Thursday, January 5, 2017

Say No Politely and Quickly~ 100 Things i Want to Teach My Daughter #71

#71 ~Say No Politely and Quickly

My fox, this is something that I have not been very good at. Through my 30's I spent so much time doing things for so many people and not feeling like I had the right to say no.

I actually think you have a pretty balanced outlook on what your boundaries are and honestly you have even taught me that its ok to say no. 
I just hope as you get older and more people start to demand your time and attention that you continue to filter out all your Yes's.

Sometimes we as women tend to take on a lot more than our plates can handle. Its a terrible feeling when the plate "runnith over" and you don't feel in control.

Its so very important fox that when you don't want to do something that you have the strength and will to say no, and not feel you owe an explanation.

NO is a one word sentence. When you use it correctly no one will feel the need to challenge you. Short and sweet my darling, and walk away without regret.

My point being simple, say no without feeling the need to explain why. We grow up in a society were we feel we owe others an explanation.
The truth be told, we don't need to explain when we say no to someone. I mean its clearly nice to give someone a reason why you may not be available to them. But keep it short, a good friend won't feel the need for a song and dance. A good friend will trust in you and understand your answer even if its a no.

Do not become a people pleaser Fox, your life will be so much more peaceful if you do what you want in life for you.

Well we are slowly getting through this list of 100 things I want to teach my daughter...thank god.
I am not really posting in any kind of order as far as what is the most important lesson in life. But this one is definitely in the top 10.
I'm a little out of practice with writing these posts, I just didn't have the words forming well this evening. But I suppose this lesson is pretty self explanatory.
And in all honesty, this post will just be a reminder for when you are a 40 something mommy, wife and professional just trying to make the world everyone lives in just a tad more easy. Hopefully you won't make the same mistakes that I made and find yourself exhausted in your mid forties. I don't really regret a lot of my Yes's, I have had an amazing life. I have a great husband, amazing kids and a great group of friends who all through the years have received a well deserved yes from me.
But with that, I am learning to say no. The no's didn't come as easy as the yes's..but they are coming and I am totally ok with that~
Good night my loves, until next time God Bless~

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