The article below was taken from a parenting website. I chose this article because we live a life committed to our childrens sports and activities.
I know that many of you who do follow my blog also live for your children and take their sports and all around well being very serious. We parents who choose to commit every weekend to our children do see the positive effects on our children's mental, physical and emotional health. Back in the day when we were deciding whether or not it would be a good idea for Kialey to play on a provincial team and the commitment that we had to make, I remember weighing the pro's and con's. I will admit, sometimes it is difficult getting up on the weekends at 6:30am to be at the arena for 8am...sometimes even earlier! Its not easy...especially when you have been at a party the night before and didn't get to bed until 2am. Let's not forget the commitment Paul has made over the years with Braden. Every single Sunday he drives Braden to Toronto to watch him play the sport that he loves so much. Even though its a long drive and pretty much takes up the whole day, it is more than worth it! To see the smiles, determination and love of the sport beam from Braden...we would drive to the mountains and back. The great thing however about being involved with sports is that you form a family, and you get to spend so many fun times together with them. I have always been greatful for the friendships that Kailey has made...these are her girls, and she loves them. I love that this commitment keeps Kailey grounded, in shape, and teaches her lesson's in life that many adults still don't get! She is determined, dedicated and manages her time like a pro.
I am also thankful for the postive health effects it has had on her. She is very healthy, loves to exercise, and watches what she eats...these are all great traits to go into adulthood with. Don't get me wrong though...she is still a 13 year old girl who loves her candies, pop and MacDonalds. Its just awesome that she has learned how to be in control of what she chooses to eat.
Do I think she is too young to be concerned of those things?? Absolutely not!!
When I was 15 years old, I was starting to become depressed and upset because I was putting on weight and not having any success with taking it off. My mom also became concerned about it and decided to sign me up along with herself to Weight Watchers...I will say it was the best thing she could have done for me! It taught me at a young age, how to eat properly and how to balance my life. I am forever grateful of that...
Basically in the end, this experience of playing sports and being on a team is shaping my child to become an adult with a personality that will foever be noticed. She has learned to be reliable, responsible and fair. Those are qualities that are important those are a few of the qualities that make us successful in what ever we choose to do.
When I say these things...I say it lightly! Paul and I do not determine success by the career you have, the money you make or the people you know! Whatever our children do in life, if they are happy, content and independant...then they are successful! and that is all we ask of them.
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.
John Wooden
Many teens in high school want to try out for sports. A lot of them try because they think it will make them popular or get them more dates. While this may seem like a silly reason, there are lots of other benefits to sports that your child may overlook. Here are some reasons that you’ll find comforting.
With T.V., movies, computers, and video games becoming more and more popular, it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves rather than going out with friends. Kids used to go hang out at the mall or drive around town; now they just sit at home. Getting your teen into a sport gives them an opportunity to go out and socialize. While they may not find a new best friend, they will learn how to interact and work as a team; something they’ll find useful later in life.
One of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity, and it’s not just a problem with adults. More and more kids are becoming overweight. Joining a team sport will help your teen get out and get some exercise without feeling pressured to lose weight or get in shape. Plus, if your teen sees that their physical condition is causing them to under-perform, they may be motivated to do other activities to get healthy. By the time your child reaches their teenager year, part of good parenting will be providing them with direction and encouragement and continuing to help them develop a healthy style of living.
These days, it’s becoming harder to show your teenager that you love and support them. A great way to do this is by showing up to their games, helping them practice, and helping with team fundraisers. These are also great ways to spend time your kids and talk to them.
You may think “but my teen isn’t good enough to make their school team”. There are plenty of other places besides school to play team sports. You can always check out the YMCA or other “for-fun” leagues. You could look into more obscure sports that you may not have thought of; did you know that bowling is a NCAA team sports? If you do a little research, you’re sure to find something your teen will enjoy.
Team sports are a great way for your teen to get out of the house, get moving, make friends, and even get a scholarship to college. So why not talk to them about getting into sports today?
This is a great article that I hope you find useful. Or at least remind you that as parents we are doing everything we can to help our children acquire a level of success that is fulfulling to them.
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