Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Introducing my new minor niner...

These next few pictures are actually from the photo shoot that we did a couple weeks ago. These friends are from Kailey's ringette team. Honestly this group of girls are the ones who Kailey spends most of her time with, we have every weekend with them and at least 3 nights a week together. They are a very close bunch, it is nice to see that even with ringette not in season..they still are making the effort to see eachother weekly. These friendships will last a life time!!

The event and I mean event started out very nicely. About 15 kids and their parents got an invitation to Michelle and Blair's house to take memorable pictures of their teen's with their dates and their friends. It was great, Michelle had wine, beer and water for parents and we used her gardens to line the kids up and take numerous pictures of them. It was so difficult trying to get each one, looking, smiling and paying attention..that many kids seemed impossible.
The pictures went awesome, very smoothly with some time to even sit and chat before leaving to go to the church for the graduation service.

Kailey and Garrett, this is Kailey's date. He was a perfect gentleman and even had a corrsage for her. He took the time to find out what color she was wearing so that he could match with her. Paul and I were both very happy for Kailey, she had a wonderful time with Garrett and all her friends.

The picture above is a of the 3 couples that attended graduation together in Kailey's group of friends. They are all stunning!

Balloon's on the stage..2010..

Kailey waiting in line to walk down into the church to be seated.

Way to go Kailey, congratulation's on your success...we are so proud. Your dad, nana, papa, Braden and myself know how hard you work, how dedicated you are to the things that you love and we admire your ability to stay connected to your family even when the world is calling your name. It is going to be a pleasure watching you grow and become the best that you can be! As you would say.."If the path you are taking doesn't have obstacles, it's probably not worth taking"!!

Above is a picture of Kailey's bestest, who just happened to be fortunate enough to be the validectorian. Carrigan is a very gifted, talented and all around wonderful girl who did a bang up job on the stage last night. Seriously, this young lady rocked that church with her poise, leadership and willingness to lead this group of grade 8 students into a whole new year of highshool, memories, fun and hard work. She really did put forth a tremendous effort and being a friend to her and her family...last night I was more than proud to be able to say.."that young lady is a part of my life". Well done champ!!

Kailey and Kayla...I have so many pictures of these two as babies! It's been amazing having the opportunity to see them become teenagers, and share so many laughs together..just like their mommies!

After the ceremony, the students headed back to the school for a dance. At 11pm we were to pick them up and then the Merkeir's had a wonderful backyard party for the graduates and some of the parents. I had the priviledge of staying, unfortunately I was suffering from a terrible migraine and felt aweful. I managed though, and Colleen was with me too..so I wasn't alone driving the roads at 1:30am. About 9 girls were invited to sleepover at another girls house. Mrs. B (confidentiality?) actually, graciously fed all of the girls in the morning and also provided them all with a lunch. Thank you Mrs. B. The girls had a great time at the sleepover, lots of laughs and story telling...probably facebook surfing as well! They then got up in the morning and walked to school together. Tradition for the grade 8's is that the next day the girls are to go to school without touching their hair, or putting in makeup and go to school in their pajama's...its tradition! The girls were exhausted, but they had the best night of their lives. Thanks to all the parents who helped, supported and encouraged these girls to celebrate, party, whoop and holler....oh, I can't even think about grade 12 graduation..it's gonna cost a small fortune!

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