Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday's Reflection...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My bucket List

Wow, i literally just deleted a whole blog because I am so frustrated in my topics. I have nothing to say....I am sorry, nothing coming to mind. Ummm...lets see??
Ok, do any of you have a bucket list? A list of things that you want to accomplish before you die? Have you ever thought about it? I have! Yes, I have had days were I wonder about my life, am I fulfilled, and am I truly happy, am I living the best life possible? In the end will I have had a great life, one of worth and value?
My answer is YES! I have a very fulfilling life, I have everything that I have ever wanted and more!
I recently got a lovely compliment from a good friend about my relationship with my husband. She had said that she can really see the love that we have for eachother, that whenever we see eachother we both light up.
To start with feeling fulfilled...this is where it begins. I will admit that the moment I met Paul back in 1989, I fell in love! For me, I fell quickly...it felt right, it felt safe with him. He was smart, attractive and determined to have a successful life. I loved those things about him.
When I look back over the years, I will say that for every wonderful year we have had...there was a terrible one! We have not come by this relationship easy, it has been alot of work. A story hit the paper about a situation with the school board and Braden a few years back, it had said that Paul and I were having marital problems due to this stressful situation. I had a friend at the time ask me if I was embarrased or upset that the reporter referenced that in the article. My reply was absolutely NOT, why is that embarrassing? It is the truth, it is our life...do I really want to waste my energy pretending that everything is perfect? OR put my energy towards fixing things and making it better? No one knew what was going on inside my home...those discussions were private, the solutions were private but living life is not private, not if you live it to the fullest.
So, does my bucket list have..1. Marry a wonderful man who loves me unconditionally?
It definately does...and I did just that! I didn't realize how much work it was going to be...but if you concentrate on eachother, and not let others get in between the two of you, then you're bound for fulfillment.
Its still not perfect, we are still learning...
Of course on my list was to be a mom....that is were the worth and value come into play. In the end, will I be satsified with the role I played as a mom. Once again....absolutely! I love being a mom, it has been the most important role of my life! I have done my best, I/We have raised two beautiful wonderful children who I am so proud of. Was this easy? NO...this was definatley the hardest, yet most rewarding job I have ever done. I believe that the experience's that I have had as a mom has shaped me to be the best person I could be. Life is about changing, evolving and learning...I am still learning...this is just the beginning from here on in. The job gets tougher because the lessons we need to teach our children are big! We have a huge role in their growth and development especially as teenagers. We are forming them to be constructive adults on our communities, and if we don't step up and teach them ourselves...who will??
So, I still have not answered that bucket list item...I guess we will see once my kids are off exploring the world and becoming whoever they want to be. That is when I can stroke that item off my bucket list.. how good of a job I/we did raising happy, productive children! I will say one thing, I/we will have given them all the tools they need to find their way!
Naturally there are so many things to still do and learn on my bucket list...here are a few things achieved..
-owning a yellow lab
-going to Greece, Italy and Rome
-having wonderful friends
-travelling with my family
-being confident
-being happy
-being content( which is still something that I am learning)
-becoming a nurse
-working in a hospital (short lived but a wonderful experience)
-throwing a wine and cheese party
-being a great friend
-role modelling happiness for my children
-in the midst of living my life...I changed it!

A few things left on the bucket list..
- writing a book
-going to Ireland
-owning a cottage, hopefully in Nova Scotia
-having grandchildren-of course beautiful ones
THese are just a few, life is big...there is always so much to see and do!
I guess in the end of the day...what I have learned so far about myself in life through my experiences is this...Life is what you make it, if you believe in yourself anything is possible, don't make excuses...you can do anything you want in life. The only thing stopping you...is you! Jump in my friends, life can be short...life is alot more fun when you are living it! Make the best of it, even when its shitty, you are in control of your own feelings...choose happy! It's easy...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday's Menu....

Tonight I tried two new recipes...and let me remind you how easy all my recipes are. I am a big believer in easy, fast and healthy meals. Most everyone I know is usually sitting down to dinner inbetween 5:50-6:00, scarfing down a meal...hopefully managing for the most part to sit as a family. Then family members running out the door to sports, jobs or other activities. THis is our household at least 3 evenings a week. Most times its Kailey and Paul rushing out but on the occassion I am running Kailey here or there or meeting up with a friend...Braden has one late night through the week, but is lucky enough to be home most of the weeknights. Most of his stuff is working out and rehab, but he makes up for it on the weekend with Hockey in Kitchener on Saturdays and then hockey on Sundays in Toronto.
With all that said, it explains the easy meals. I love to have a sit down dinner and most nights it can't be a difficult menu, and don't forget you can't go out powerskating or playing squash on a full stomach...so most dinners are light.
Tonight I accompanied these fabulous potatoes with bbq'd chicken legs and this wonderful harvest salad. I didn't really like this salad with Ranch dressing so I think I will try something different to go with it next time.
Fall Harvest Salad
What You Need
1 Tbsp. Kraft Rancher's Choice Dressing
1/2 cup Granny Smith apple wedges
1/4 cup red grapes
4 slices deli shaved oven roasted turkey breast, cut into strips
2 cups torn mixed salad greens
1/4 cup Kraft Double Cheddar Shredded Cheese
1-1/2 tsp. Oscar Mayer Real Bacon Bits
Make It
POUR dressing into bottom of resealable container. Add apples; toss to coat.
LAYER with remaining ingredients. Seal container.
TOSS salad to coat with dressing just before serving.
Mashed Potatoe Casserole
What You Need
2 lb. (900 g) Yukon gold potatoes (about 6), peeled, quartered
2 Tbsp. non-hydrogenated margarine
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup Kraft Double Cheddar Shredded Cheese
2 Tbsp. Oscar Mayer Real Bacon Bits
Make It
COOK potatoes in boiling water in large saucepan 20 min. or until tender; drain. Return to pan.
HEAT oven to 350ºF. Add margarine and sour cream to potatoes; mash until smooth. Spoon half into 1.5-L casserole; cover with layers of cheese, remaining potato mixture and bacon bits.
BAKE 30 to 35 min. or until heated through
So, I have been putting alot of thought into whether or not I will continue to blog after Jan 1, 2011...and I think my decision is going to be..."occassionally." I am proud of myself for sticking too it, hopefully I make it. To be honest its been difficult these past couple months. I don't really blog about everything going on in my life, somethings need to be private. But with the kids being teenagers and not little kids or babies anymore the topics are more challenging. Besides, I have to respect their privacy and not blog to personally.
I did get alot out of this experience, and I have loved the support that you who read have given me! Am i still motivated to write that book? Honestly...no! I have had some disappointments along the way, and upset with a few things...but maybe once I am done this blogging thing I will get my desire back?!
I have 3 months left...I know I can do it! It is getting hard, but I won't give up!
I think its time to start thinking about Christmas?
Hot Chocolate.
Tiny Marshmellows.
Cozy winter nights.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday's musings...

I cannot believe that the weekend is over! It was a great one, but my goodness did we ever feel tired! What is up with that? Seriously, I think getting older sucks because that is the only explanation that I have for my exhaustion. I really have nothing much to blog about, the weekend was great! Everyone is doing well...we are ready for another week in the Martz household!
So the picture above totally symbolizes...its time for another vacation!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Advantages Of Sports And Teens

The article below was taken from a parenting website. I chose this article because we live a life committed to our childrens sports and activities.
I know that many of you who do follow my blog also live for your children and take their sports and all around well being very serious. We parents who choose to commit every weekend to our children do see the positive effects on our children's mental, physical and emotional health. Back in the day when we were deciding whether or not it would be a good idea for Kialey to play on a provincial team and the commitment that we had to make, I remember weighing the pro's and con's. I will admit, sometimes it is difficult getting up on the weekends at 6:30am to be at the arena for 8am...sometimes even earlier! Its not easy...especially when you have been at a party the night before and didn't get to bed until 2am. Let's not forget the commitment Paul has made over the years with Braden. Every single Sunday he drives Braden to Toronto to watch him play the sport that he loves so much. Even though its a long drive and pretty much takes up the whole day, it is more than worth it! To see the smiles, determination and love of the sport beam from Braden...we would drive to the mountains and back. The great thing however about being involved with sports is that you form a family, and you get to spend so many fun times together with them. I have always been greatful for the friendships that Kailey has made...these are her girls, and she loves them. I love that this commitment keeps Kailey grounded, in shape, and teaches her lesson's in life that many adults still don't get! She is determined, dedicated and manages her time like a pro.
I am also thankful for the postive health effects it has had on her. She is very healthy, loves to exercise, and watches what she eats...these are all great traits to go into adulthood with. Don't get me wrong though...she is still a 13 year old girl who loves her candies, pop and MacDonalds. Its just awesome that she has learned how to be in control of what she chooses to eat.
Do I think she is too young to be concerned of those things?? Absolutely not!!
When I was 15 years old, I was starting to become depressed and upset because I was putting on weight and not having any success with taking it off. My mom also became concerned about it and decided to sign me up along with herself to Weight Watchers...I will say it was the best thing she could have done for me! It taught me at a young age, how to eat properly and how to balance my life. I am forever grateful of that...
Basically in the end, this experience of playing sports and being on a team is shaping my child to become an adult with a personality that will foever be noticed. She has learned to be reliable, responsible and fair. Those are qualities that are important those are a few of the qualities that make us successful in what ever we choose to do.
When I say these things...I say it lightly! Paul and I do not determine success by the career you have, the money you make or the people you know! Whatever our children do in life, if they are happy, content and independant...then they are successful! and that is all we ask of them.
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.
John Wooden
Many teens in high school want to try out for sports. A lot of them try because they think it will make them popular or get them more dates. While this may seem like a silly reason, there are lots of other benefits to sports that your child may overlook. Here are some reasons that you’ll find comforting.
With T.V., movies, computers, and video games becoming more and more popular, it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves rather than going out with friends. Kids used to go hang out at the mall or drive around town; now they just sit at home. Getting your teen into a sport gives them an opportunity to go out and socialize. While they may not find a new best friend, they will learn how to interact and work as a team; something they’ll find useful later in life.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity, and it’s not just a problem with adults. More and more kids are becoming overweight. Joining a team sport will help your teen get out and get some exercise without feeling pressured to lose weight or get in shape. Plus, if your teen sees that their physical condition is causing them to under-perform, they may be motivated to do other activities to get healthy. By the time your child reaches their teenager year, part of good parenting will be providing them with direction and encouragement and continuing to help them develop a healthy style of living.
These days, it’s becoming harder to show your teenager that you love and support them. A great way to do this is by showing up to their games, helping them practice, and helping with team fundraisers. These are also great ways to spend time your kids and talk to them.
You may think “but my teen isn’t good enough to make their school team”. There are plenty of other places besides school to play team sports. You can always check out the YMCA or other “for-fun” leagues. You could look into more obscure sports that you may not have thought of; did you know that bowling is a NCAA team sports? If you do a little research, you’re sure to find something your teen will enjoy.
Team sports are a great way for your teen to get out of the house, get moving, make friends, and even get a scholarship to college. So why not talk to them about getting into sports today?
This is a great article that I hope you find useful. Or at least remind you that as parents we are doing everything we can to help our children acquire a level of success that is fulfulling to them.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Family Matters Friday...postponed until tomorrow

You see the problem with Family Matters Friday is that by the end of the week...I am too tired to sit down and think of a topic and then research and blog it!!
So instead of a family topic I will give you some updates! First off...How are the kids doing in school? Well, both of my kids are doing wonderful they are both very happy so far with their teachers and classes.Braden's hockey starts up again next week so we will be travelling to Toronto every Sunday so he can play what he loves. Kailey is doing fantastic in ringette. Her team is looking wonderful, I am very happy with the coaches, team mates and parents...its proving to be a great season!
Finley is doing well, she has her walk everynight with me and Ollie. Harley is thrilled because I bought him an ortho-pedic bed for the front hallway. Harley looks great, everynight he gets a quick jaunt around the block and seems fulfilled with that. My mom is great...she has a big birthday coming up in Dec. and I am looking forward to what this year will bring for celebrations. My dad is also doing great, just had a colonoscopy and we are waiting for the results of that, I have a good feeling though...No worries there!! Paul is settling well back into work, it was like he was never gone! He is very busy and they have put alot back on him...he has already been late getting home two times this week. Its ok though, at least I am home and able to take care of the things going on here! I will have to say that I know everyone is busy and I am not the only one with kids, appointments, homework and activities but I have found it overwhelming with all the "things" that need to be done! Its crazy, so many appointments and clinics, equipment problems...everything that you can think of that runs the human body there is a specialist attatched to each body part and they all need to be addressed regularily.
I think that's the frustrating, exhausting part of my life. Keeping track of all the professionals we have to send updates too, meet with ALL of the time...and that doesn't include Kailey's, mine or Pauls life schedules. We see foot doctors, hand doctors,spine doctor's, nerve doctors, breathing doctors, kidney doctors, heart doctors, psychology doctors, eye doctors, botox doctor's(which I am firing)...the therapists are countless...physio, occupational, rehab, walking clinics..etc etc etc...my god, it never ends!! I am not complaining because I am blessed to be home with him and be available to stay ontop of things, but I am at times still stressed even without a full time/part time job! Ok, so that's how i'm doing!!!
Little Ollie is so awesome!! He is my love, he gives me so much cuddles, kisses and laughs. Today I was not laughing though when he dragged a dead mole into my living room through the back door and proceeded to try to what I thought eat it?! I panicked, washed his mouth out and put him in his cage, so I could dispose of that smelly mole.
On another serious note, after the death of the mole I went to the back room and came across another unfortunate murder....yes, here lies the "Happy Birthday Monkey" which lived a short but loved life. I have no idea who murdered her, but I have my suspicions..Hmhm...Ollie?!!
Do you see his fluffy guts splattered around his limp body? Such a terrible crime scene!! OH OLLIE!!!
This is how the Happy Birthday Monkey was found..face down in lying in a pool of fluff!
Thank fully the other two victim's survived the whole ordeal and are recovering safely in a private succluded area.
Thankfully Micky and blue puppy survived...here they lay waiting for help while the suspect was contained in his crate!!
Wanted for questioning...suspect pictured below!
Have a good night my friends, good night and god bless!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's funny how friendships change and alter over the course of a women's lifespan. We need friends throughout our lives for many reason's, in our teens we have them for entertainment and encouragement. In our college/university years we need them to party with us, experience independance and help us through choices related to relationships. In our young adulthood, we tend to need our friendships for support with becoming mothers, starting careers and entering marriages. In middle adult hood, which I like to believe we are entering within the next few years..we need our friends to listen.
I have come to that conclusion tonight when I met with a dear friends who is going through a difficult time. My heart breaks for her and her family, and as a women of almost 40 years old my concern for her is simple...HER! I think once we hit this stage in life where we have already dealt with most of the craps of life, we realize after all those years...we need to be strong, we need to take care of ourselves. We need to eat right, proper foods, exercise for our mental, physical and emotional well being and sleep when it is needed. This is where a good friend comes in!! I have no advise for her, I cannot fix the problems and I cannot protect her from the pain. But as her friend, I will hold her up when she wants to fall, I will build her up when she crumbles and I push her forward when she wants to stop. That is what I am here for, I am here to support her, encourage her and simply listen to her....that is what a friendship is at this stage in life.
Ok, I am not a fool to believe that once we reach our 40's the craps of life no longer exsist. I am well aware that we can be hit at anytime with something traumatic that changes our lives. I guess the difference in my opinion that once we hit 40 years old, we have the knowledge to keep the issue's in persepective and not let them become bigger than they need to be! I like that...this is why I am looking forward to 40, I have a reason to say "f**k it" more frequently! DOn't let the small stuff get to you, its not worth it!
Unfortuntely tonights glass of wine with a good friend demonstrated a dispiriting conversation, one in which I found myself struggling at times for words. The dialogue was not light, and in the midst of our evening chat I had to dig deep and find the right choice of words to comfort and encourage her to "take care of herself". This was all I had to offer, it is all I could do as a friend?!
I would do anything for a friend, if I could change this situation, make it better or take away the pain she is feeling..I would do it in a heartbeat. But I can't, this is stuff that she will fight through. I know that she can do this, she is one of the strongest women I know.
A couple weeks ago, my mom and I were talking and she had commented that "life is boring" right now. Nothing is going on, things are quiet. I totally agreed with her, these past couple years in our family have been fabulous. We have been blessed with comfort, serenity and love...its been boring!!
I did say to my mom however.."that I don't look at it as boring, I see it as a rest." Let's enjoy the quiet, boring years because it can all change so suddenly. It wasnt' too long ago, that a year after my car accident we were struggling with Braden's recovery and health, my dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer and I was going in for open heart surgery!! Yep all that in one year!!
For know, I will sit back and enjoy the boring!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
She kisses me in the morning and in the afternoon, she kisses me in the evening underneith the moon...
It happened, this morning on her way out the door. My little girl, my beautiful 13 year old( 4 1/2 yrs, my time) gave me a kiss as she was leaving to go to school...and sadly as she leaned in to give me a kiss her little nose.."rested perfectly ontop of mine". Yep, she is officially taller than me!! I couldn't beleive the difference in that little goodbye kiss, for the first time ever...her little perfect nose, sat above mine!
Although it was a moment of shock and disbelieve, it was a moment of relief...thank god she is going to be taller than her mother!! I was proud!!
Speaking of my daughter...guess who is getting INKED..again??
Nope, not Kailey for those of you who thought I was leading up to that!! HA. As if I would let that happen!
I am getting another tattoo....yes I am! I just as excited about this one as I was the last one. The only problem is I am not 100% certain, where I want it?? I am going in to see a tattoo artist soon, I would like them to help me decide on a spot and on the perfect design. I have the general design shown below, but I am not too sure about the flowers, I want to change them. I like the pink flowers, but I don't want them that big and I also don't want three of them. Plus, I am not into the pink color, I think I would like white? See how undecided I sitll am!! I want this tattoo to be small, not to big or flashy. SOmething elegant, dainty and personal. I have some work to do still...not completely satisfied and this is not the thing to take a chance with. I will certainly keep you posted!

I know this picture is hard to see, I tried to make it bigger but I didn't know how! I do want the actual tattoo to be a bit bigger than this, obviously so when you look at it, you know what it is! It symbolizes a mother and daughter...I think its so pretty and it lets Kailey know that I love her just as much as our "GO FORWARD" tattoo that we got in honor of Braden and our journey!
Well, my friends I am off to walk my puppies...they are waiting for me!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Just some picture's to share...
Tonight is the first time that I have actually had the time to sit down and go through the pictures that Spencer took while we were in NYC. Its not that I wasn't excited to see them, its just when you look at his work...you want the time to do so. I knew that once I sat down to go through the disk that he sent, I would need at least an hour. Not only did Spencer and his family send the disk with all his pictures, they also had a beautiful book made with all of them in it. I will admit, I think when you go on holidays..the best way to develop your pictures should be in hard cover books. It is a fabulous way of keeping them clean, strong and gorgeous. Besides, they are so easy to transport when you are meeting friends and they ask to see your vacation photo's. The people that I have shown so far have been blown away with this book.
So, tonight I would like to send out a big thank you to Spencer and his family for taking the time and cost to make this fabulous keepsake that we as a family will treasure for EVER!!
It has taken me a long time to recognize the book in my blog, and I feel guilty about that...but please know, I truly needed the time to sit and look through the pictures, take them all in and remember those moments that were captured. Anything less I would have felt like a "phony" or like I was rushing to thank you for your kindness, and thats just not me!! LOL, I/we love this book sooo much, and I thank you for the pictures as well.
Spencer...you always manage to catch a precious shot of Finley and I think you out did yourself this time! See below...
This picture of Kailey was taken in the church that survived the Twin Tower collapse. I love this pictures...if you read my blogs, then you know why!
This picture was taken by SPencer on the Brooklyn bridge which we happened to walk across one very hot day! I just noticed this evening that Spencer photoshoped the names on the lock...very clever Spencer...love it!!
The lights of NYC...SPencer, this one makes me "speechless"! Absolutely gorgeous!
Four beautiful teenagers!!
Momma Martz & Daddy Martz!
I could not end this blog without one picture of our beautiful baby boy..Ollie!
Once again SPencer, Shelley, Jeff and even Tyler...with much love and appreciation, thank you for taking the time to give us this precious gift, not only the gift of the book but our gift of friendship!
With Love,
"The Martz's"
So, tonight I would like to send out a big thank you to Spencer and his family for taking the time and cost to make this fabulous keepsake that we as a family will treasure for EVER!!
It has taken me a long time to recognize the book in my blog, and I feel guilty about that...but please know, I truly needed the time to sit and look through the pictures, take them all in and remember those moments that were captured. Anything less I would have felt like a "phony" or like I was rushing to thank you for your kindness, and thats just not me!! LOL, I/we love this book sooo much, and I thank you for the pictures as well.
Spencer...you always manage to catch a precious shot of Finley and I think you out did yourself this time! See below...

This picture of Kailey was taken in the church that survived the Twin Tower collapse. I love this pictures...if you read my blogs, then you know why!

This picture was taken by SPencer on the Brooklyn bridge which we happened to walk across one very hot day! I just noticed this evening that Spencer photoshoped the names on the lock...very clever Spencer...love it!!

The lights of NYC...SPencer, this one makes me "speechless"! Absolutely gorgeous!
Four beautiful teenagers!!
Momma Martz & Daddy Martz!

I could not end this blog without one picture of our beautiful baby boy..Ollie!
Once again SPencer, Shelley, Jeff and even Tyler...with much love and appreciation, thank you for taking the time to give us this precious gift, not only the gift of the book but our gift of friendship!
With Love,
"The Martz's"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monday's Menu on SUNDAY!!
Sorry to mess you up, but I have 2 recipes that I'd like to share with you tonight. You see, we have family friends who are very special to us. Recently their grandaughter gave birth to twin boys who are 2 months premature. Thankfully both babies are doing well, however the arrival of the twins was not expected as it was an emergency c-section. This young family now have 4 boys under the age of 3years old!! Isn't that going to be crazy busy?? Well today Kailey had a game in St.Mary's which isn't too far from London, sooo mom and I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring their family some home cooked meals! Yep we did, I cooked all day yesterday..well inbetween caring for my sick young man. It was a busy day, but I got so much accomplished. I made 2 casserole dishes X2, which means I made them one and me one, plus I baked some homemade banana bread...that was for us! I just couldn't part with it, after our long day just me and Braden we couldn't resist the smell in our house. So we hijaked the banana bread and ate some! My mom bought 2 meals for them and also made a casserole for them to enjoy! She also bought the mommy of four some comfy pants and two tops, mostly for comfort while travelling back and fourth to the hospital..oh how comfy pants are the best!!
So below is one of the recipes that I must say tasted amazing...we had it for dinner tonight after our long day of travelling.

The picture isn't really the best, I apologize...if you look close enough you can see the mushrooms, greenpeppers and italian sausage.
what you need
2 lb. Italian sausage
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 Green pepper, diced
1 can (680 mL) spaghetti sauce
4 cups Penne pasta or rigatoni, cooked
2 cups Kraft 4 Cheese Italiano Shredded Cheese
3/4 cup Kraft 100% Parmesan Grated Cheese
make it
BROWN sausage; breaking up slightly while cooking. Place in a large saucepan with mushrooms and peppers. Stir in spaghetti sauce. Bring to a boil reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Add pasta to sauce.
SPOON 1/2 of the rigatoni mixture into a 13 x 9 inch (3.5 L) baking dish. Top with 1/2 of the cheeses; repeat layers.
BAKE at 375°F (190°C) for 20 minutes
I also mad this next one which we haven't tried yet, but it looks fantastic. Both of my recipes are kid friendly, I figured with two little boys..its got to be easy stuff or they won't like it! Basically the one below is just an elaborte recipe for spagetti.

1 (8 ounce) package spaghetti
1 pound ground beef
2 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 eggs, beaten
3 slices processed American cheese
1 (8 ounce) package shredded mozzarella cheese
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
3.Meanwhile, place ground beef in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and combine with spaghetti sauce.
4.In a large bowl toss pasta with Parmesan cheese and eggs. Press into a 9-inch pie plate and spread sauce mixture over pasta. Top with American cheese and sprinkle with mozzarella.
5.Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into wedges.
There you have it, if you are looking for quick easy casseroles that taste fabulous..these are the ones for you! They are so easy and very good.
I must share with you how well Kailey and her ringette team did today during their first exhibition game. Let's start with first thing this morning. The girls were on the ice at 9am for a practice till 10am. After practice they had a potluck breakfast catered via the parents!! We got straight on the road at 11am and headed to St.Marys for a 2 hour game. Basically these girls had 3 hours of ice time today, needless to say they are all freakin exhausted!
So, we get the St.Mary's prepared to play against London which happens to be one of the number one teams in Southwestern Region. To top it off I find out that the London team this year happens to be a "power team" were they have pretty much taken the best players from some the towns around them who have decided to not have a "AA" junior ringette team. We were expecting to get a 'beat down' especially considering our girls have only had 2 practice's this season to date. They literally learned their play's during the ice time this morning.
The games started out rough with London ahead 3-0...it didn't last long though because BOOM we score. Perfect now we are on the scoreboard. This boosted the girls morale and from there it was 3-3..tie game!
OMG, talk about exciting...we were scoring, we were keeping up and we were flustering the pants off these London girls..they didn't know what hit them!
So, London moves ahead again...5-3, Cambridge pulls up two more..5-5, GO TURBO's!! The crowd is going wild, the parents are sitting at the edge of their seats...GO GIRLS!!
London scores, 6-5...Cambridge comes back 6-6, London feels the pressure but manages to sneak 2 on us...8-6 for London. Come on girls there is only 5 minutes left of this game...you can do it!! BOOM!! Cambridge scores..8-7..crowd goes wild once again!
Vision this my friends,
Carrigan takes the ring from goalie Steph, passes it over the blue line to ever so cool Kailey..Kailey see's the other girls are tied up with London players..Kailey's coming up to the blue line...passes back to Carrigan..LITERALLY 2 seconds left in the game...Carrigan takes it down, shoots from far corner with a force reckoned from above...everyone sits in silence...*Crickets heard*....BOOOOM, SHE SCORES!!! OMG....we tied this game!!!!!
Buzzer goes...game over..finally score 8-8!!!
It was beautiful, talk about us parents being so proud! Honestly this team looks great! I will be honest there was a few missed pick ups of the ring..some ring dumps and some "not so ready receiver's" who happened to have the ring sent to them. But with that said, they can only get better from here!!
WAY TO GO TURBO'S!! We are so proud!!
Great day today!! Awesome start to an exciting season!
So below is one of the recipes that I must say tasted amazing...we had it for dinner tonight after our long day of travelling.
The picture isn't really the best, I apologize...if you look close enough you can see the mushrooms, greenpeppers and italian sausage.
what you need
2 lb. Italian sausage
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 Green pepper, diced
1 can (680 mL) spaghetti sauce
4 cups Penne pasta or rigatoni, cooked
2 cups Kraft 4 Cheese Italiano Shredded Cheese
3/4 cup Kraft 100% Parmesan Grated Cheese
make it
BROWN sausage; breaking up slightly while cooking. Place in a large saucepan with mushrooms and peppers. Stir in spaghetti sauce. Bring to a boil reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Add pasta to sauce.
SPOON 1/2 of the rigatoni mixture into a 13 x 9 inch (3.5 L) baking dish. Top with 1/2 of the cheeses; repeat layers.
BAKE at 375°F (190°C) for 20 minutes
I also mad this next one which we haven't tried yet, but it looks fantastic. Both of my recipes are kid friendly, I figured with two little boys..its got to be easy stuff or they won't like it! Basically the one below is just an elaborte recipe for spagetti.
1 (8 ounce) package spaghetti
1 pound ground beef
2 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 eggs, beaten
3 slices processed American cheese
1 (8 ounce) package shredded mozzarella cheese
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
3.Meanwhile, place ground beef in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and combine with spaghetti sauce.
4.In a large bowl toss pasta with Parmesan cheese and eggs. Press into a 9-inch pie plate and spread sauce mixture over pasta. Top with American cheese and sprinkle with mozzarella.
5.Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into wedges.
There you have it, if you are looking for quick easy casseroles that taste fabulous..these are the ones for you! They are so easy and very good.
I must share with you how well Kailey and her ringette team did today during their first exhibition game. Let's start with first thing this morning. The girls were on the ice at 9am for a practice till 10am. After practice they had a potluck breakfast catered via the parents!! We got straight on the road at 11am and headed to St.Marys for a 2 hour game. Basically these girls had 3 hours of ice time today, needless to say they are all freakin exhausted!
So, we get the St.Mary's prepared to play against London which happens to be one of the number one teams in Southwestern Region. To top it off I find out that the London team this year happens to be a "power team" were they have pretty much taken the best players from some the towns around them who have decided to not have a "AA" junior ringette team. We were expecting to get a 'beat down' especially considering our girls have only had 2 practice's this season to date. They literally learned their play's during the ice time this morning.
The games started out rough with London ahead 3-0...it didn't last long though because BOOM we score. Perfect now we are on the scoreboard. This boosted the girls morale and from there it was 3-3..tie game!
OMG, talk about exciting...we were scoring, we were keeping up and we were flustering the pants off these London girls..they didn't know what hit them!
So, London moves ahead again...5-3, Cambridge pulls up two more..5-5, GO TURBO's!! The crowd is going wild, the parents are sitting at the edge of their seats...GO GIRLS!!
London scores, 6-5...Cambridge comes back 6-6, London feels the pressure but manages to sneak 2 on us...8-6 for London. Come on girls there is only 5 minutes left of this game...you can do it!! BOOM!! Cambridge scores..8-7..crowd goes wild once again!
Vision this my friends,
Carrigan takes the ring from goalie Steph, passes it over the blue line to ever so cool Kailey..Kailey see's the other girls are tied up with London players..Kailey's coming up to the blue line...passes back to Carrigan..LITERALLY 2 seconds left in the game...Carrigan takes it down, shoots from far corner with a force reckoned from above...everyone sits in silence...*Crickets heard*....BOOOOM, SHE SCORES!!! OMG....we tied this game!!!!!
Buzzer goes...game over..finally score 8-8!!!
It was beautiful, talk about us parents being so proud! Honestly this team looks great! I will be honest there was a few missed pick ups of the ring..some ring dumps and some "not so ready receiver's" who happened to have the ring sent to them. But with that said, they can only get better from here!!
WAY TO GO TURBO'S!! We are so proud!!
Great day today!! Awesome start to an exciting season!
Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Have a Happy Marriage When You're Busy Being Parents
Is your marriage everything you ever hoped it could be? Or has it been pushed down your list of priorities since having children? Let's face it, parenthood is a full-time job, and it dramatically changes your marriage relationship. But marriage is the foundation upon which your entire family is structured. If your marriage is strong, your whole family will be strong; your life will be more peaceful, you'll be a better parent, and you'll, quite simply, have more fun in your life.
Make a commitment
To create or maintain a strong marriage you will have to take the first critical step: You must be willing to put time, effort and thought into your marriage. When I made this statement during a lecture, one woman spoke up. She had a quiet voice, but she spoke with determination, "Elizabeth, I hear you, and I know what you say is right. But I have three preschoolers! I work part time, do all my own housework, cooking, and laundry. I just don't have any more energy at the end of the day to "work" on my marriage." I noticed that several other women in the room were nodding their heads as she spoke and they waited for my response. "I certainly understand! I have four children and my own business, I know how busy life can be. But let me ask you one vital question: how would you like to have three preschoolers, work part time, do your own housework, cooking, and laundry, and do it all as a single mother? Because if you take care of everything else, and neglect your marriage, that's what could happen." Suddenly every mother who nodded a minute ago was looking at me with wide eyes. The thought that their marriage, which was at the very bottom of their priority list, could be in jeopardy, hit them very hard. I noticed that I now had the complete attention of several of the fathers who earlier had been seemed lost in their own thoughts.
Let's take another look at the commitment statement mentioned earlier. You must be willing to put time, effort and thought into your marriage. The ideas that follow will help you follow through on this commitment and will put new life and meaning into your marriage. A wonderful thing may happen. You may fall in love with your spouse all over again. In addition, your children will greatly benefit from your stronger relationship. Children fee secure when they know that Mom and Dad love each other˜particularly in today's world, where 50 percent of marriages end in divorce; half of your children's friends have gone, or are going through a divorce; or maybe it's your kids who have survived a divorce and are now living in a new family arrangement. Your children need daily proof that their family life is stable and predictable. When you make a commitment to your marriage, your children will feel the difference. No, they won't suffer from neglect! They'll blossom when your marriage˜and their homelife˜is thriving.
So here's my challenge to you. Read the following suggestions and apply them in your marriage for the next 30 days. Then evaluate your marriage, and I guarantee you'll both be happier.
Look for the good, overlook the bad
You married this person for many good reasons. Your partner has many wonderful qualities. Your first step in adding sizzle to your marriage is to look for the good and overlook the bad.
Make it a habit to ignore the little annoying things ˜ dirty socks on the floor, a day-old coffee cup on the counter, worn out flannel pajamas, an inelegant burp at the dinner table ˜ and choose instead to search for those things that make you smile: the way he rolls on the floor with the baby; the fact that she made your favorite cookies, the peace in knowing someone so well that you can wear your worn out flannels or burp at the table.
Give two compliments every day
Now that you've committed to seeing the good in your partner, it's time to say it! This is a golden key to your mate's heart. Our world is so full of negative input, and we so rarely get compliments from other people. When we do get a compliment, it not only makes us feel great about ourselves, it actually makes us feel great about the person giving the compliment! Think about it! When your honey says, "You're the best. I'm so glad I married you." It not only makes you feel loved, it makes you feel more loving.
Compliments are easy to give and they're free. Compliments are powerful; you just have to make the effort to say them. Anything works: "Dinner was great, you make my favorite sauce." "Thanks for picking up the cleaning. It was very thoughtful, you saved me a trip." "That sweater looks great on you."
Play nice
That may sound funny to you, but think about it. How many times do you see -- or experience -- partners treating each other in impolite, harsh ways that they'd never even treat a friend? Sometimes we take our partners for granted and unintentionally display rudeness. As the saying goes, if you have a choice between being right and being nice, just choose to be nice. Or to put this in the wise words of Bambi's friend Thumper, the bunny rabbit ˆ "If you can't say somethin' nice don't say nothin' at all."
Pick your battles
How often have you heard this advice in relation to parenting? This is great advice for child-rearing˜and it's great advice to follow in your marriage as well. In any human relationship there will be disagreement and conflict. The key here is to decide which issues are worth pursuing and which are better off ignored. By doing this, you'll find much less negative energy between you.
From now on, anytime you feel annoyed, take a minute to examine the issue at hand, and ask yourself a few questions. "How important is this?" "Is this worth picking a fight over?" "What would be the benefit of choosing this battle versus letting it go?"
The 60 second cuddle
You can often identify a newly married couple just by how much they touch each other ˜ holding hands, sitting close, touching arms, kissing ˜ just as you can spot an "oldly-married" couple by how little they touch. Mothers, in particular, often have less need for physical contact with their partners because their babies and young children provide so much opportunity for touch and cuddling that day's end finds them "touched fulfilled". So here's a simple reminder: make the effort to touch your spouse more often. A pat, a hug, a kiss, a shoulder massage ˆ the good feeling it produces for both of you far outweighs the effort.
Here's the deal: Whenever you've been apart make it a rule that you will take just 60 seconds to cuddle, touch and connect. This can be addictive! If you follow this advice soon you'll find yourselves touching each other more often, and increasing the romantic aspect of your relationship.
Spend more time talking to and listening to your partner.
I don't mean, "Remember to pick up Jimmy's soccer uniform." Or "I have a PTA meeting tonight." Rather, get into the habit of sharing your thoughts about what you read in the paper, what you watch on TV, your hopes, your dreams, your concerns. Take a special interest in those things that your spouse is interested in and ask questions. And then listen to the answers.
Spend time with your spouse
It can be very difficult for your marriage to thrive if you spend all your time being "Mommy" and "Daddy". You need to spend regular time as "Husband" and "Wife". This doesn't mean you have to take a two-week vacation in Hawaii. (Although that might be nice, too!) Just take small daily snippets of time when you can enjoy uninterrupted conversation, or even just quiet companionship, without a baby on your hip, a child tugging your shirtsleeve or a teenager begging for the car keys. A daily morning walk around the block or a shared cup of tea after all the children are in bed might work wonders to re-connect you to each other. And yes, it's quite fine to talk about your children when you're spending your time together, because, after all, your children are one of the most important connections you have in your relationship.
When you and your spouse regularly connect in a way that nurtures your relationship, you may find a renewed love between you, as well as a refreshed vigor that will allow you to be a better, more loving parent. You owe it to yourself ˜ and to your kids ˜ to nurture your relationship.
So take my challenge and use these ideas for the next 30 days. And watch your marriage take on a whole new glow.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Family Matters Friday...

I apologize for not having a blog prepared for Family Matters, I will however have one for tomorrow! Its kinda funny because even though I don't have anything ready...I feel like I have so much to say. Well its a late night, i am not prepared and way to tired to even think about things. Braden is still really not well which is taking a toll on me, he is having a difficult time breathing with this chest cold and that takes alot of time and attention. The past 2 days I don't think that I have really gotten out of my pajama's. Tonight Paul and I went to Zehrs to pick up some things...I have so many functions this weekend to prepare food for. I'm not even sure that I will be going to any of them with the looks of Braden. He's lucky I love to be with him...we do enjoy eachothers company. Although I will admit we are both pretty fed up at this point with his illness and would love to resume back to life as normal. Good night my friends and god bless~
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What did you do on this rainy day?
Today was a busy yet lazy day! How can that be you ask? Well Braden was home again today with a chest cold and even though I didn't go anywhere or do anything...i was still very busy taking care of him.
It was all good though, what a rainy yucky day! It was a good day to be home and doing nothing...it was nice. I have uploaded a couple pictures from today. Mostly the dogs sleeping because that's all there was to do. The last picture was taken after a friend and I went to a makeup demonstration at Shoppers Drug Mart. It was pretty fun, I asked them to do the "Smokey eye". I have been wanting to try it forever..I was pretty pleased with the outcome. I thought she did a great job, so I bought the kit for 40.00$ and I got a free gift worth 30.00$, I thought it was a great deal! Enjoy the pics, sorry not to much going on today!!

Finley sleeping on the chair...what a boring rainy day!!

Ol`man Harley...not much keeps him in doors actually. He did spend sometime outside, he lies around anywhere whether its rain or shine!

Little Ollie sleeping on the couch, he hates the rain and the cold weather! He is starting to wear his little sweater around the house a bit more because he shakes and shakes if he is too cold! God he is cute!!!

Here is my new "Smokey Eye" picture, I was pretty happy with the results!
Good night and god bless!
It was all good though, what a rainy yucky day! It was a good day to be home and doing nothing...it was nice. I have uploaded a couple pictures from today. Mostly the dogs sleeping because that's all there was to do. The last picture was taken after a friend and I went to a makeup demonstration at Shoppers Drug Mart. It was pretty fun, I asked them to do the "Smokey eye". I have been wanting to try it forever..I was pretty pleased with the outcome. I thought she did a great job, so I bought the kit for 40.00$ and I got a free gift worth 30.00$, I thought it was a great deal! Enjoy the pics, sorry not to much going on today!!
Finley sleeping on the chair...what a boring rainy day!!
Ol`man Harley...not much keeps him in doors actually. He did spend sometime outside, he lies around anywhere whether its rain or shine!
Little Ollie sleeping on the couch, he hates the rain and the cold weather! He is starting to wear his little sweater around the house a bit more because he shakes and shakes if he is too cold! God he is cute!!!
Here is my new "Smokey Eye" picture, I was pretty happy with the results!
Good night and god bless!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday`s Reflection...

It feels like its been so long since I have had a reflection blog. Tonight I picked an important family day that I thought I would share with you. In 2006 our family chose to get....INKED!!

Yes, we all got a tattoo which symbolized to us the value of strength, determination, dedication, perserverence and love. We chose the "GO FORWARD" Superman symbol to signify our families strength and courage. When a family over comes a trauma or catastrophy and it doesn't ruin everything about you...it then makes you stronger, not only individually but also as a family.
Thankfully we did survive with the strength of eachother, the strength of our faith and love. We pulled through, it has been a very long journey and still to this day we rely on eachother. It has certainly taught us how to come together, work as a team and hold eachother up in times of despair.
I guess the biggest reason for the tattoo was to give us (our family) a constant, daily reminder of not only our own courage but the courage of our family...as a team!
Some of our family put different saying's below the Superman symbol such as my mom...she put "Family", my Uncle Dave put his initals and I think Braden's initials as well and Aunt Flick also put Family. The rest of us put "GO FORWARD" for obvious reasons. Mainly in life our mono has been to keep going forward, don't stop and never give up. When someone stops the fight, so many terrible things can happen. Depression, anger, guilt and regret are just a few.
I will admit...sometimes I unfortunately look back and forget to go forward! Some days are still hard, it just creeps up on me...it is forever a part of who I am but as long as I keep going forward it will NOT define who I am.
So, here I share a picture of us all..excluding my cousin, aunt and uncle because they got them done after us and then surprised us.
After we got our tattoo's we headed back to mom and dad's for dinner and a cake, we remembered the day of the accident and talked about the course of that day. We laughed at some of the things we use to do to keep our heads up and to keep smiling. It was a beautiful day..it was triumphant and I was proud of us. We are survivor's, and we know have a reminder of that. I don't regret getting the tattoo, it is a sign of strength and it is a symbol of my most amazing family.
Just for the record...the kids did not get a tattoo, they have ones that were drawn on..courtesy of uncle Shaun!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A little birdie told me...
If you are sensitive to swearing then I suggest right know that you stop reading here!!

Ok so the rest of you that have decided to stick it through and listen to me rant and rave about something that I heard not to long ago...then "thank you", however NO judgement....because I fucking hate that!!!
As most of you know about 2 years ago we had to give Mr.S and ultimatum...either you get help for your addiction and alchol abuse or we will no longer be able to support you! Recently I heard through the grapevine that a certain someone made a comment like..."oh, come on..it's only a little problem, he's alright"!! Are you seriously fucking kidding me?? A little problem?? Are you even aware of the "abuse" that has occurred by the actions of Mr. S?? I don't think so!
DO you really think that a family like mine found it easy to "wipe" our hands of him and his problems? Do you not know how difficult, sad, heartbreaking, it has been these past few years without him in our lives? He was one of the most important men in my life, he was someone who i admired, loves, cared for and needed, he understood me...he was always there! So, how much do you think it had to take to give him a choice? Either get the help that you need....or loose your family??
What you may not understand is that basically it was his choice to leave his family, he chose the easy route. What do you expect us to do? We have a family that needs to rely on eachother, we NEED to be together and we NEED work as a team to provide each of us with the love, faith, respect and happiness that we all deserve. When one of is not able to be a part of that team, then you are not welcome to bring us down.
So, you skeptics might ask, then why were you not there for him?? Why didn't you help him?
Honestly, Mr.S consumed more of our time (mostly my mothers), money and unconditional love than any situation we have had to overcome. We have stood beside him in court rooms, hosptial rooms, jail rooms and even at times our own homes. Where let me remind you he took full advantage and refused to follow the rules, how much help is acceptable before you become an enabler. We lived that way for at least 4 years...it was too long. People think (again people without knowledge) that it's more important to have your loved ones in your life... no matter how they choose to live their lives. They may believe that it's easier or better to love them, hold them, encourage them than to let them go. Well my friends...let me be the first to explain we let him go because we DO love him. But is it really worth sitting around watching him make the wrong choices, ruin his life, constantly hurting us, never following through with promises and at times sporting "arrogant" behaviour? I don't think so!
Now I am going to be respectful of my parents privacy and not divulge information that could potentially put them in an awkward postition. But I will not allow anyone..and I don't give a fuck who you are...talk about their choices as parents. These two people have been through more in life then many of you can even imagine, and no one has the right to think otherwise.
We as a family did what we had to do inorder to stay strong, healthy and move forward to find happiness without him in our lives.
Do I hope it is forever like that?? Absolutely NOT!! Of course I want Mr.S back in my life, he is an amazing person...at least before his additions got the best of him.
Many of you, and may I say.."many of you who are not educated in addictions" may sit and judge the significance or degree of the addiction that Mr. S possesses. Anyone with a brain will see that if a person is uncapable of working, holding a job, paying taxes, paying child support and using just about anyone inorder to survive that person's level of addiction must be uncontrollable. Again, our decision did not come easy...it was and still is the most difficult thing that we have ever had to do. We are more shocked with his response, we thought that we meant more to him?!?
My parents have offered to stand beside him through any help that he chose to get, we would have helped him financially get through treatment...oh but lets not forget the numerous times we DID help him out financially!!
Technically I could continue to spew venom into this blog, but kindly I will stop. My reasons my friends..and thank you for your patience is strickly due to the information that I recieved earlier. I mean coming from the source itself really I should not have taken offence, however this is MY family and those are MY parents and they have done the very best that they could. They are amazing, and Mr. S needs to grow up and take responsibility for his own life and stop blaming everyone else.
My final thought about the situation is simple..."If I ever hear another fucking word come out of anyone's mouth regarding MY families decision with Mr.S" I will hunt you down and cut your fucking tongue clear out of your mouth"!!
Well isn't that saucy?? HA. For the record, clearly I would never truly hurt anyone...however I DARE you to say something!!!

Ok so the rest of you that have decided to stick it through and listen to me rant and rave about something that I heard not to long ago...then "thank you", however NO judgement....because I fucking hate that!!!
As most of you know about 2 years ago we had to give Mr.S and ultimatum...either you get help for your addiction and alchol abuse or we will no longer be able to support you! Recently I heard through the grapevine that a certain someone made a comment like..."oh, come on..it's only a little problem, he's alright"!! Are you seriously fucking kidding me?? A little problem?? Are you even aware of the "abuse" that has occurred by the actions of Mr. S?? I don't think so!
DO you really think that a family like mine found it easy to "wipe" our hands of him and his problems? Do you not know how difficult, sad, heartbreaking, it has been these past few years without him in our lives? He was one of the most important men in my life, he was someone who i admired, loves, cared for and needed, he understood me...he was always there! So, how much do you think it had to take to give him a choice? Either get the help that you need....or loose your family??
What you may not understand is that basically it was his choice to leave his family, he chose the easy route. What do you expect us to do? We have a family that needs to rely on eachother, we NEED to be together and we NEED work as a team to provide each of us with the love, faith, respect and happiness that we all deserve. When one of is not able to be a part of that team, then you are not welcome to bring us down.
So, you skeptics might ask, then why were you not there for him?? Why didn't you help him?
Honestly, Mr.S consumed more of our time (mostly my mothers), money and unconditional love than any situation we have had to overcome. We have stood beside him in court rooms, hosptial rooms, jail rooms and even at times our own homes. Where let me remind you he took full advantage and refused to follow the rules, how much help is acceptable before you become an enabler. We lived that way for at least 4 years...it was too long. People think (again people without knowledge) that it's more important to have your loved ones in your life... no matter how they choose to live their lives. They may believe that it's easier or better to love them, hold them, encourage them than to let them go. Well my friends...let me be the first to explain we let him go because we DO love him. But is it really worth sitting around watching him make the wrong choices, ruin his life, constantly hurting us, never following through with promises and at times sporting "arrogant" behaviour? I don't think so!
Now I am going to be respectful of my parents privacy and not divulge information that could potentially put them in an awkward postition. But I will not allow anyone..and I don't give a fuck who you are...talk about their choices as parents. These two people have been through more in life then many of you can even imagine, and no one has the right to think otherwise.
We as a family did what we had to do inorder to stay strong, healthy and move forward to find happiness without him in our lives.
Do I hope it is forever like that?? Absolutely NOT!! Of course I want Mr.S back in my life, he is an amazing person...at least before his additions got the best of him.
Many of you, and may I say.."many of you who are not educated in addictions" may sit and judge the significance or degree of the addiction that Mr. S possesses. Anyone with a brain will see that if a person is uncapable of working, holding a job, paying taxes, paying child support and using just about anyone inorder to survive that person's level of addiction must be uncontrollable. Again, our decision did not come easy...it was and still is the most difficult thing that we have ever had to do. We are more shocked with his response, we thought that we meant more to him?!?
My parents have offered to stand beside him through any help that he chose to get, we would have helped him financially get through treatment...oh but lets not forget the numerous times we DID help him out financially!!
Technically I could continue to spew venom into this blog, but kindly I will stop. My reasons my friends..and thank you for your patience is strickly due to the information that I recieved earlier. I mean coming from the source itself really I should not have taken offence, however this is MY family and those are MY parents and they have done the very best that they could. They are amazing, and Mr. S needs to grow up and take responsibility for his own life and stop blaming everyone else.
My final thought about the situation is simple..."If I ever hear another fucking word come out of anyone's mouth regarding MY families decision with Mr.S" I will hunt you down and cut your fucking tongue clear out of your mouth"!!
Well isn't that saucy?? HA. For the record, clearly I would never truly hurt anyone...however I DARE you to say something!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Speechless in Cambridge...
Wow, seriously...no words!! I have nothing to say, these past few weeks I feel like a failure! I have nothing....today is Monday's Menu so with that here is a simple menu that maybe some of you would like to try.

Don't those look fabulous! We are going to head to the apple orchard soon, so I suppose we will try this recipe!
What You Need
5 Apples (1-1/2 lb.), washed, well dried
1 pkg. (14 oz.) KRAFT Caramels
2 Tbsp. Water
1-1/2 cups BAKER'S ANGEL FLAKE Coconut, toasted
2 squares BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate
Make It
INSERT wooden pop sticks into stem ends of apples. Microwave caramels and water in deep microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2 to 3 min. or until caramels are melted, stirring every minute.
DIP apples in caramel, turning to evenly coat; scrape excess from bottoms of apples. Roll apples in coconut; place on greased tray. Refrigerate 15 min.
MICROWAVE chocolate in separate deep microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1 min. to 1 min. 15 sec. or until chocolate is almost melted, stirring after 1 min.; stir until completely melted. Drizzle chocolate over apples; return to tray. Let stand until chocolate is firm. Keep refrigerated

Don't those look fabulous! We are going to head to the apple orchard soon, so I suppose we will try this recipe!
What You Need
5 Apples (1-1/2 lb.), washed, well dried
1 pkg. (14 oz.) KRAFT Caramels
2 Tbsp. Water
1-1/2 cups BAKER'S ANGEL FLAKE Coconut, toasted
2 squares BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate
Make It
INSERT wooden pop sticks into stem ends of apples. Microwave caramels and water in deep microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2 to 3 min. or until caramels are melted, stirring every minute.
DIP apples in caramel, turning to evenly coat; scrape excess from bottoms of apples. Roll apples in coconut; place on greased tray. Refrigerate 15 min.
MICROWAVE chocolate in separate deep microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1 min. to 1 min. 15 sec. or until chocolate is almost melted, stirring after 1 min.; stir until completely melted. Drizzle chocolate over apples; return to tray. Let stand until chocolate is firm. Keep refrigerated
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Music Video Awards...

Not sure if many of you sit down and watch the Music Video Awards..just to let you know...I do! Yes my friends I love these awards. I must say that my favorite performance was Eminem's and I also liked Taylor Swifts...she was wonderful! As I type I am waiting to hear Kanye West's performance. I am not a big fan of him anymore but it will be interesting to see what he does!
Just an update with our nursing situation, things are going really really good!! She came by again this evening to spend time with Braden and get to know him. She will be back on Tuesday to do the same. I am looking forward to the future and seeing how well it all works and having a bit of a break in the evenings...maybe we'll get date nights through the week...that would be a treat! Well good night my friends...sorry for the shorter blogs, its harder to blog on the weekends!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Poker face...

Tonight there was a poker party in Ayr that we had to attend. We actually headed out there as a family and had a great time. Braden was introduced to the game of poker and did pretty good! It was a fun evening, I feel many many more nights of poker in the future! These group of people we will be spending most of the weekends with throughout the winter! Looking forward to it! Good night my friends, its been a long long day. I'm exhausted!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Involved Dad, Happy Couple...

This is a topic that has been important to me since the day that I realized I wanted to be a mommy. I new that someday I would settle down with a man who would put his wife and children first, and guess what?? I did!! I am the luckiest woman in the world for picking a man who does put his children's needs above and beyond his own. He is the most unselfish, giving,forgiving and loving daddy any child could be blessed with. If there is anything that I can say about Paul it is that he has always put his kids wants, needs and desires above his own. He has taken years off of work to help rehabilitate Braden, renovate our home to suit our changing family needs and he has always given Kailey all the time and attention she has needed throughout the years. He is aware of our childrens dreams, fears and passions and he is the first to encourage them in the right direction. He wants his children to be successful but has given them the knowledge to define their own success. It is in their hands, it is their choice, but daddy will always kindly but firmly nudge them in the path that will find them happiness...whatever that would be!
I found this article and thought of Paul and how fortunate I am to have the best daddy for my children. You know what?? I fall in love with him all over again everytime I see him hug, kiss, or gently nurture one of our children. It is the biggest turn on...EVER!!
Involved Dad, Happy Couple
“Becoming productively and passionately involved with his children may be the best thing a father can do for his marriage.”
John Hoffman
I am sometimes impulsive in public. I’ve been known to butt into conversations of total strangers. But one impulse I’ve never given in to comes when I see an expecting couple or a glowing new mom and dad out with their baby. I’m seized with the urge to rush up to the guy, grab him by the collar, and say, “You have a really good chance of being separated or divorced within a few years. What are you going to do about it, right now?!”
I promise never to do this. But I have seen so many marriages break up when kids are young. There are a multitude of reasons for divorce. I want to touch on one that is seldom talked about.
Twenty years ago when my wife led support groups for new moms, she heard lots of frustrated wisecracks like this: “You’d think that after eight months I wouldn’t still have to tell him where the diapers are.” Or “Is there something genetic that makes men unable to hear a baby cry at night?” I’ve never stopped hearing stories like that. I’m not dumping full responsibility in the laps of fathers, but I do submit that becoming productively and passionately involved with his children may be the best thing a father can do for his marriage.
This requires more than good intentions. Mothers have little choice but to become closely involved with a baby. Fathers have to choose to become involved; and if they don’t, or are not supported in doing so, I believe it can create the first fissure in an ever-widening rift.
Seattle psychologist John Gottman, who has done a lot of research on what happens to relationships after a baby is born, says 25 percent of American couples split up in the five years following a baby’s birth. Tracking a group of couples, in some cases for as long as 14 years, Gottman has delved into the factors that make new parenthood a trouble spot. He says the first baby usually brings a big drop in couple intimacy (no surprise there); there is often a rise in conflict, hostility and, in some cases, alienation, which is the first step towards divorce.
Not only do these new-parent problems put marriages in jeopardy, Gottman says discord and depression (which he believes is much more prevalent than most experts say) can cause parents to become less sensitive to their baby’s signals.
His solutions are that we should warn expectant parents about the big changes coming, show them how to deal with conflict, teach them about infant development and get (and keep) fathers involved with babies. Father involvement is good for child development, he says.
Agreed, but he misses a key point. Father involvement isn’t just good for the baby; it may be the key to a contented couple. Marriage advice givers have a way of trying to put the parent-baby relationship in one corner and the mom-dad relationship in a separate corner. They’re always advising parents to stay connected — usually by getting away from the baby. This fails to recognize that the baby is an inseparable link in the tie between the two parents.
I agree that parents should find time for themselves as a couple, but if they can only connect away from the baby, then there isn’t much to build from. The baby dominates a new mother’s emotional world; if the father is not similarly tuned in, there’s a major part of his partner’s life he can’t get at.
It’s not just a question of loving the kid. Most new fathers are gaga. The trick is to turn that love from a noun to a verb. A father needs to develop the ability — and confidence — to wade in and change a diaper without being asked, or take his turn walking the 3 a.m. floor. He also has to learn when to work in the background (read: fetch, cook and clean) to support his partner’s mothering. For me, the baby is epicentre of the whole thing and if we keep ignoring that, we’ll never solve the new mom and dad problems that Gottman talks about.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I have a confession...

Ok, so you all know that it is my responsibility every night to walk Finley and Ollie. I actually love this time of the night, I put my Ipod on and off I go. Thankfully both dogs are great to walk and absolutely NO trouble. Well maybe Ollie is a bit saucy, he growls a little at just about anything that moves. He does bark a bit at other people who are out walking but I don't care. I mean his little bark is nothing, I would laugh if someone ever said anything to me!
My confession is a little silly but oh so real!! Well eveynight during my walk there is an alley way that I have to walk through in order to get home. This alley way is dark, quiet, hidden and is lined with bushes and tree's and it always feels like someone is watching me or hiding in the bushes. THere is absolutley no one around, i just don't like it...it creeps me out! So, you ask "what are you afraid of then?" My answer to you is..."I am not afraid of any silly ridiculous rapists, murderer's or gangs my friends"...My fear seriously is Vampire's!! You laugh my friends...but I am terrified as I haul my ass through that alley way that a couple vampires are going to swoop down from the dark cold sky and attack me! If you think about it we have probably seen more movies lately with vampire attacks than gang attacks...for example Twilight,

when the old guy is out at night just fixing his boat minding his own buisness! If it can happen to him, then it can happen to me!! The other movie that crosses my mind is "The Lost Boys" from the 80's.

That movie scared the shit out of me! It still clearly haunts me today. I literally have to talk myself out of feeling the fear during that 1.5 minutes of pure terror! Damn Vampires!!
So, with much luck hopefully there will be no vampire battles in my future and I can continue to happily and safely walk my dogs during the winter nights.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday's Reflection.....

Tonight as I was walking the dogs I was thinking alot of some of my friends from college back in 1991. I started to think of them because on my Ipod is a song called "Silent Lucidity" which we use to listen too all the time. Actually my old friend Lisa's boyfriend use to play it on his guitar when we would sit around and have some drinks. God, those were the good ole'days! I still remember our apartment, and how I would love to come home from school and Paul would come home from work and we'd have so much fun together...just the two of us. Even back then we did all the entertaining because we were the only couple with an apartment, so of course everyone would migrate to our place..which was just fine! As I was listening to this song and walking along the dark lonely streets, I was thinking about the person that I use to be! The young woman, with so many thoughts, feelings and dreams of the perfect future. God, I was so naive! I would never had figured out that my life would be what it is today. I will admit, that sometimes I do think about my life, what it has become and at times I cannot believe this is the life that I live. I guess its different for me because I didn't really choose this path...I mean, I chose to be with Paul, chose to have a children and then I made choices that brought me to this place. The one thing that I didn't bank on was the type of choices that I would have to make. How things changed and I was not ready or at times willing to accept it. Most of us, go through life with plans of a family, career and job options. I remember being on that path, loving that part of my life! Especially when I was in college the first time.Seriously though with all that said, I would not change who we are, where we've been and where we are going. I do love my life, it did take a different course that I wasn't prepared for..but really..who doesn't go through that at times? I guess what I felt tonight had more to do with who I have become, so many things have shaped who I am, things that are out of my control. I will say that those years the years before I was "this" me.. were great, and I really miss those people who were there with me...I should find them! I think I will!!
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