Thursday, February 4, 2016

Day 4~What is your dream job?

If I could have any job in the world it would be to be able to research Spinal Cord regeneration. I would work endlessly at a job like that. But to be realistic my dream job would be too work in the school board guiding and aiding them in educating teachers and school staff about children with special needs.
You know, us parents who have children with needs in the school board do nothing but laugh through most meetings with school board trustees. Its probably one of the most frustrating things a parent has to do, sit through a meeting with a bunch of idiots who think they know what's best for YOUR child.
I'm not going to sit here and act like all parents are the best advocates ever for their children because I am well aware that their are some parents without worry or concern around their child's growth and development within our school system.

We need harmony, and we need many more specialists around the IEP table when discussing the needs of each child with special needs.
My dream job would be too co-ordinate, facilitate and then orchestrate programs and dialogue around all conflicts straining relationships between parents and school boards. We have a huge hole in our education system, and in my opinion too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
There are too many "specialists" with absolutely no experience and too many closed minded parents. I cannot put all the blame on the school board because I do know some parents are not open to suggestions. That can be frustrating too...most times they have been screwed over so badly by "school officials" that they just lose trust. Parents need to feel like they can trust someone, who wants the same things they do for their child. Equality, independence, education and integration all very important in the development of childhood. Lets just get on the same page, its really not that hard to do.
Well my lovelies, its been a busy week for both Braden and I so my posts might be a bit short. So until tomorrow good night and god bless~

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