied....

WOW...what a day! SOrry my Zeta's, i did NOT make a good meal for MOnday's menu, so I feel like i've let myself down...
I had the chicken out, thawing and everything. But then, I got the call..."Mom, can you pick me up from the arena at 4pm?" Unfortunately I had to go to Waterloo to get the girl, traffic was heavy and by the time I got back into Cambridge it was 5pm. I hadn't even started the chicken, and still had to pick up asperagus. So, needless to say..the girl asks on the way home.."Can we have Subs?", at first I said NO! I'm making chicken and then I looked at the time and realized if that's the case we won't be eating uptill 7pm...I caved, we had subs! I will make my featured menu tomorrow complete with pictures and recipe for you to enjoy!
How was your day? My day was great. Nothing new or exciting..so with that, good night my friends and god bless~

Twisted words..

Well I re-read my last post and I want to tell you that my words last night did not do a good job expressing how I feel. LOL...I wrote that post very late last night and was probably half asleep. What I was trying to say in that blog was how fortunate we were as a family to have been able to spend all those times with such wonderful, amazing friends and family. We are truly blessed to have had those times with everyone, we loved opening our home to every one and I wouldn`t change a thing! So many memories here...and thank you to all my friends and family for many many years of laughter and fun times.
What I also was TRYING to say regarding NOT entertaining anymore..LOL..was meant to express my/our feelings of taking a break and NOT doing as much entertaining...
This does not mean we will not have dinner parties, or girls movies nights, or bbq's in the summer or even couples over for dinner. This is naturally who I am...every one of you know that I LOVE to have friends here!
I wanted to say...it just won't be as frequently OR as "big", and I won't be putting as much work into our get together's as I once did.
This is only because we/I am tired, Paul and I are really enjoying our time...the kids are older, they don't want to spend as much time with us any more. So our weekends are for us! Just US! We are enjoying that! We have had our years of parties, get togethers...themed parties..all that stuff! Not to say it won't happen again...because of course it will! Most of you know that I am still wanting to have that 80's party someday....it WILL be a kickass party too. I went to a 70's party not too long ago and it was alot of fun, music was ok...not a big 70's fan! Managed to get them to play April Wine and Journey, was the best I could get out of them. I'm much more of an 80's girl..and when I throw my party..it will be fantastic!!
So, this blog was just to explain a few things that I felt was not properly discussed last night!
Please tune in later for Monday's Menu...I will have something later for that!
A BIG thanks to those of you who are new and sent me a message..i'm so happy to hear that you are returning to my blog daily, it makes me happy to have new readers! Welcome my new Zeta's!
Have a wonderful day friends...I've got a good recipe lined up for tonights dinner!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Family Speaks Sundays..

How was your weekend my Zeta's? My weekend was great! We've been working hard on Braden's bedroom and media room. I hoping to be painting this week..so exciting!! Tonight we had my parents for dinner, it was relaxing. After dinner we watched The Change-Up. SUCH a funny movie!! LOVE this movie..definately one of my favorites. I am madly in love(Movie crush) with Jason Bateman...he is just "OH-SO-ADORABLE"!!

Ryan Reynolds is pretty darn cute too..so its an easy movie to watch! I made a pasta dish, complete with brownie's and my mom bought some pretty spectacular squares and sweets from a British bakery here in Cambridge. Over all it was a wonderful evening!
We did ALOT of talking this weekend as a family about all the parties, get together's and household events that we use to hold. WOW...seriously...where the hell did we get the energy?? MY HOUSE WAS ALWAYS FULL OF PEOPLE!! No word of a lie. We were even commenting to back before ringette was our weekends..we had a group of friends who had the same age kids as we had, so it made sense on weekends to get together for the kids to play AND for the adults to drink and play!
Honestly every single weekend in the winter times would be spent, meeting somewhere with another family to ice skate or tobaggan..then back to our house for hot

chocolate and Bailey's...or tequilla shots!! NOt the kids...just us! They'd come back to our house and stay for hours and hours. I remember friends packing up sleeping babies, crying toddlers and at times passed out husbands..just to load them into their warmed vehicles. SO that the designated driver (mom) could kart them all home. We never had a dull moment in this house! Constantly filled with kids, laughing, swimming, candy, fire pits, roasting marshmellows...it was endless.
I'm not to sure how we did it! Back then in a 5 day work week we would have at least 8 appointments in those 5 days. Damn we were busy, but come the weekend..we wanted to play! Even our kids knew the game plan...we'd be ask by Thursday.."Who's coming over this weekend?" Can we have pizza with so and so? Can we play that game again dad where you chase us around the house? Can so and so sleep over? Can we bake tonight with our friends? IT was awesome! We did have the best years of our lives while the kids were young!
We sat in both nights this weekend and lots was talked about, we use to meet our neighbours outside through the summer months,drink and stay out mostly all night..fire's a blazin'
Winter fire's were even better..nothing taster that a roasted marchmellow dropped into a bailey's irish cream..ohhhh the memories!!
When I think of all those years, all those parties, all those drinking nights...I ask myself..do I miss them??
In all my truth...I will say "absolutely not"! Probably the reason being is the feeling of being burnt out, we over did it in those years! I mean I guess a big part of partying and constant entertaining had something to do with what we had almost lost, how close we came to loosing our lives...we appreciate our life and we wanted to share that with others! Clearly we did a great job, because people kept coming back to us...always things to do at the Martz household, right down from cooking hamburgers at 3am after a night of drinking...to skinny dipping under the moon while intoxicated! We were wild..we had fun!
I think its all caught up to us...all the fun, and all the entertaining! We are exhausted and very happy to spend our weekends with just one another! Mostly just Paul and I...occassionally we enjoy getting to gether with others, especially when its at their home! We've done our time my friends...you want to see us in the future my loves..its gonna have to be at your home! I will entertain again..eventually i'm sure when the teens are gone and grown and have their own lives, I will take pleasure in cooking a meal for four again...Paul, me and some great friends..who ever it happens to be that night!
My mom and I discussed changing christmas plans for our family and we have decided that on the Macphee side we will go out for dinner christmas day...meet a restaurant, get dressed up really fancy and just enjoy eachothers company..there's no fuss, no work and no mess. I am totally good with that! And anyone who is out there and would like to join us for christmas dinner out this year..feel free to come! We'd love to see you!
I mentioned tonight the thought of having grandchildren...and I am sure when that day arises in far far time from now, I will be ready to do LOTS of entertaining! I will be happy to the faces of my grandchildren enjoying my home the same way that thier parents did. That will be when I return to my entertaining years...its not over my Zeta's, I will return...but for now, I must rest. I must rest because when the time comes again, i will need my energy to give all that I have to family~
I need to post pictures of some of these spectacular times that we've had! I have pictures of ALL of my friends kids swimming in my pool, playing our video games, playing air hockey, foose ball, barbies, guns, riding bikes, hot tubbing, making crafts, eating treats and finally passed out downstairs on our big comfy couch that held at least 6 kids at a time...best couch in the world. Unfortunately this couch is going to be taken out this spring..lots of memories on this couch, not just for the sleeping kids either...many nights spent there for me and sparkee *Wink wink*..WE will miss that couch! How many drunkin souls fell down upon that couch to never return again until the morning. How many unexpected guests we've had share time on that old beaten down couch. I will be happy to see it go...just means new furniture upstairs!! YEAH!
Well its seems to me that we have open our lives to many many people, loved EVERY minute of it! Would not change a thing...we have had so many wonderful, fun, crazy years with a bunch of fantastic friends. Its your turn my friends..your turn to let us into your lives...YOU be the entertainer! You can do it, I have great faith in you!!
Good night and god bless Zeta's...I have to go get ready for tomorrow's Monday's Menu!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teens...and all the wonderful things that come with them!

Well, I'm not sure how many of you out there are struggling with raising teen's?! It's not like my teen's are bad...that's not really what I mean. I guess how I would like to get this point across is how much space, responsibility and trust do we allow our teen's? I do trust my kids, I actually believe them over some adults in my life. BUT, while talking with teen's these days and being involved with their decisions and plans i've come to learn how different they think from back when I was a teen.
Alot of this comes from discusions around teenage drinking and drugs. I'm not going to get into that right now, I will leave that for another time...please remember that any thing I write on this blog is strickly MY opinion and i'm entitled to that. You may not agree with something that I believe...that's ok, we are all still learning and no one is perfect. THat includes me..i am NO expert in what is best for our teen's, and I certainly will NEVER give anyone advise unless asked. I will respect your thoughts and feelings...but I expect the same from you.
The thing that I think we are struggling the most with right now, is how much freedom/privacy do we allow our daughter? I'd say i've been pretty lucky..she's been open and honest for the most part with her life and with what's going on with her friends. I can't expect to know everything...it is her life, her friends and really..I don't want to know EVERYTHING!! Lately she's been making a few comments that she feel's i'm too involved..or she feel's like she is treated like she's younger than she is?! I tend to agree with her...compared to some of her friends, she doesn't have the same freedom's. I have NEVER allowed my daughter to go to a party (someone's house that i don't know) and let her be picked up from that party and then sleep at someone's house without me knowing where the party is, are the parents there, will there be drinking, who is picking you up and where are you sleeping, who is all sleeping there?? Thank GOD...I always know the families that she sleeps at, and she's never put me in an uncomfortable position to contact an unfamiliar family.
This is just the point that i'm trying to make!!
I have had kids here, who i pick up from parties with my daughter and are drunk AND staying the night at my house. Their parents have NO idea what their child is up too. They give permission to go to these parties, be picked up by any one AND then sleep over at their "friends" house, who they've never met, never spoken too! I DON'T GET THAT!! These are young teenage girls...how can parents NOT be involved? So, I guess with Kailey witnessing that kind of freedom..she's feeling like maybe just maybe we are over the top involved?! I do have one rule,and that is...If Kailey goes to a party that I am unfamiliar with the family..then I have to be the one to pick her up from the party. That way...I see for myself the state of my own daughter, it makes her think twice about her choices knowing that I will be picking her up. I will also drive her friends back to whoever's house it is they are staying at. Sometime's i'll admit, i'm tired...I hate having to go get them at midnight on a Saturday night. BUT, there is nothing else more important to me then the safe delivery of my child to someone's house. Don't forget...its a good way for me to keep control when my daughter is out at a party or a get together...she HAS to make good choices, cause.."momma's comin to get her"! *Wink*
While coming up with idea's for blog post's I came across this idea for parents and teens. Its a contract that you can print and sign with clear and concise directions and understanding for when your teen is going out or hanging with friends. It's not something that I think I will ever do...communication isn't really a problem here. I just tell her when I'll be picking her up and bringing her home. I DO like the idea though, its kinda cool...especially if you and your teen have problems with communication. OR if you child is a repeat offender and doesn't seem to understand the rules.

Sometimes clear communication in discipline takes the written word. Below is a parenting contract for your personal use. IF this looks like something you think you'd like, please feel free to use as it is or make it your own. After everything is written out and agreed upon, parent and teen should sign the contract.
Parents and Teens Contract: Going Out With Friends Unsupervised
I know that going out with my friends without parental supervision is a privilege. I respect that my parents love me and want to keep me safe. My parents respect that I am no longer a small child and want the privilege of going out to places with my friends without their supervision. With that in mind, we agree:

1.I will always tell them where I am going to be, who I am going to be with and what I am going to be doing without an attitude.

2.If I am going to be at a friend’s house, I will share the address and phone number with my parents.

3.My curfew is ______________________. This is negotiable for both parties. My curfew means inside my home and all my friends have left.

4.I understand that I must speak with my parents as soon as I come home.

5.I will call and ask my parent’s permission if my plans have changed and will not go anywhere without checking in with them first.

6.I understand that my parents have the right and responsibility to check up on me not only when they feel the need, but from time to time to keep me safe.

7.I will respect the limits and guidelines set forth by my friend’s parents.

8.I agree that if I am unable to keep up with my responsibilities, this includes but is not limited to my school work and chores, I can lose the privilege of going out with friends.

9.I understand that I can call my parents at any time if I feel threatened or unsafe when I am out with my friends. I will not have consequences for pulling myself out of a bad situation.
The consequences for not following through with these guidelines on going out with friends unsupervised is:

As you can see, its a great idea! Not something i'm sure Kailey has in mind, and not to worry..neither do I. I just thought this whole topic was a good one...things change as our children grow, the hard part is realizing the change and then letting go of old rules to implement new ones~
Well have a wonderful weekend my friends,
Until tomorrow..good night and god bless~