Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kailey's last day of Work!

This past Friday Kailey finished her last shift at Solutions. It was a bittersweet time for her, its exciting that she is going off to University but sad she won't be seeing her co-workers regularly. Kailey really likes her place of work and very much enjoys her co-workers. She came home from work Friday night with tears, happy ones and sad ones. When she left they gave her a lovely card which everyone signed. That was so nice, and I sent her with these cake balls. Kailey said everyone loved them and that made me happy.
We are very grateful that Kailey will be able to pick up shifts were needed, and if school doesn't occupy too much of her time maybe the occasional weekend she can get a visit in at her work. She is hoping they will have room for her at Christmas, it would be ideal if she could get some shifts in over the holidays and get some extra cash.
I know this year is going to go so quickly, and she'll be back home sleeping in her bedroom before I know it. Doesn't make it any easier, but I will take comfort knowing she's only 30-40 mins away~
Well my lovelies, until tomorrow good night and god bless~


  1. Ah that was so nice of her work. I bet it was hard to leave. But she is going to University. How crazy is that? Not sure where the time has gone and our kids are all grown up. Kailey is going to love University and the experience. So excited for her. I am sure they will welcome her back at anytime. She is a wonderful young lady. I love your cake balls. They look amazing. Love you guys.

    1. Thanks Candy we are so proud of her! Looking forward to see where her journey takes her! Love you too!!
