WOW...I really wish I would have found this world of blogging ALOT earlier in my life. It would have been especially helpful back in the day when i was coming to terms with raising a child with a physical disability. I have recently come across some very inspiring blogs from mothers who are also living in this world of special needs children. I could honestly sit all day long reading their stories, listening to them vent and look at the adorable pictures they so kindly share with us. Let me tell you...some of their stories will make mine look like a walk in the park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
I LOVE their honestly, I love how they use their words to bring you into a moment that was so vitally important to them. These women are so brave to share their feelings, their lives and their truth...it is bringing me to a place where I am almost ready to go. I really wish I would have found this blogging world along time ago. I am sure, the stories shared would have been helpful to me and would have been a great support to me!
I have also come across blogs that before you read is a warning of inappropriate content. Those blogs sometimes I cannot read...having an open mind is difficult. These blogs are those where you don't want to be ready but you just can't pull yourself away. I am aware that there are many people out their that choose to live their lives a certain way, I try my hardest not to judge, but when I'm reading a story that is morally inappropriate it proves hard not to pass judgement.
Some are just plain funny, they are almost not even believable and I wonder if there is someone at the other end writing stories just to cause an uproar. Someone with a very sick imagination is sitting at home dying laughing at the comments left by other mom's.
I have learned so much through blogging, and I have to admit overall its been a great experience. Like I said I absolutley love following the stories of families just like ours who choose to share it on thier blogs. There are some pretty amazing people out there, and I enjoy reading about them.

On another note, there seems to be so much going on in this house. Last night we had to sit down and do course selections already for next year! Can you believe that? Kail will be going into grade 10, and Braden will be applying for college this time next year!! This is going to be one crazy busy year. I am gearing down, planning, organizing and preparing for the changes about to occur within my family. Especially with the big guy wanting to go to film school in NYC. He is bound and determinded and I do believe he is in the process of making an appointment for us to go down for a tour and to discuss living arrangements and attendent care options...WOW, I keep requesting that he looks more into the Toronto College that is appealling as well. I of course will support what ever choice he makes...even if it means letting him go to NYC. The biggest concern of course if financial...this is not a cheap school, but nothing is impossible and if its what he wants, we will do our best!
We have been paying attention to Kail's course choice's and have noticed a common theme. She seem's to be excelling in course's related to physical activities and science. For the longest time she has wanted to be surgeon, however lately she's been making comments about being a physiotherapist. So many options, so many choices...she's uncertain and that's ok, the only thing I push is the fact that she NEEDS an education. I want both my children to learn as much as they can for the rest of their lives...you can never stop learning! An education is the only thing that cannot be taken away from you! I love to learn, I love to take courses all the time...the more I know the more I want to learn! My 40's are going to be years of expanding, allowing myself more time to learn...maybe even starting my own buisness?? I just never want to cripple my children with thoughts of sticking to one job, one life, one career. They have learned to live life to the fullest, love often and bring to any table as much as they can. Through education...many doors will open and they will have the opportunity to florish and build on who they want to be, or who they become. It will never matter to me how much money they make, they could work at McDonald's if they wanted but as long as they were happy and expanding their minds educationally not being stuck in a world that hinder's their mind, body and soul..I will then feel complete as a mother!I can not discount what life experience can do for the mind and the teachings of life lessons. In most instance's those lessons in life are the ones that we learn from. I have just found that the more we know and experience through education, the more chances we take. We elimanate the fear of the unknown and go into situations with some knowlegde. Success to them will be their own definition, success to me is getting through every day being the best person that I can be...even if it mean's just remaining positive!
Good luck my babies...enjoy these years, enjoy all your choices...never close any doors!
I am glad you started blogging to because it helps me with my life and choices as well. I am glad you are blogging again since I am always eager to look at your views everyday! I know its crazy with college choices, Nick will be looking at some this time next yr and time has gone by so fast! I just want my kids to be happy in what ever they door and realize that doors are always open with education. I know NYC would be a hard choice for Braden to go and I know you would never say no to what they want to do, he knows what he wants and his strenght and determination will make him succeed in what ever college he goes too. Kailey still has time to figure things out! Once our kids get older its our time to find ourselves again and make different choices and changes. Still can't believe how time as gone by!
ReplyDeleteDo you look back and feel the stress of sending them off to their first day in Kindergarten. Now Kailey is in High School and Braden is at the educational crossroads in his life. Big decisions for them and more stress for you.... lol. They're both bright kids and even if they make some poor choices, they have strong family support to get them back on the right track. Does Kailey play summer sports as well?
ReplyDeleteBTW... I absolutely love your locket and the thought and meaning behind it.
@ Candy..I couldn't have been happier when I heard about Nick looking into going back next year! Kids always have a way of making their own decisions but always make them in a way that can still please us parents. Thank you for reading my blog once again and yes, it is my spot to tell my thoughts..but they are only thoughts and everyone has their own and due to life situations everyone is different. As long as Nick finds something to do I am sure you will be proud especially if he loves his choices!
ReplyDelete@Ed, its kinda the same as sending them off to kindergarden again...its just that when they are in kindergarten we still had control..i think its letting go of the control that is most difficult and trusting in their decisions. Both my kids were in preschool so I was use to them leaving me in the morning for a few hours, haha!
Kailey doesn't play any organized sports but still trains on ice and off ice through body strengthening and running etc. I think that is something that she will always do because she keeps asking to go back to the trainer and its not something she has to do. Thank you about the locket comment, i was so happy I just need to buy a chain!