Tuesday, December 1, 2015

100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter #83 Meet Someone Who Makes You Laugh So Hard You Pee~

#83 Find Someone who makes you laugh so hard you pee~

This is an easy one, honestly Fox if he makes you laugh like those really deep belly laughs then he is definitely worth hanging on too.
Humour is one of the most important qualities in a man! Especially in our family...lol
You know my story with your dad, when I first started dating him my friends weren't too sure of him. I remember them thinking he was kind of "snobby". He wasn't the most outgoing guy, he didn't really go out of his way to impress anyone. It took me a long time to convince them that he really is an awesome guy.
When it was just the two of us together, oh my god he made me laugh...all of the time.
Still today, he is the one who makes me laugh the hardest. I suppose maybe because we have such a history together that the things we can laugh at are sometimes things others wouldn't dream too.

Its like a partnership, seriously when the right guy comes around it won't take you long to figure out if he is someone that will life your spirits and make you laugh during hard times.

If he can make you laugh so hard you pee, my Freckled Fox he is a man to certainly consider to spend your life with.

In my darkest moments, in the nights of uncertainty when I didn't know what my life was going to be the next day...your dad made it his life mission to make me smile. When we laughed, and tears would come to my eyes, and I would pee my pants....I knew whatever was going to be thrown at me, we'd get through it. We would be sure of that, and we'd always find something to laugh at.

Its not easy to find Fox, so if he makes you laugh until you pee....hold on to him. There will be days when his smile and his humor will be the only thing to make you want to be strong.

Well my lovelies, I'm out. I hope you are all doing well...until tomorrow good night and god bless~


  1. Well said my friend. Laughter is the best quality is in a man. He is a keeper if you find laughter like that. Good luck! I hope you truly get everything you want.

  2. Well said my friend. Laughter is the best quality is in a man. He is a keeper if you find laughter like that. Good luck! I hope you truly get everything you want.
