Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Playgrounds were a nightmare~

Do you have any idea how devastating it is for a parent of a physically challenged child to go to a park?  Here's a little secret....I did not look forward to going to the park with friends. It was NOT a good time for me.
Because your children got too run around the playground and creative while my son had to be carried. Usually by myself or Paul. It was a very difficult time, and I am sure Braden had many frustrating moments due to the lack of accessibility in our parks.

You see its not that I hated being with my friends or their kids,  it was how much work it entitled. All the other parents could pull up a chair, sit down and supervise their children while they played on the creative.
I wanted to watch my kid play~Not help my kid play

I had to constantly be up and down, in and out always available to that perfect little boy who just wanted to  keep up with the others.
How could I not leap up when he called out too me.."Mommy can I go up there", "Mommy can I swing on the swings?", "Mommy can I go down the slide?" Of course I would jump up and bring him around the creative doing all the wonderful things the other three year olds were doing.
If there was a little tykes car on the street, he'd want to go in that. That would mean I had to lift him, and try to fit him in that little car while threading his legs into a working position. Once seated he'd want me to push him. That meant bending over, sweating in the heat of summer pushing this little guy whose legs would end up getting caught somewhere between place A and B. Then the tears would flow. Usually mine~

Now lets not make this all about me. I can guarantee you this, he certainly didn't want me there either. If given a choice any little boy would not want their mother linger over them, carrying them, maneuvering him from place to place. Constantly carrying them while their little friends ran about playing tag or shooting their fake finger guns at one another pretending to shot the bad guy. It became a dependant relationship that neither of us would have wanted if given a choice. I could see the frustration on his face, it was a very difficult time in his childhood. Something that so many others take for granted.
I have witnessed the annoyed parent who begrudgingly gets up out of their chair to pass a towel to their wet child. Whining because their child is stuck on top of the creative and too scared to come down by themselves, so they have to get up off your lawn chair and lift them down. What I would have given to have had that choice. How very fortunate and blessed you are...and you don't even know it.

Looking at those summer days today, some of these issues were faced in the best of environments. Well paved playgrounds were the ideal, however there were never any ramps or wheelchair accessible obstacles for him to play on.
 Can you imagine how things went down when the playground was mulch covered or sported nice plush green grass, or even better the sand filled play ground. We down right avoided those, the water parks were horrendous as well. Pretty much had to get myself wet every time, he couldn't use his electric mobility devices because they couldn't get wet.
 Once again, if we didn't get up and participate in the activities, carrying Braden through the splash pad and water fountains he wouldn't have that fun either. So forget sitting down with the other mom's at the park. I just give thanks that I was a young mom. I had the energy at that time in life, well I had the physical ability but that doesn't mean I wasn't tired. That just means I willed the strength to make it happen.

But in all honesty I was tired, I was jealous that everyone else could sit down and relax while their kids burned off energy on the playground. The sun leaving kisses on their little faces, scraped knees, sticky fingers and dirty faces completed the day. Out like a light after dinner, smelling like the sweet scents of summer.

Is that selfish of me?

Even though I have the bravery today to speak the truth and share with you what it is like for parents of physically disabled children, I do believe there was many positive things that came out of it. In all honesty if you were to ask any parent of a special needs child I can guarantee there may be things they would love to change, but I know it would never be their child.
I for one, wouldn't change a whole lot about my life. I absolutely love my family and who we are today.
The best of times was when it was just the four of us. (also my parents). We would play on the creative as a family, Paul and I didn't need to worry about talking to others or drinking our coffee's while they're hot. We played with our children, because we had too, and most times wanted too. Paul would lift Braden up, and he would run all around the creative. Kailey and I trailing behind laughing and loving our family time. We'd wear these kids out and then grab an ice cream and head home. We always enjoyed our time out together as a family, I didn't have to be jealous of anyone because all those parents watching us with our children were jealous of us. I could see it

I don't want to come off in this post like playing in parks with my kids was not fun. I did enjoy spending time with my friends and their children.  I am complaining about how challenging non-accessible playgrounds were/are for children with physical disabilities. I am expressing  exactly how difficult it is for parents and their differently abled children who have to operate around wheelchair hating debris.

Having these hindrances in our lives, we did become quite crafty with outdoor play. Our imaginations became so important. We had to come up with ideas on how to encourage and incorporate out door play for Braden and his friends.
Winter time play with neighbours.

  Neighbourhood kids playing with Braden and Kailey. They learned at a very young age how to incorporate Braden, I will love these Wadsworth kids for always being there for him.
Pool parties with friends, endless summertime days. Lots of candy and good times~

Water gun play...refilling the guns.

More pool parties...always a pool full of kids. As you can see Braden was independent with his friends. I was always close, someone had eyes on him at all times. The kids knew his fears and weaknesses but always made him feel safe.
Its one of those things that if we didn't take charge and taught some of his friends how to include Braden in play...then how would they know?
We eventually bought Braden a power wheels jeep, this provided him with some mobility while outside. 
Braden and baby Kayla at the park, just babies.

All the kids loved getting rides in that jeep. They became very creative, and attached wagon's and buggy's too it. I remember at times Paul would load that jeep into our van before leaving for work in the morning because I was having a play date at the park that morning with friends. I had great people in my life who would help me take the jeep out of the van, and then load it back up when we were leaving. He didn't have to miss out on much, if the playground was paved he would have a blast.
Eventually we started bringing toys to the park, we loaded up our van with water guns, plastic toys, toy guns, racquets, balls, chalk, bubbles, action figures.  Pretty much anything we could draw the neighbourhood and park kids in too play with Braden. It was a lot of work, but when those kids saw our wagon coming filled with toys. They'd come running. Genius.

Then we put in a in ground pool. That was another good idea. 

We had countless pool parties, school year end parties, special engagement parties and just "lets get together" parties.
We also put in a hot tub, in the winter time it was wonderful. Braden could have friends over and they could spend time outside in the hot tub together.

Having all the kids come to our house worked great. It was ALOT of work, and we were exhausted parents. But we did it. He did not miss out on anything. Paul and my brother built a creative in the back yard as well. It was an all wooden structure that  had stairs that were laid out perfectly for Braden so he could do them himself. It was amazing.
On top of the creative, he could crawl around the whole thing by himself. I had to stay close but at least he was independent with friends. There was nothing sweeter than hearing him laughing with his buddies, you never knew what he was up too.

 All his friends could run around, but if he played his cards right he could always control the play. He learned very young how to keep those kids interested and intrigued with playtime at our house. Even in the pool they knew exactly how to keep Braden integrated. 
During a school play, he was a part of everything. The kids made sure of it.

For all the negatives we always had ten positives. I truly have not much to complain about. The people in our lives were wonderful. The kids who played and entertained Braden through his childhood were honestly a god send. That included our neighbourhood kids as well. We had the best set up here on Wadsworth Cres.

The purpose of this blog post is too let people know, that our communities are not set up for children in wheelchairs. We have a long way to go, so many changes need to be made. My advice to you, if you are a parent reading this post and you are at a park and see a child in a wheelchair. Please make an effort to bring your child over to them. Ask them if they'd like to play. Ask the parent or guardian what can we do to make it easier for their child too join in.

Having the time today too go through all these memories, I look back and wonder how we did it. My hopes would be too inspire you to make a difference.
Well my lovelies, I hope you are all doing well. Until next time good night and god bless~

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Caramel bites and Sunday Delights~

So I made these caramel bites tonight, I shared the recipe on Facebook and they looked amazing. I started out with some sugar and cinnamon. Mixed those two ingredients together. Set aside.

Take your croissant dough (Pilsbury) and unroll them, pop a caramel square onto each triangle. What I would do differently here is cut away some of the dough. My bites were big, they grew quite a bit while in the over and the caramels really melted out of them. They were still good, but there was more dough than necessary.

Yes, below you can see how much dough is there. You really don't need that much.

Fold the dough around the caramel...

Roll the ball until its smooth and easy to cover in the sugar/cinnamon mixture

Here we are adding the sugar....

I tried to get a good picture of the caramel bite

Roll them all up, put down some parchment paper and pre-heat oven too 350 degrees

Bake for 12 minutes, I left them in for an extra couple minutes. I just felt there was a lot of dough. Like I mentions, trim away some of the dough before rolling them.

I opened one up so you can see the gooey goodness.Honestly they were really good, I think they'd be best served with some vanilla ice cream. YUM!!!
Well my lovelies, hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I did! Absolutely loving the weather, so excited for summer~
Until tomorrow good night and god bless

Friday, April 22, 2016

100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter #77 Pay close attention to those who don't clap when you win

100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter~
My dearest Freckled Fox, this one is important. It's something you might not need or realize until you are a much older version of you.
It's pretty self explanatory fox, and I think when you are older it will make much more sense. This speaks for itself, I don't have much more to say. Be careful of those around you, pay close attention. If someone isn't clapping and showing their support when you are winning they are not a true friend.
Its not difficult for anyone to show support by a simple pat on the back, a Facebook like or a retweet, quick text, telephone call or a coffee date to celebrate an accomplishment. When you notice those things are not existent in a relationship, then its time to move on.
This post is intended for a much older, more matured, seasoned fox. SO re-read this when you're in your 30's. It will all make sense then.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ollie's Birthday & and homemade dog cake~

 On April 10th a little tiny Morkie was born into this world and I had no idea on that day somewhere he was squirming his way around some tiny litter of puppies. He is the light of my life, and I truly do believe he was sent to me as a calming presence. My friend Colleen pointed it out once, she said Ollie is like a "therapy" dog for me. You know what? I had no idea that is what he was, but she's right. That little boy is by my side every waking hour of the day. When I get upset, frustrated, sad or angry he pops his little head somewhere into my personal space and I realize I am upsetting him. So then I calm myself. I don't like to see him upset or worried, so I immediately calm down. His presence in my life is like something I have never had before. It is probably not a healthy relationship. I do rely on him, I don't like being away from him (although I do) and his happiness makes me happy. All of my dogs do...but Ollie has a bond with me. I love that yittle boy~
Here is the recipe and instructions to his birthday cake:

1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 T. baking powder
1 ripe banana, smushed
1/4 c. unsweetened applesauce
1 T. maple syrup
1 cups water
1/2 c. organic natural peanut butter for icing~
 So i'm not going to explain the stages here, you can tell by my photo's how I made them. So easy to follow the directions. I made one big cupcake for Ollie's birthday cake and then I made a bunch of tiny ones for the rest of the pups. It was a wonderful birthday for a special boy~
Preheat oven to 350*. Grease a cupcake tin with coconut oil.  This recipe makes 6 pupcakes.
In a small bowl, combine the flour and baking powder.  Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, cream the applesauce, banana, and syrup.  While the mixer is running, alternate adding the water and flour mixture.  Do this until everything is combined.

 Here is Ollie's finished cupcake, then I just needed to add the icing!
There is a few of the tiny ones. I added little dinosaur sprinkles cause Ollie is a little boy and loves boy things lol
Here he is trying to get a glimpse and taste of his cake.

Some of Ollie's guests Included Parker pictured above and Mac below. How cute are these two boys!
Finn is the best present opener ever...she dives in there and opens all the presents! She loves birthday parties!
Parker got Ollie the biggest cookie ever...he was in heaven!!
Check out the size of this cookie.
Ollie gave out some treat bags to his guests. I made homemade dog cookies and chicken jerky for the pups to take home.
I cannot believe Ollie is 6 years old.

Here he is in all his glory. Its all about him!!
You can say having a birthday "party" for your pet is crazy. I did a post about this topic awhile back. But let me remind you.
Through the years, we have missed one to many parties, functions, get togethers, play dates and holidays due to illness, hospitalizations or tests and appointments. When you spend a lot of time during your childhood attending appointments and missing fun quickly learn that "celebrating" is a state of mind. Its up too you to turn any excuse possible into a family dinner featuring a birthday cake with funny hats. Celebrating our dogs birthdays started with Harley. Again, we had missed friends birthdays due too illness. So as a mother, I grasped at whatever I could to give my kids a celebration to make them smile. To this day, we still celebrate the dogs birthdays. Not so much for the same I',m a crazy dog lady who literally loves her dogs as much as her own kids. Technically I don't care what you think of my "celebrations". I have my whole family together, we are singing, laughing, eating cake and happy with life in that moment. Who wouldn't want that?!
Well my lovelies, until next time good night and god bless~

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Guest blogger today..Featuring Braden Martz

I am very honoured and proud to be sharing one of Braden's writing pieces with you today. I asked him if he'd mind writing for my blog and he happily offered up this piece he wrote a few years ago.
He is a very deep soul who has conquered a lot in life thus far. I am seriously so very privileged to have this opportunity to share his writings, thoughts and feelings. Braden is a very private individual who doesn't let many inside his thoughts. He has so much to share, so much to teach and I am looking forward to all things he will contribute to this world.
Thank you Braden for this post. I love you so much xo

I just got through the tough years
I know it took a couple of beers but hey
That shit helps when I'm dealin with fears

Seeing what I've done
Seeing who I've hurt 
Being selfish when I threw it all in the dirt
But what is it worth I would ask
I'd sit back and bask in a ultimate relapse of what I was becoming
Hannible lectar without his leather humming

I would crave drugs I've never done before
Wanting something else to stop the dangers I lay before
Or stop the thoughts i can't help but think of
Like how I feel of rotting below while I look at the world above

But that was the past 
My future is vast and its moving fast 
Was like getting through war with no bullet proof vest
I found my zest
Now I'm doing my best

But I just wanna say mom
I'm doing ok I just gotta look back and see what I did
Look at my scars and cover them in ink
My thoughts are clear as I jot them down in ink
Cause it's all in how I think
I could be on the brink feel my pride shrink as I work out the kink
Then build up from there and rip a problem up and create fear 

In the end I'm still here better than ever
Using my voice to tell a story
Of how I made it through 
And now I'm just sailin~


Monday, April 4, 2016

Lemon Merignue Cupcakes

On Sunday I made these most delicious Lemon Meringue cupcakes. I do try to make different desserts each Sunday. As most of you know Sunday's are our family dinner evening. This dessert I kept very simple, and I am sure you can even make it. ;)
Below is just a basic lemon cake mix:

I let the cupcakes cool, and moved on to make some lemon pie filling. I also let that cool~

Once the cupcakes are cooled I cut a hole in the top of each one, this is where I will fill them with Lemon pie filling.

Don't forget we have to make the meringue, that is easy peasy. Two egg whites whipped until peaks form and add 1/4 cup of white sugar.

Below I have added the Lemon to fill the cupcakes.

I actually put the meringue into a ziplock bag with a piping tip. That way I could swirl them and it would look pretty.

Now you can put them into the oven under the broiler, but I have one of these heating guns. (The name has escaped me) Anyways, I just cooked the outside of the meringue with the gun and flame. Made it look all toasty.

Finished product, and I have to say they were really good.
Well there you have it friends, I thought I would share this easy idea with you. They do make a really nice treat on a Sunday. Little different from Lemon Meringue Pie, but still has the sensational taste~
I hope you are all doing well, so until tomorrow good night and god bless~