Ok so the rest of you that have decided to stick it through and listen to me rant and rave about something that I heard not to long ago...then "thank you", however NO judgement....because I fucking hate that!!!
As most of you know about 2 years ago we had to give Mr.S and ultimatum...either you get help for your addiction and alchol abuse or we will no longer be able to support you! Recently I heard through the grapevine that a certain someone made a comment like..."oh, come on..it's only a little problem, he's alright"!! Are you seriously fucking kidding me?? A little problem?? Are you even aware of the "abuse" that has occurred by the actions of Mr. S?? I don't think so!
DO you really think that a family like mine found it easy to "wipe" our hands of him and his problems? Do you not know how difficult, sad, heartbreaking, it has been these past few years without him in our lives? He was one of the most important men in my life, he was someone who i admired, loves, cared for and needed, he understood me...he was always there! So, how much do you think it had to take to give him a choice? Either get the help that you need....or loose your family??
What you may not understand is that basically it was his choice to leave his family, he chose the easy route. What do you expect us to do? We have a family that needs to rely on eachother, we NEED to be together and we NEED work as a team to provide each of us with the love, faith, respect and happiness that we all deserve. When one of is not able to be a part of that team, then you are not welcome to bring us down.
So, you skeptics might ask, then why were you not there for him?? Why didn't you help him?
Honestly, Mr.S consumed more of our time (mostly my mothers), money and unconditional love than any situation we have had to overcome. We have stood beside him in court rooms, hosptial rooms, jail rooms and even at times our own homes. Where let me remind you he took full advantage and refused to follow the rules, how much help is acceptable before you become an enabler. We lived that way for at least 4 years...it was too long. People think (again people without knowledge) that it's more important to have your loved ones in your life... no matter how they choose to live their lives. They may believe that it's easier or better to love them, hold them, encourage them than to let them go. Well my friends...let me be the first to explain we let him go because we DO love him. But is it really worth sitting around watching him make the wrong choices, ruin his life, constantly hurting us, never following through with promises and at times sporting "arrogant" behaviour? I don't think so!
Now I am going to be respectful of my parents privacy and not divulge information that could potentially put them in an awkward postition. But I will not allow anyone..and I don't give a fuck who you are...talk about their choices as parents. These two people have been through more in life then many of you can even imagine, and no one has the right to think otherwise.
We as a family did what we had to do inorder to stay strong, healthy and move forward to find happiness without him in our lives.
Do I hope it is forever like that?? Absolutely NOT!! Of course I want Mr.S back in my life, he is an amazing person...at least before his additions got the best of him.
Many of you, and may I say.."many of you who are not educated in addictions" may sit and judge the significance or degree of the addiction that Mr. S possesses. Anyone with a brain will see that if a person is uncapable of working, holding a job, paying taxes, paying child support and using just about anyone inorder to survive that person's level of addiction must be uncontrollable. Again, our decision did not come easy...it was and still is the most difficult thing that we have ever had to do. We are more shocked with his response, we thought that we meant more to him?!?
My parents have offered to stand beside him through any help that he chose to get, we would have helped him financially get through treatment...oh but lets not forget the numerous times we DID help him out financially!!
Technically I could continue to spew venom into this blog, but kindly I will stop. My reasons my friends..and thank you for your patience is strickly due to the information that I recieved earlier. I mean coming from the source itself really I should not have taken offence, however this is MY family and those are MY parents and they have done the very best that they could. They are amazing, and Mr. S needs to grow up and take responsibility for his own life and stop blaming everyone else.
My final thought about the situation is simple..."If I ever hear another fucking word come out of anyone's mouth regarding MY families decision with Mr.S" I will hunt you down and cut your fucking tongue clear out of your mouth"!!
Well isn't that saucy?? HA. For the record, clearly I would never truly hurt anyone...however I DARE you to say something!!!
I can't believe who ever it was had the balls to say something about how you guys dealt with mr S! I know what hell your parents went though and what they done to try and help him and what they gave up to help him. Look I went through the same thing with Mr R and it puts such an emotional strain on life itself, its never easy to let someone go you love and is family, but if they rather keep fucking up and not getting help, what are you suppose to do, they are adults, sometimes letting them go is what has to be done, no its never easy, but how can you guys live your life dealing with that, you did enough, your parents have done enough, Mr S is a big boy and he decided to walk away not you guys! Why do people say things when they dont have all the info! I don't blame you for being pissed, you guys have such a busy life and your own issues to deal with. You parents the the sweetest, most loving and caring people I know, they are like parents to me, nothing was easy about that your family had to do, it never is and never will be, You guys did what you had to do, no one should be judging anyone!
ReplyDeleteWell said Candy, yeah, its kinda pathetic! Actually where the comment came from is someone who should certainly NOT be judging! Yes, i am pissed off but reality is...people like to judge and criticize, "misery loves company" is the ol' saying!!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, i am just hoping that the right ones read this blog and they get the point! I am sure they will...the phones will be buzzing tonight!! LOL, love ya and thanks for the continuous support!! XOXO
Oh I am sure the phone was ringing off the wall lol, you made an impact for sure lol. We have had our differences growing up and we have our own ways of dealing with stuff, but we do share a lot of the same ideals as well. no matter what I will always be here and defend, support your family cause you are my family! People just dont get it, but you have held your head high and moved on. One of the sayings I live by is people who live in glass house shouldnt throw stones! Always here!
ReplyDeleteYep you are absolutely right, everyone has different opinions and we do not always agree with choices that people make, and yes we have had our differences however I would never dream to poke my nose into your choices or anyone else's for that matter! I do feel the same way about you, I too defend and support you regardless of the matter and forever will!!
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if the right people have read it, nothing was said as of yet, but i am prepared just incase!! LOL..
Same too you my friend, I have always been here for you and will continue to support and encourage anything that you believe in!!