Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Good Friendships Are Equal...100 Things To Teach Your Son~

99. Good Friendships Are Equal.

Dear Son, I have never been prouder of the friends you have chose to keep in your life. You have been very smart with seeing the good ones and the bad ones. Thankfully you have many friends and you are very well liked. I hope you always have that quality to draw people into your life, you are a ton of fun and people migrate to you for a good time. Your father and I admire that about you. You are a very generous friend, you give to others, you share your time and you are always available to listen when someone needs you.
May you always remember to expect the same back from your friendships. If you find, that someone is not giving equal time and attention in the friendship please always...think twice before moving forward. Each relationship you have needs to be the same on both sides. Its just as important as you recieve the support and effort from your relationships as you give them. Anyone who is involved in your life will be blessed with your presence. They are the lucky ones...never give up on a friendship that you know is worth keeping.

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