Sunday, May 24, 2015

52 Week Money Challenge

Hello chummies, I have decided to share with you something Paul and I started the first week of January. Next August, my wonderful husband turns 50!!!! Can you believe that?
So with hubby turning 50, we have decided that we are going to take a 2 week holiday somewhere absolutely amazing~
Paul and I have done some travelling through our years, but mostly trips to warm places. Mexico, Cuba, know vacation destinations. Kailey and I have travelled to Europe, we visited Greece, Italy and Rome. My dream destination would be Ireland, Scotland and maybe a jaunt over to Germany. Honestly though, I would love to take Paul to Capri, Italy. It was one of the most romantic spots I've ever had the privilege to visit. I would love to walk those cobblestone streets again, except this time holding Paul's hand.
Well we started saving money, putting money away monthly just so we can have a nice lump sum. We also started this Money Jar.
I bought an old Ball Jar from the local antique shop. I found this idea on Pinterest. So I printed out the weekly challenge and taped it right on the jar. Each week you have to put the amount of money according to the number of the week you are in. For example: Week One = 1.00, Week Two=2.00. Week Twenty Three= 23.00...etc etc
By the time you reach week 52 which is one will have accumulated 1,378.00. That is a great amount we can deposit into our vacation fund. I think this is something we are going to continue to do. It really is so easy, and its neat to see the money grow.

I added the weekly challenge chart below, take a look....I challenge you to try it! Then you can take the money at the end and put it towards something you've been wanting, or maybe take a holiday like Paul and I.
Well friends, it was a wonderful weekend. Probably one of my favorites so far this spring. Living life, loving family and laughing the days away~
Until tomorrow my chum's good night and god bless xo

1 comment:

  1. Wow thats just crazy, 50. I think thats an amazing idea. What a wonderful trip you both will have. I am so excited for you and cant wait to see all the pictures of that amazing trip! Good luck! I know you guys will do it!
