Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Happy Tuesday & who is Italy Bound?

Some days that's all i'm going to have to say.....hoping every one has had a good day. My day was great! Kailey finished her final exam for her class, Braden is done school for the summer. We had an afternoon with the three of us at home so we decided to go to the movies. We went to a matinee and saw the movie Furious 7, and it was such a good movie.

 I am trying to spend as much time as I can with the kids as come September Kailey will be off to University, I am aware of how much she is going to grow and change once she is off in school.

Really..once our kids leave for school, they don't typically come back to us. After school finishes, they hopefully have career's lined up and find the perfect living accommodations. It's  an exciting time, and its also a shift in our family life.
After our movie, I had a phone call to make. Then I met Heather for a drink to celebrate her birthday. She told me her daughter Shannon is off to Italy on Friday for 3 weeks.

 How amazing is that!! Shannon is in school to become a teacher, and through her program she has the opportunity to teach at a grade school in Italy for 2 weeks. They have a program at their school were they teach about Canada. They learn English, and the Canadian student teachers come up with a curriculum to teach the students about our Canadian culture. She then gets to travel for week, such a wonderful opportunity.
 I sent her a text wishing her a wonderful time, and I suggested she try to get to Capri Italy while she is there. It is by far one of my most favorite places in the world. There is nothing like sipping on Lemoncello walking the streets of Sorrento or Capri.

 Its so weird to have our children at this stage of life. I mean its just a matter of time until they are working in their selected fields, and eventually married with children. *sigh*
After my drink with Heather I came home and begged Paul to walk the dogs with me. It was close to 10pm so it was late. But it was such a nice night out. He had done a six mile run this evening, so he wasn't thrilled about going on a walk. He did it...because he loves me! *smiles*
Well that's my day in a nutshell chummies~
Until tomorrow good night and god bless xo

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