Tuesday, July 21, 2015

100 things I want to teach my daughter #91~ Take Responsibility for your actions and apologize when you're wrong.

Take responsibility for your actions and apologize when you're wrong #91

This is something that is very important. It is also something that many have a hard time doing, including adults.
One of the hardest things you'll ever do is swallow your pride and admit you are wrong. Apologizing to someone who you really don't want too speak too is another life lesson that we end up with a lump in our throats.

If you ever have to apologize to someone because of your actions, but this certain person has in previous situation been somewhat of a..lets say...prick(?), trust me when I say go ahead and apologize anyway.

Its not for them, its for you.
Honestly Kailey, at first it might kill you...but in the end it will make you lift your head high and you will walk away with a clear conscious.
Admitting I am wrong to someone who I don't think highly of is a challenge, but when you're wrong, you're wrong...nothing more nothing less.
( I am not saying you are ever too apologize for your feelings or for who you are. NEVER EVER apologize for that. Be proud, stand tall and always believe in yourself.)

When you love someone or just care about them sometimes admitting you're wrong is just for the other person. Sometimes you have to put yourself in their shoes and consider maybe how they are feeling about the situation. It is more important at times in life to make those you love feel better when there is doubt. You may need to put your own feelings slightly behind you, stuffed in your back pocket just to let your love one know even though you don't agree you can respect them enough to admit you may be in the wrong. With that said, be careful not too alter or change your beliefs and morals when apologizing or admitting you may be wrong.

And in times when you are dealing with the ignorant my darling some people are just not worth your breath. My sweet girl, when this happen only take responsibility for your actions. Admit when you are wrong and still apologize because I promise it may not feel right initially but when the dust settles you will feel better for yourself.
The ignorant will think they "won", but trust me....deep down you know better, and its more important that at the end of the day you did the right thing for yourself and you can proceed in your own life with a clear mind and a loving heart. When people hold on too negative feelings it changes who you are and you don't want to have your mind, body and soul affected because of someone who doesn't really matter to you.

However baby, always remember mommy will always be right ;) don't forget that, ever.
No point in arguing with me, lol and I always promise to forgive you when you apologize to me :)
I love you bug~

My lovelies, my computer was broken for a week so I didn't take the time to blog. I am back and I am doing my best to keep this blogging going through the summer months. It's so hard though with all the things going on in my life right now. I have some things to get you caught up on and I am looking forward to sharing those with you.
So, until tomorrow my friends good night and god bless~

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