Tuesday, July 25, 2017

100 things I want to teach my daughter # 64 Make your own baby food~

100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter   #64 Make your own baby food.

It's surreal to think of you as a mother as I sit here watching a scary movie on a Saturday night. But I know the day will come, and god willing I will be there to watch you maneuver through the hands down most important job of your life, becoming a mother.

Fox I am here to tell you becoming a mom is the best. You will never love anyone like you will your own children. I will say, a woman should love her husband with the same passion as her children. In reality, you do. Always and I mean always put your marriage before and above anything else. The best gift you can give your children is to love their father with a passion that could move mountains.

The second best gift is too and honestly the most important is to make your own baby food. Now in order to be successful with this you must be organized.

When I had Braden, it was your Aunt Sue who taught me how to do this. She was doing it with Josh and then Jordan. She told me to cook all my food, puree it, let it cool and then put it in ice cube trays.

I loved the idea. So I started with vegetables, moved to fruit and then meats. It was a lot more work than buying baby food but so much healthier, not to mention cost effective.  Each day I would take what ever meals I wanted for him/you during that day and let them thaw. Then when I had to make it a thinner consistency I would add some formula/breast milk to thin it out and warm it up. I will forever be grateful for that lesson in life. I want to pass that on to you fox. Make your own baby food for your children, of course that's something I would help you with when the time comes :)

There are so many more ideas these days for mom's and dad's. So many healthy treats, natural ingredients that benefit your baby.
I am certain by even the time you are feeding your children this will once again be different. Regardless of all the other options available to you at that time. Just promise me you will keep your children's meal time fun, healthy and practical. Not simple, quick and easy.
Some days fox its ok to follow the rules, its ok to take a break from cooking. Whether its you or your husband making meals, sometimes its perfectly fine to eat cereal, eggs, or pancakes for dinner. It's expectable and expected to cut corners on busy days.  There are no rules, do not stress yourself out with dinner plans and meal options.
My only advice to you is with a baby starting solids, make sure its healthy and homemade.
Well my darling, until next time..good night and god bless~

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