Monday, January 24, 2011

Messy Cupboards and New found treasures...

Whats new in your homes my friends? How was your weekend? Last week I have many visits with new babies. It was wonderful. Its amazing how new babies can put life into perspective! I was busy last Thursday organizing my kitchen, what a job that was. It was a messy world in here, but all slowly became organized. I started with the food cupboards and then moved to the "junk drawers". Here are some before and after pictures...

Now for the junk drawers..
and after...
Oppps, look who snuck in the picture, isn't he the cutest little guy ever? He hangs out with me and drives me crazy when i'm busy. But I still love him!!


So, i feel accomplished..kinda feel like i'm ahead in the spring cleaning department. Its great!
Another new fixture that I am working on as a project is this old antique mirror.

My mom and I went antiquing last week one afternoon, I was specifically looking for an old mirror and was pleased to find this old treasure. Once I saw it..i new this was the one! I'm not a big antique person, but with home decorating taking a turn towards including antique pieces I thought maybe i'd find some to incorporate into my home.
What do you think? I always imagine the people who would have owned this old stuff. Honestly I wonder what family owned this mirror first? Who were they? What secrets were they hiding? What hardships did they face? I wonder how many women checked their hair and put on their make up to look beautiful for a man? Pretty cool!!
Anyways, I want to re-paint the frame. Not sure what to do with it just yet? I have it up against the wall it will hang on, but I still don't know what to do? Any suggestions?

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