Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Welcome Ollie!!

Well my friends, we may just have a new member to our family. Meet Ollie, we have had him for a week and I don't think he is going anywhere! We pretty much love him and he has become a big part of our family, without even trying. I know I didn't tell too many about him, we just were not sure what the outcome was going to be. But I can say with considerable affirmation he is not going to be leaving us. Still waiting for the final word...but its looking great for us.
Yes, we have three dogs...and its alot of work. But, as you know Harley is aging and his age is becoming more apparent each day. Finley is in love...from a distance with Ollie but I see a fun, exciting, crazy relationship starting between them. Ollie has been a good thing for this family. It's taken my mind off of alot of things lately and redirected some of my worries and concerns..this has been a great week and I won't let Ollie go without a fight!
Enjoy the pictures...he is gorgeous!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Introducing my new minor niner...

These next few pictures are actually from the photo shoot that we did a couple weeks ago. These friends are from Kailey's ringette team. Honestly this group of girls are the ones who Kailey spends most of her time with, we have every weekend with them and at least 3 nights a week together. They are a very close bunch, it is nice to see that even with ringette not in season..they still are making the effort to see eachother weekly. These friendships will last a life time!!

The event and I mean event started out very nicely. About 15 kids and their parents got an invitation to Michelle and Blair's house to take memorable pictures of their teen's with their dates and their friends. It was great, Michelle had wine, beer and water for parents and we used her gardens to line the kids up and take numerous pictures of them. It was so difficult trying to get each one, looking, smiling and paying attention..that many kids seemed impossible.
The pictures went awesome, very smoothly with some time to even sit and chat before leaving to go to the church for the graduation service.

Kailey and Garrett, this is Kailey's date. He was a perfect gentleman and even had a corrsage for her. He took the time to find out what color she was wearing so that he could match with her. Paul and I were both very happy for Kailey, she had a wonderful time with Garrett and all her friends.

The picture above is a of the 3 couples that attended graduation together in Kailey's group of friends. They are all stunning!

Balloon's on the stage..2010..

Kailey waiting in line to walk down into the church to be seated.

Way to go Kailey, congratulation's on your success...we are so proud. Your dad, nana, papa, Braden and myself know how hard you work, how dedicated you are to the things that you love and we admire your ability to stay connected to your family even when the world is calling your name. It is going to be a pleasure watching you grow and become the best that you can be! As you would say.."If the path you are taking doesn't have obstacles, it's probably not worth taking"!!

Above is a picture of Kailey's bestest, who just happened to be fortunate enough to be the validectorian. Carrigan is a very gifted, talented and all around wonderful girl who did a bang up job on the stage last night. Seriously, this young lady rocked that church with her poise, leadership and willingness to lead this group of grade 8 students into a whole new year of highshool, memories, fun and hard work. She really did put forth a tremendous effort and being a friend to her and her family...last night I was more than proud to be able to say.."that young lady is a part of my life". Well done champ!!

Kailey and Kayla...I have so many pictures of these two as babies! It's been amazing having the opportunity to see them become teenagers, and share so many laughs together..just like their mommies!

After the ceremony, the students headed back to the school for a dance. At 11pm we were to pick them up and then the Merkeir's had a wonderful backyard party for the graduates and some of the parents. I had the priviledge of staying, unfortunately I was suffering from a terrible migraine and felt aweful. I managed though, and Colleen was with me I wasn't alone driving the roads at 1:30am. About 9 girls were invited to sleepover at another girls house. Mrs. B (confidentiality?) actually, graciously fed all of the girls in the morning and also provided them all with a lunch. Thank you Mrs. B. The girls had a great time at the sleepover, lots of laughs and story telling...probably facebook surfing as well! They then got up in the morning and walked to school together. Tradition for the grade 8's is that the next day the girls are to go to school without touching their hair, or putting in makeup and go to school in their pajama's...its tradition! The girls were exhausted, but they had the best night of their lives. Thanks to all the parents who helped, supported and encouraged these girls to celebrate, party, whoop and holler....oh, I can't even think about grade 12's gonna cost a small fortune!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Graduation 2010

Good evening my friends, today has been crazy, busy with no time for blogging! I am sorry but tomorrow I will have many pictures and stories of Kailey's graduation day. This is a big step, and all us parents felt it in our hearts tonight. WOW!! Highschool!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Graduation..another chapter.

Well tomorrow I will officially be starting another chapter of my life! Yes, Kailey is graduating from junior high and entering highshcool in September.
I am very excited for Kailey's friend Carrigan who was asked to be the validictorian for the graduation ceremony. I know that she will do a most wonderful job, she has the stage presence, personality,witt, and charm to pull this responsibility off without any hesitation or reluctance. She will be fabulous, and without doubt will have her fellow students, friends and parents leaving with a sense of excitment, happiness and pride.
I am very happy for Kailey who actually has a date to take her to grad. This young man from what I have heard is funny, kind and above all...respectful. I know Kailey will have alot of fun, and she is looking forward this new chapter beginning and closing the doors on the old one. I will post pics tomorrow my friends, finally I will get to brag about how gorgeous she looked!
Good night my friends...

Friday, June 25, 2010

I almost missed a night...HA.

Friends, as I sit here you must know that I almost forgot to blog tonight. YOu see, Paul and I were at a friends 40th birthday party and had a very nice time. We ate, we laughed and some poker was played...which Paul lost at, but I give him an A for effort. Dwayne wore my favorite shirt.."Ride my Swell" from Hollister..he was parading around the kitchen like a show pony, I think he was hinting at something?!? LOL, overall it was alot of fun, and as I have said before..I love this group of people!
So, tonight is a short blog, it is 1:00am and I am sooo ready for bed! Good night my friends and god bless!!

Family Matter's Friday's...

Well my friends, Kailey is home from her school trip to Ottawa and I couldn't be happier! Seriously after having her gone for the week it made me realize how much I love her! Not that I ever wondered how much I love her...its just when they are not with you...your heart aches..and my heart was aching!
Its nice to see her freckle face and beautiful blue/green eyes, hear her talk and listen to her footsteps again across our kitchen floor. We are heading out for a much needed family and dinner with the kids. I will never give up on asking/making my children spend time with Paul and I. I must admit the next couple years living with teenagers is going to prove to be difficult. I still have some control over certain things...however I am learning to let go. I have so much on my mind right now in life. Paul and I took Braden out for lunch on Wednesday and discussed what he would like to do for his college years? You know, go alone with a nursing staff or have one of us (meaning his parents) come with him, rent a townhouse, or apartment? We do have a year until we need to be thinking of this stuff, but I am a planner and I hate change so the conversation was more for my sake because I am kinda freaking out about it! Braden laughs at me...he is understanding of my concerns and he gets that its going to be hard for me! He ever so sweetly reminded me that he has and always will have only.."one mommy" and he will always need me! The thought of someone else filling my shoes and taking care of his needs literally makes me want to throw up, I will need somesort of professional help to get through this phase of life! It will be hard to give it up...but I am preparing know, and I will take my time to accept the changes and find a way to strong and remain mentally stable. It will be fine, I can do this!
Anyways, when I was trying to come up with a topic for today's blog I kinda thought about the next few years with having teenagers around and still spending time with them as a family. You see, Kailey is growing up way to fast...and my eyes are just now opening up to this idea. So, i am trying to find a balance that suits all of our needs while living together in this place we call home! It's going to have to be a give in take situation...I understand there will be times when she and Braden will not have the time to go to movies, out to dinner or even possibly just a lazy summer day out by the pool. However, with that said, I hope they realize that I am their mother and they were born into this family so they better understand that I will have expectations when it comes to family time. Family time is vital when raising children and I feel it keeps them grounded and that makes them feel safe. My children will always have roots here, and I will probably always expect them to give me one dinner a week (that's when they are all grown up) and of course holidays. I still see my parents once a week for dinner's and those days are my favorite day's of the week. I know my kids have a strong heart for home, they love to spend time with us...just not as much as they use too and that's ok. I am enjoying watching them grow and change and become independant, smart, sophisticated young adults...where did the time go my friends?
I have taken some information to share with you, incase you too are raising teenagers and struggling with spending time with them. Hope this helps.
What parents can do - spend time with your teenager

This is often hard to arrange as young people usually want to spend a lot of time with their friends. You may have to be very flexible in order to make sure it happens. Here are some suggestions for special times.

Mealtimes - if the family eats together, at least on some occasions you can share what happened in your day, what’s the latest news, their ideas and interests.
Drive them when they need to be dropped off. Offering to drive gives you a good opportunity for time together. Teenagers often talk more easily when not looking at you face to face.

Bedtime. A visit to their bedroom for a casual chat can work for you both.
Coffee time. Use a few spare minutes to offer to take your teenager out for a coffee or milkshake (probably at a shop where their friends don’t usually go - teenagers are often embarrassed if their friends see that they are out with a parent).
It isn’t easy to find special times but if you can manage it’s worth it.

Respect their privacy
Give them some space of their own. Ask their permission to enter their room.
Don’t go through their diaries or drawers in their absence.
Don’t pry for information except where it is important for you to know to make sure they are safe. For example, it is okay to ask teenagers to let you know where they will be when they are not at home.

Take an interest in their interests - and share yours
Try really listening to some of their music and then talk about the words of songs you like best.
Watch their sport or activities – don’t coach them (unless you are the official coach), but be supportive.
Watch their favourite TV shows with them sometimes - without being too critical.
Try sharing something about your work or your interests as you would with an adult friend.
Share something about your own adolescence (without preaching!) and share a laugh with them about how things have changed.
Take them to a movie that you would both like (or go to one of theirs and talk about it.)

Listen to them
When young people talk to parents they often get advice, reassurance or a sermon before they have had a chance to really say how they feel. This not only stops communication, it also stops teenagers finding their own ways to deal with problems. The most helpful responses from parents are ones that show interest and open the way for the young person to talk on, such as:

"How come?"
"You must have felt..."
"That sounds exciting...."

Show your love for them
Love needs to be continually shown in order to be felt.

Tell your teenagers often that you love them (when the time seems right).
Show your love by touching and hugging (teenagers who say they are too old for hugs will often accept a quick hug before they are fully awake in the mornings, or will like to have their aches massaged after sport).
Buy their favourite food sometimes.
Buy something on a shopping trip that says “I was thinking about you”.
Go out of your way to help them with special projects.
Pick them up from outings on the other side of town.
Leave a note on their pillow telling them that you felt proud of something they have done or that you love them (for no particular reason).

Make special memories
Doing special things together can have lasting effects.

Take one of your teenager’s friends on holiday with you.
Take the family to a special show you would not usually go to.
Explore a special place with your teenager.
Create traditions that are special to your family, eg a special way that you always celebrate birthdays.
Make sure that your teenager feels a part of the wider family, eg by sharing family occasions. (Many teenagers groan about these for a while but they are also part of their security).
Make a collection of photographs of family and friends, over their childhood and growing up years, and hang them on a wall.

Have faith in them
Let them know they are special.
Ask their advice about something they know a lot about, eg how to program the DVD player.
Display their photographs and crafts.
Keep a scrapbook of their special achievements.
If they make mistakes have faith that they will do better next time.

Just a little information to help you along the way while raising teenagers! I found this information helpful, and actually alot of the tips I already's nice to see that I am trying to keep a strong family relationship with these two amazing teens!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Typically I have Wednesday's reserved for "Wednesday Reflection", but today I have posted my son's green screen trial of effects. He is hoping to write, direct, film and submit a video in the next coming weeks to a contest which he could win 5,000 dollars. I am so excited and proud. He has such a creative mind and loves to come up with ideas to share with others. He has such a story to tell and share in life and I cannot wait until he chooses to use his abilities and make his dreams come true. Braden is the type of young man who can draw you in, intrigue and charm you with his charisma and attractive personality. He has always had the ability even as a young child to captivate a room and have each person sit and listen attentively to what he has to boy will have a wonderful career someday if he uses his strengths for good and not So, please watch his video, its short but sweet...hopefully I will have more to follow in the near future. Great Job Braden..I am so proud!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dinner with the in-laws!

Tonight we had Paul's Dad and his lady friend Suzanne over for dinner. Suzanne loves pasta so I made spagetti which she actually loves. They both look fantastic and it was so nice to get caught up with them. I just love my father in law, he is truely a very kind, supportive, caring man. He loves to listen and learn all about his grandchildren, he loves to watch all 16 of them in their choice of sports, he is so supportive that way. He is also so proud of his own kids, when Paul finished our basement he beamed with pride. He was so impressed with Pauls handy work. Suzanne is wonderful for him, they are great companions and I admire that they can laugh with one another...something I hope Paul and I can continue to do as we age.
Today I cleaned out my cupboards, I need to get a couple new plates. I love pottery, I just love the imperfections that each piece brings to the table...i think I will go out and look at some new pieces soon. They will look so nice behind the glass in the cupboards.
Kailey left for Ottawa this morning, I was up so early to drop her off at school...I was happy for her! She loves her friends and she loves to spend time with them. I will miss her like crazy while she is gone. My neighbours daughter and son live in Ottawa and Steph contacted Kailey to tell her that if she needed anything she could call her. I know Kailey will be just fine, but its nice to know that someone is there just incase! I was relieved.
Well my friends, Paul and I are off to watch a movie...short blog tonight, so sorry!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of summer & Monday's Menu..

Well my friends, how did you enjoy the first day of summer? Little story for you..Braden and I were having breakfast this morning and we were watching our usual tv pleasure "Breakfast Television", which we happen to love. Paul sat down to join us with his coffee and toast complete with PB&J. SO, Dina (tv breakfast host) announces that today is the first day of summer...with complete excitment and happiness all over I do a little happy dance, so thrilled that summer is officially here and the kids will be done school this week!! YEAH!! Here's to's to cold beer, soaking in the sun, summer lovin, warm nights, summer skies, and great friends! Braden decides to join in with the celebration and gives me a smile and nod to acknowledge my excitment. Paul who sits quietly at the other end of the living room, pipes up with all his overly stimulating *cough{sarcastically said}cough*
wonderful contribution to the start of summer decides to stab me in the heart and completly ruin the moment with..."yea's only going to get darker earlier in the evening from here on in!!" WELL, piss in my cheerio's jerk!! LOL, seriously Paul?? Really?? Did you have to say that? LOL,
Braden silently dropped his head with disappointment in acknowledgment to his father's ridiculous comment...we sat silently until it was time to go to school!! LOL
What a Paul!!

The sun set at 9:05pm tonight...

So tonights dinner was great, I actually used an old recipe to make chicken burgers...I just took 5 chicken breasts and coated them with shake n bake, then baked them at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes.
They were really good, very simple but the kids loved them on a bun with lettuce and mayo. I did try another different salad which was honestly one of the best we have had yet. I was going to make a dessert tonight but didn't do it..
If you are reading my blog and have young children I would strongly suggest that you try this recipe out with the shake n bake, you could cut the chicken into small bite sizes and the kids would love them and besides they would be a healthier choice, then the store bought ones.
Here is the fabulous salad we had tonight...

What You Need!

4 cups salad greens
1 can (284 mL) mandarin oranges,
drained 1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup Kraft Part Skim Mozzarella Shredded Cheese
1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted

1/4 cup Kraft Extra Virgin Olive Oil Raspberry Dressing

Make It!

COMBINE all ingredients except dressing in large bowl.

DRIZZLE with dressing just before serving; toss to coat.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day


39. He looks awesome on a motorcycle

38. He was sometimes silent but always present

37. He was firm yet allowing

36. He all.
35. He wasn't always full of advice, but seeped wisdom
34, He could at times be unapproachable, until I had children of my own...thankfully he is here when I need him most.

33. He is black and white
32. He is a pillar of strength
31. He loves my husband
30. He loves ME

29. He loves, adore's and admires his grandchildren
28. He teaches, without realizing
27. He lives simply, and without expectations
26. He has taught me to be me..
25. He showed me strength
24. He taught me to fight..
23. He stood beside me when I fought my fears
22. He cries
21. He makes me laugh
20. He showed me how to be strong, when I was weak
19. He allows me to shine, and is proud
18. He listens...
17. He is forgiving
16. He is protective
15. He has taught me to be a better parent
14. He is a realist
13. When my mom has held me dad held her up
12. He loves my brother
11. He states the obvious
10. He is compassionate
9. He is tender
8. He is smart
7. He loves to laugh
6. He cuddles his grandbabies
5. He helps his neighbours
4. He is a fantastic friend
3. He fought and beat cancer
2. He is handsome
1. He has always loved my mom


You are an amazing father, who has given me the world over and over again. Thank you for spending this life with me! I love every bit of it!!

Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She’ll always find him there.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Balloon's, flowers and and pretty girls..

Above is the six beautiful girls that absolutely sparkled today!!

Today was beautiful my friends...
We met at Michelle's house this morning, all six girls and mom's! When Kailey and I arrived things were already in full swing. There were girls everywhere getting their hair curled and makeup applied. Victoria was the hairstylist and she was joke, it was fabulous. Michelle did hair as well and she pulled off a few hair styles that looked like they were done by Garren New York himself...I was in awe of her ability to curl, crimp and twist their hair into something straight out of Vogue. Victoria's friend Sadie, came over to help with makeup, the poor girl showed up with her eye swollen closed from an allergic reaction..but she did her best to smile for the younger girls who waited eagerly to have slate blue, shimmer silver eyeshadow applied to their eyelids and strawberry tasting lip gloss dabbed to complete the cover girl look. Overall the experience of the day left our girls feeling pretty special, looking so grown up and absolutely gorgeous. The events included a light breakfast, lots of coffee, singing, some dancing, smiling, giggling and then the photoshoot began...
I can only show a few pictures from today, as the girls do not want their dresses revealed before grad, so here are a few shots from todays festivities....









I am sorry my friends...I would love to have posted some color pictures of these gorgeous young ladies, but they didn't want their dresses exposed, they want a few things to be surprises on graduation day!

If I were to give these young ladies any advice words of wisdom going into their highschool years would be simple..
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Enjoy life's worth it!!