Monday, January 11, 2010

T'is the season...for a vacation

Tonight I have a terrible headache, I am sorry there won't be much posted! Instead I have decided to post a picture from a holiday I went on 2 years ago. I just remember sitting under this hut all by myself with no one around. It was amazing, i had my Ipod and a book, unfortunately this holiday was not one with my family and I spent alot of time missing them. Oh how I miss the peace, relaxation, sand, sun, water and view!!


  1. I'm sorry to read that you're a bit under the weather Chrissy. Take care of yourself and the blog will still be here tomorrow.

  2. Thanks Ed..the headache lasted unitl 5am, it was horrible! There is still an underlying one there that i am fighting but thankfully I have nothing to do today! Paul is going to take Braden to Hamilton for therapy so I don't even have to do that! Just relaxing today..and of course working on this blog! Hope you are well,, thanks for peeking in here once in awhile, its always nice to hear from you!
