It happened, this morning on her way out the door. My little girl, my beautiful 13 year old( 4 1/2 yrs, my time) gave me a kiss as she was leaving to go to school...and sadly as she leaned in to give me a kiss her little nose.."rested perfectly ontop of mine". Yep, she is officially taller than me!! I couldn't beleive the difference in that little goodbye kiss, for the first time ever...her little perfect nose, sat above mine!
Although it was a moment of shock and disbelieve, it was a moment of relief...thank god she is going to be taller than her mother!! I was proud!!
Speaking of my daughter...guess who is getting INKED..again??
Nope, not Kailey for those of you who thought I was leading up to that!! HA. As if I would let that happen!
I am getting another tattoo....yes I am! I just as excited about this one as I was the last one. The only problem is I am not 100% certain, where I want it?? I am going in to see a tattoo artist soon, I would like them to help me decide on a spot and on the perfect design. I have the general design shown below, but I am not too sure about the flowers, I want to change them. I like the pink flowers, but I don't want them that big and I also don't want three of them. Plus, I am not into the pink color, I think I would like white? See how undecided I sitll am!! I want this tattoo to be small, not to big or flashy. SOmething elegant, dainty and personal. I have some work to do still...not completely satisfied and this is not the thing to take a chance with. I will certainly keep you posted!

I know this picture is hard to see, I tried to make it bigger but I didn't know how! I do want the actual tattoo to be a bit bigger than this, obviously so when you look at it, you know what it is! It symbolizes a mother and daughter...I think its so pretty and it lets Kailey know that I love her just as much as our "GO FORWARD" tattoo that we got in honor of Braden and our journey!
Well, my friends I am off to walk my puppies...they are waiting for me!
I love the tattoo, such a wonderful meaning for you. I would suggest the back of a shoulder, that way if you want it to show you can and if not you dont have to. I am glad kailey is getting taller lol she will suprise everyone when she does!