You see the problem with Family Matters Friday is that by the end of the week...I am too tired to sit down and think of a topic and then research and blog it!!
So instead of a family topic I will give you some updates! First off...How are the kids doing in school? Well, both of my kids are doing wonderful they are both very happy so far with their teachers and classes.Braden's hockey starts up again next week so we will be travelling to Toronto every Sunday so he can play what he loves. Kailey is doing fantastic in ringette. Her team is looking wonderful, I am very happy with the coaches, team mates and parents...its proving to be a great season!
Finley is doing well, she has her walk everynight with me and Ollie. Harley is thrilled because I bought him an ortho-pedic bed for the front hallway. Harley looks great, everynight he gets a quick jaunt around the block and seems fulfilled with that. My mom is great...she has a big birthday coming up in Dec. and I am looking forward to what this year will bring for celebrations. My dad is also doing great, just had a colonoscopy and we are waiting for the results of that, I have a good feeling though...No worries there!! Paul is settling well back into work, it was like he was never gone! He is very busy and they have put alot back on him...he has already been late getting home two times this week. Its ok though, at least I am home and able to take care of the things going on here! I will have to say that I know everyone is busy and I am not the only one with kids, appointments, homework and activities but I have found it overwhelming with all the "things" that need to be done! Its crazy, so many appointments and clinics, equipment problems...everything that you can think of that runs the human body there is a specialist attatched to each body part and they all need to be addressed regularily.
I think that's the frustrating, exhausting part of my life. Keeping track of all the professionals we have to send updates too, meet with ALL of the time...and that doesn't include Kailey's, mine or Pauls life schedules. We see foot doctors, hand doctors,spine doctor's, nerve doctors, breathing doctors, kidney doctors, heart doctors, psychology doctors, eye doctors, botox doctor's(which I am firing)...the therapists are countless...physio, occupational, rehab, walking clinics..etc etc etc...my god, it never ends!! I am not complaining because I am blessed to be home with him and be available to stay ontop of things, but I am at times still stressed even without a full time/part time job! Ok, so that's how i'm doing!!!
Little Ollie is so awesome!! He is my love, he gives me so much cuddles, kisses and laughs. Today I was not laughing though when he dragged a dead mole into my living room through the back door and proceeded to try to what I thought eat it?! I panicked, washed his mouth out and put him in his cage, so I could dispose of that smelly mole.
On another serious note, after the death of the mole I went to the back room and came across another unfortunate murder....yes, here lies the "Happy Birthday Monkey" which lived a short but loved life. I have no idea who murdered her, but I have my suspicions..Hmhm...Ollie?!!
Do you see his fluffy guts splattered around his limp body? Such a terrible crime scene!! OH OLLIE!!!
This is how the Happy Birthday Monkey was found..face down in lying in a pool of fluff!
Thank fully the other two victim's survived the whole ordeal and are recovering safely in a private succluded area.
Thankfully Micky and blue puppy survived...here they lay waiting for help while the suspect was contained in his crate!!
Wanted for questioning...suspect pictured below!
Have a good night my friends, good night and god bless!!
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