Thursday, August 20, 2015

Happy birthday Spark~

Happy Birthday to my hubby, he turned 49 today.
We had a lovely evening, decided to have his celebration on his actual birthday. Usually we celebrate on the closest Sunday. But we have a busy weekend so I thought it would be nice to have dinner and cake tonight.

 I always try to get something funny for the birthday person to wear on their head when we have their dinner party. Hubby sported this funny hat during dinner, and of course while we sang happy birthday. He is such a good sport, anything for me~

The next two pictures are my Throwback Thursday. These pictures were taken on his birthday 24th birthday. 1990, and we had been together for just over a year. I had gotten him this basketball net for his bedroom at home. We had cake at my mom's, and of course did the whole birthday celebration. Even back then we celebrated on the closest Sunday. My mom would have cooked dinner, then we had homemade cake.

That's my brother Shaun in the picture below, can you believe he was only like 14/15 years old. He was just a baby. Its so nice to look back at these pictures and see how far we've come. LOL we have had so many birthday celebrations together. Looking forward to many more to come!

So here is the cake I made, it is a wood barrel, filled with beer and ice lol. Both the kids were around today so they helped me with this somewhat. Well they actually supported me during this process. I made the "ice" out of Rock Candy.
I emptied the beer cans and obviously cleaned them out before I put them on the cake.

Candles, birthday wishes, love and family~

Paul's brother Dave and his wife Char dropped in this evening as well. We had a great visit with them. I am glad them came over...I know Paul was thankful as well~
Well lovelies, I am pretty tired. Its been a long wonderful day. SO I wish you all a wonderful evening. Until tomorrow good night and god bless~

Happy Birthday Paul, I love you too the moon and back~


  1. Sorry I didn't get back in time. I wanted to drop by as well and wish Paul a Happy Birthday in person. Darn it. Well excited to see you at Josh and Ana's wedding. Love you.

  2. Happy Birthday Paul. Chrissy I loved your cake. What a cool idea. Loved the throw back pictures. Glad you had a nice celebration.

  3. Wow great job on the cake. It looks amazing.
