Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Where is this blog heading in 2016...

I have done a lot of thinking this past year, 2015 had me very confused about blogging. I wanted to share, I didn't want to share. Some things I wanted to blog about but others I wasn't too sure about. Most importantly I was trying to be cautious of our privacy. I have SO much to share, so much to say...but sometimes I struggle with how important it may be too you. I have so many readers, some who do reach out and email me. The ones who are raising their own children with special needs I absolutely love to hear from you. I suppose most of my life experience posts seem to be from a long time ago. At times I find maybe too some of you the information is irrelevant. It was so long ago, we have come through those years and are moving forward. But with all that said I still have a desire too write and share.

Three reasons why I feel the need to share.
1. I blog first and foremost for myself.
2. During the years of stumbling forward I didn't speak of what life was like behind closed doors. I rarely shared with family and friends how life was for us.
3. I want to help those who are now raising a child with special needs, I have a lot of life experience and I want to share it. I do not think we have done a perfect job of it, we have made many mistakes. I want to share those too, along with my reasons behind some of the decisions we made.

Although I have some friends and family who read my blog, and I am so grateful to the ones who do. I have been asked many times through the years "What can I do too help you". There is not much you can or could have done during many times, but I could use some support here on this blog. As many of you know I am working towards writing a book, and sadly much of that I cannot share on this blog because anything I write will then be owned by Blogspot. So I have to be careful with what I share. Much of my blogs are based around memories, some of which will trigger thoughts and feelings
so that I can remember events for my book.

I don't ask for comments, I'm not interested in reliving these moments in time. I do not get emotional anymore when writing them. What I do need is to be challenged. What do you want to know,  what can I do differently to make this story a better read? What are the things that interest you the most about my life's journey?

I am going to continue to share with you my hike through PTSD recovery. I am sure someone will eventually come across this blog and be able to understand and relate to that.

So I suppose this year 2016 I am going to continue on blogging, but with purpose. This blog for this year will be focusing on the same things I have in the past. Parenting a child with special needs, raising a medically fragile child and how to overcome the trials and tribulations of that. I will include my struggles with life, health, happiness, family and friendships and where that has taken me today. I can only hope that I will continue to bring justice to my story. Some things will remain only for the book, but I promise to be brave. I will share the ups, downs, ins and outs the good, bad and the ugly. Its not going to be easy, but I want to be better.
I will continue sharing with you my 100 things I want to Teach my daughter. That is something I want to leave too Kailey, although it is being shared publically its all something I would say to her or anyone else. No secrets~
Eventually I will start 100 things I want to teach my son....well then that will be funny :)

I cannot commit too every day, but I will agree better content.

So there we have it my lovelies, please stay engaged. Please keep checking in with me. I will do my very best to keep you engaged.
Good night chummy's, until tomorrow god bless~

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