Monday, September 20, 2010

Just some picture's to share...

Tonight is the first time that I have actually had the time to sit down and go through the pictures that Spencer took while we were in NYC. Its not that I wasn't excited to see them, its just when you look at his want the time to do so. I knew that once I sat down to go through the disk that he sent, I would need at least an hour. Not only did Spencer and his family send the disk with all his pictures, they also had a beautiful book made with all of them in it. I will admit, I think when you go on holidays..the best way to develop your pictures should be in hard cover books. It is a fabulous way of keeping them clean, strong and gorgeous. Besides, they are so easy to transport when you are meeting friends and they ask to see your vacation photo's. The people that I have shown so far have been blown away with this book.
So, tonight I would like to send out a big thank you to Spencer and his family for taking the time and cost to make this fabulous keepsake that we as a family will treasure for EVER!!
It has taken me a long time to recognize the book in my blog, and I feel guilty about that...but please know, I truly needed the time to sit and look through the pictures, take them all in and remember those moments that were captured. Anything less I would have felt like a "phony" or like I was rushing to thank you for your kindness, and thats just not me!! LOL, I/we love this book sooo much, and I thank you for the pictures as well. always manage to catch a precious shot of Finley and I think you out did yourself this time! See below...

This picture of Kailey was taken in the church that survived the Twin Tower collapse. I love this pictures...if you read my blogs, then you know why!

This picture was taken by SPencer on the Brooklyn bridge which we happened to walk across one very hot day! I just noticed this evening that Spencer photoshoped the names on the lock...very clever it!!

The lights of NYC...SPencer, this one makes me "speechless"! Absolutely gorgeous!

Four beautiful teenagers!!

Momma Martz & Daddy Martz!

I could not end this blog without one picture of our beautiful baby boy..Ollie!

Once again SPencer, Shelley, Jeff and even Tyler...with much love and appreciation, thank you for taking the time to give us this precious gift, not only the gift of the book but our gift of friendship!
With Love,
"The Martz's"

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the book, the pics are amazing, great job Spencer, was auch a nice gesture to do what you have done!
