Everyone is the same - FilmPossible Video Contest
Tonight I want to ask a favour of you?! Braden submitted a video to a contest in Toronto which is being held to bring awareness to disabilities in our communities. It is a contest and there is a prize, however Braden is more concerned with the votes he recieves because for every vote this film production company donates a dollar to BloorView centre. This centre helps children all over Ontario who are living with disabilities, they help their families and siblings cope with the challenges associated with having a disability. It is a wonderful service for families and a much needed one for children. I am going to kindly ask that you take the time to follow the link and vote for Braden, he is so excited and hopes to get lots of votes to make the money for this centre. Thank you so much for you support, I will keep you all updated on his success!
Here is the link above to Braden's video...good luck and thank you!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday's Menu..cancelled till next week!

I am sorry to have cancelled Monday's Menu but like I have said these past couple days..I am still not feeling well. Basically I didn't cook today so there is nothing that I can feature!
Just a bit of an update on the situation with the nursing issue that's about to start for our family is going very well. We are kind of in negotiations with a nurse that we feel is probably perfect to fit into our family. The only changes that I think we are going to make is to not have any nursing hours in the morning. Initially we were going to have a nurse here in the morning to help get Braden off to school and then 3 evenings during the week. The evening hours will eleviate some of the time needed at home to assist Braden with his evening care. This will free up some of Paul's time so that he can still play squash, help with Kailey and even just give him better quality time with Braden, not hours spent arguing because they are constantly with eachother. It will definately improve all of our roles and help with keeping everyone at arms length for respect and independance.
This nurse who we have been in talks with was upset that the morning hours wouldn't work for her schedule, this evening she phoned to tell us what she thought was bad news. Once she told me that she was interested in the evening but couldn't do the morning hours I felt a relief, almost like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I really was struggling with having someone here every morning. There is technically no reason why I cannot continue helping Braden get ready in the morning, I love that part of the day. It's time with him, its time that I have had with him almost everyday for 15 years. I am honestly not ready to let that go....just yet! I think Braden feels the same way. We have lots of time to find the right person to help in our home, the one that is right will hopefully even attend college with Braden and stay with him full time? You never know, its certainly an idea.
It was nice to feel calm and satisfied, almost like everything fell into place. The nurse and I talked some more, and we agreed that she would work with him 3 evenings a week and help us (our family) with the transitions of letting go to this lifestyle. Its great that we will take it slower, why was I in such a hurry? Why was I so panicked? It feels great to have a solution, to have a direction...things are working out. I feel confident that this is what we should be doing, we are happy and these new changes will just have to happen my way! Well this is one problem solved...on to the next!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dinner with the MacPhee's...
Tonight Paul and I were invited to the MacPhee's for dinner and what a spread they put on! Greg did the cooking and Candy did the preparing...they were a great team and hosted a lovely evening. Our appetizer which is pictured above was stuffed mushrooms which had shrimp and cheese galore! Mmmmm...they were scrumptions!
I unfortunately still am not feeling 100%, but managed to enjoy some white wine that Candy got from a local vineyard up by Bellville Ontario. I actually added gingerale to it so that it was more like a spritzer and didn't affect me too badly considering my chest cold and sore throat! The weather was perfect sitting out back on their deck, and I must say that they did a fabulous job with their new fence. I hope that next year they get to fulfill their desire to have a hot tub, because that is a luxury that I love having. I know that they would enjoy it just as much as long as the right people were invited and people such as Ummmm...*Bobby* were not!! LOL...wink, wink~
Well, good night my friends, I am tired and ready for bed! I hope all my lovely friends are enjoying the weekend, and taking advantage of the weather!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Family Matters Friday...cancelled today!

You know what I love?? Being the boss of this blog! HA.
I don't really feel like blogging about any family issues tonight, unfortunately I am really not feeling well. My throat has gotten worse, body aches and just plain tired. So, tonight is going to be a short but sweet blog. I had made plans with my friend Sue and her daughters a few weeks ago and I really didn't want to cancel as it has been over a year since we saw eachother and our girls. Fortunately this friendship is one that can just pick up where ever we left off, there is no expectations and no judgements between us..the friendship is really kinda refreshing.
Sue and I have a history between us that I do not have with any other friend. I mean, she is the only one who I have that can relate and understand the pain and guilt that I sometimes feel over life situations. She lost a son, who happened to be a good friend of Braden's when he was about 7 years old. He had cancer, and fought his best to stay...he died at home on a cold winter night, with his family at his bedside. It was a hard time for all of us, at times so overwhelming but I had this friendship with her, that made us reach for one another in times of difficulty.
Today our friendship has changed. We both have come along way in life, she became a social worker and me a nurse. We both have stories of survival, fear, anger and faith and we both take comfort knowing that we have eachother. We have the best talks, conversations that we cannot have with many people...things that the average mom just couldn't understand.
The wonderful thing about this friendship is that we can still laugh with eachother, and actually over time...we do more laughing than we do crying and I like that! I love where we are in life, I love the friendship..its an easy one, one of comfort, understanding and value. I believe we have both found contentment in our lives, we are now free to see that life is satisfying when it is simple, do not make it difficult or complicated. Never take anything for granted and always find happiness in the small things. We get that... and for all we have been through, when we have been asked if we would change anything about our pasts, our answers are the same.."probably not". We see life different from most, and too us that is our blessing! Thank you Sue for your friendship...I love that you are here!
Guess what I did today?? I signed myself up for a 5 week program called "Get published". It is a class designed to help you write a book, I am so excited. Looks like I will start this next journey and write my book. I can't wait to start this class....I hope that I can do this. I am pretty proud of myself, I only have about 3 months left of this blogging commitment that I made Jan 1st of this year. Technically I will be finished and can return to facebook come this January! We will see what happens...
Good night my friends and god bless~
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Beach Day Today...
Today was wonderful, except for the fact that I am suffering from a terrible sore throat and chest cold. Kail, Ethan and I went to the beach with Candy, Kels, and Riley...it was a bit chilly but that didn't seem to stop the kids from swimming. Candy and I sat on the beach, catching up on life while the kids played and swam. It was relaxing, unfortunatly I had bouts of "not feeling well" however I think I did pretty good with keeping up with the conversation and still laughing with the kids.
Kailey applying the wax to her skin board...the kids had some fun with it,Kailey needs more practice but she did good!
Funny story:
So, as Candy and I are sitting on the beach I had noticed that the women behind us was sunbathing while lying on her back without a top on. I will admit that I was shocked to see it, but I wasn't as bothered as I thought I might have been. I mean it is legal now, but its something that our society is not accustomed too. Regardless, there she was in all her glory. Well as we are walking up to the van to pack up our stuff i see that Ethan who let me remind you is 7 years old happens to notice this women who is lying on a towel with her breasts exposed. I decided not to give Ethan a reaction, and just wait to see how he handles it. He was totally taking a peek, but definately not staring I was pretty impressed and figured I would be questioned in the van about this womens choice to sunbath without a top.
All of a sudden, Ethan calls out to me.."Aunt Sissy (this is what he has called me since he was a baby) I have to go back and see if I left something back there".
Immediately I knew what he was doing!! HE was going back for a second peek true to MacPhee nature..he was totally heading back to gawk at this womens boobs! When he returned, he was smiling and had said that he thought there was a Tim Horton cup left on the beach...LOL, I grinned at him and laughed, teasing him that he just wanted to see that ladies boobies again...he laughed sooo hard! He was busted and he didn't even fight it! We all laughed and he loved the attention, of course questions followed and we dealt with it accordingly. I of course called him a little pervert, which he in turn told me that he couldn't wait to tell his friend "Kauzmeen" about the boobs on the beach. Candy's son Riley then said to Ethan, Oh so now you want to turn your friend into a pervert too...Ethan's response was.."No, he was already one"! Too funny, even Riley was shocked at the response! Overall, it was great! The weather was a bit chilly but there was no rain.
Today made me think of the fall again, I am looking forward to thanksgiving. I love this weather and I love the autumn and what the new season brings!
Riley looking oh so handsome on the beach!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday's Reflection...
The pictures that I have posted were actually taken today. Normally I like to post older pic's of the family and then tell the story behind them but today I wanted to do another "ollie update". Hope you like the picture's, Ollie is getting so big. He is pretty much trained to pee outside, only the occassional accident which is pretty good. He loves to cuddle, loves to be held and is madly in love with MOI!
The feeling is mutual, if I could I would bring that dog everywhere. I know it drives Paul utterly crazy but deep down I know he is secretly in love with Ollie! I catch him with his baby talk, giving him cuddles, hugging and kissing him..carrying him around the house like a baby!!
I bought a new "dog purse" today on line, it is perfect for me and ollie.

Paul will never use it, but that's ok...I will! I plan on taking him everywhere. He is so good when he is out and about.
The only issue that we have yet with him is his consistant barking at the fence. He has a "short man complex" in which he thinks that he is a Great Dane and his attitude is of one as well. We love him, I am so happy thing worked out the way they did...yes its alot of work having 3 dogs, but we love it! They all make us happy, and fill our lives with fun, love and craziness!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I Have a Heavy Heart today...

Last night I recieved a phone call from a very dear friend (who's identity I will protect) who was calling to tell me that her and her husband were getting a divorce. The news was "shocking" something I would have never expected! She and her husband had always seemed to be a happy, well-put together, successful couple...whom I actually admired. Still to this day...I will say that they have a "connection" that most marriages will never experience.
It is sad, it sucks, and it is going to be life changing! But, I know she will get through this and will come away a stronger women. I admire her strength, courage and ability to continue...as many women would crumble.
Unfortunatly the circumstances of the divorce are not based on "both parties agreeing", it was and i strongly voice "HIS FAULT" and he will forever live with the demons of loosing his children, wife, and the perfect life they worked on together. Ok, so..I am the first to say that nothing is ever perfect, and the reality is I am sure it was never perfect for them. But I will admit, they worked hard together to get pretty darn close to perfect...and he chose to destroy every bit of it.
I don't get it? Why?
What part of a man or women's character enables them to "go outside" of the marriage? I know marriage is tough, it doesn't come easy...actually NO relationship is ever easy, they all take work.
I am not going to go into details of their damaged relationship, its not fair to my friend. I guess tonights blog is based on my thoughts this evening. The fact remains, two people who I would have never imagined to divorce will be filing soon. It is shocking, and it is sad.
Today myself and another friend met with her, she seems to be doing ok, the kids are struggling and her soon to be EX-husband is starting to feel the effects of his loss.
From here we will build, we will build your happiness, your strength and your life! The future is encouraging, its exciting and it is new...GO FORWARD, its the only option.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday's Menu...

What You Need
1 pkg. (2-layer size) chocolate cake mix 1 pkg.
(4-serving size) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
1/3 cup KOOL-AID Orange Flavor
Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink Mix 2 Tbsp. hot water
1 can (16 oz.) ready-to-spread white frosting
24 OREO Cookies
12 pieces black string licorice (32 inch each)
48 miniature candy-coated chocolate pieces
Make It
cake batter as directed on package; blend in dry pudding mix. Spoon evenly into 24 paper-lined medium muffin cups. Bake as directed on package for cupcakes. Cool completely.
DISSOLVE drink mix in hot water. Stir into frosting until blended. Frost cupcakes, reserving some frosting for attaching candies.
CUT each licorice piece into sixteen 2-inch pieces; set aside. Place 1 cookie on top of each cupcake. Insert 4 licorice pieces into each side of each cookie for the "spider's legs." (Eight licorice pieces for each cookie.) Add 2 candy-coated chocolate pieces to top of each cookie using some of the reserved frosting for the "spider's eyes."
Is anyone else thinking Halloween yet? Today was the first day that I thought about it. Actually I was thinking more about Autumn and how its just around the corner. But as most of you know, Halloween is like one of my favorite times of the year, I absolutely love halloween!! Its different now because the kids are older, but I still love to make the treats, decorate my house and watch scary movies through this time of the season. Maybe this year we will find a party to go to and get dressed up. Last year we didn't go to one, but we did make it to a house party for a couple hours.
Today Ethan and I went to see Nanny McPhee Returns...it was a cute movie, we both enjoyed it alot. It was kinda of a dull day outside with the weather being crappy, so we went to a movie. Tomorrow I'd like to head to Ikea because I need light bulbs for Kailey's new lamp. Not sure if we'll go or not?! Anyways, its been hard to blog lately, I haven't got much to say....life is resuming to normalcy. I will have to learn to look outside the box and come up with some blogging topics...more to come my friends. I promise to spruce this baby up!! Hang tight and hang on!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Guess who's Baaaack??
You've got it!! My boy Ethan, he is here for the week and ready for fun! I am excited to have him, this is our last week, next week he will be with his other set of grandparents. I would love to have him but we are looking forward to getting ready for back to school, and spending time together before everyone returns to work and school! This week we have a few things planned with Ethan, stay tuned for the events! I am sure I will be taking lots of pictures this week.
Tonight we are all so tired, Paul hasn't been feeling well today. Not sure if it is self inflicted or maybe he is coming down with something? Tomorrow we will see, I really have nothing to blog about. So, good night my friends and god bless~!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday Night....
This was our night...only a few words to describe alot of fun, with some great friends!
This was our night...only a few words to describe alot of fun, with some great friends!
Friday, August 20, 2010
WOW, it's hubby's 44th birthday today! Today was a great day, the weather was perfect, it was Paul's day and a friend stopped in for a drink! We celebrated Paul's birthday today, we gave him his gifts, which he opened this evening after we walked the puppies! He didn't ask for anything in particular this year, but I knew that there was a few things that he needed and some things that he would enjoy. He play's squash at least 2x a week, and he needed some more outfits for the courts. He also is going back to work in September and I thought he would like a new Starbucks insulated coffee travel mug. We buy the VIA Starbucks packets for instant coffee and he really likes those, so with having to commute I thought he might like this little coffee system and find comfort in his favorite coffee on those long, winter mornings into Hamilton. This travel mug actually has spots for 6 packages of the VIA coffee, its pretty cool, and he liked it! I also bought him a new fleece jacket from "The North Face" company. I know how chilly it is leaving the gym in the evening after a long game, so with his new sweater/jacket he will be warm...don't forget about all the trips to the arena this coming winter, this jacket will get lots of use!
Anyways, we picked him up a few more things...he was very happy with his presents. We will do cake on Sunday.
Sadly, Spencer leaves tomorrow...I know that he is ready to go, and I think with school just around the corner it seems a slight bit easier to say "good bye". He feels the same way, everyone is settling into new routine's, Spencer is ready to see his family and friends in Calgary. He really has become a part of our family and we will truly miss him, even though it seems easier to say good bye, I think that I personally will miss him more than usual over the winter because he has definately become more significant in our home. He fits, and he is always welcome here!
We wish him and his family a safe, happy and healthy winter, wonderful christams holidays and we will be looking forward to making our new plans for next summer! Untill then my Calgarian young man, be good, take care of your momma and do good in school, keep in touch and keep your dreams alive! We love you so much, and will miss you tremendously!! XOXOX
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Family Matters Thursday...

What?? You say..Family Matters is suppose to be on Friday? What in the heck are you doing Chrissy? Why are you mixing it all up on us? Well, my friends you are just going to have to wait and see what captivates my attention tomorrow!
So, just because tomorrow I have an important blog to fill..today I have a topic that I can guarantee will effect you and your family. My topic is family vacations and the importance of spending time with your children. As you know, we as a family like to travel about two times a year...sometimes more and sometime less. Sometimes its just a get away to Toronto and sometimes its a trip to Mexico. For the most part vacationing with your children is alot of work and most parents dread the preparing, planning and of course the cost. I have found that since my children are becoming teenagers it is getting more and more difficult to expect them to want to do the things that we want to do. I know that some families are preparing to include boyfriends and girlfriends into family holidays just to get their children to go on a holiday with them. We found this holiday bringing a friend for each kid probably was the best thing we could have done. It truly was one of our best vacations...not the most relaxing but one that we could enjoy and the kids could enjoy as well.
Paul and I were talking this morning about when our last holiday alone together was...and we are pretty sure it was about 6 years ago! We are certainly over due, and will be working on a get away together very soon. However...with that said, the thought of going away without the kids, at this stage of life kinda makes me sad! We really do love having them on vacation with us! They are funny, well behaved, articulate and over all great people and we all manage to travel well together.
Besides, in a couple years...both kids will be very busy with school, friends, social lives, jobs and career searching, that vacationing with their parents will probably not even be a thought anymore. Eventually Kailey will be heading to islands with friends (never over christmas, my rule forever!!) and Braden I am sure will have a few staff hired inorder to accomadate his desires to become a New Yorker!

So, really?? Dad, if you are reading..I suggest that you stop here!! I am no longer going to wish for the long, hot, relaxing, sun and sex filled weeks (sorry mom!) in the tropics...because in no time...we will have it all! For know, I will sit back
and be thankful that I can still drag my children out of the country, into the city and far out into the great Canadian woods to spend time with us, make memories and naturally drive eachother crazy! I am so thankful for the time I have with them, sometimes we take it for granted...but time goes by so quickly, I must live for the moment...with my kids!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday's Reflection...
This picture was taken in New York City at The HardRock Cafe. We were recovering from a very long day and just wanted to sit down and have a drink and relax our very tired legs! Paul and I were so relaxed in this moment, the kids were fed, the kids were tired and we were in a good spot! I love this picture, Paul and I were so happy!
Today I met a friend for dinner, it was so nice to get caught up. I haven't spoken to her in over a year! We met for 4:30 and didn't leave the restaurant until 9:00pm, it was wonderful. Hopefully we will make a better effort to keep in touch, I value her friendship and love to get together with just her or with our families! I must make more time for them, I need her friendship!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Guess What I did Today??

Absolutely NOTHING!!! That's right my friends...I did nothing! FInally, a day to just think about me! It has been along time coming but I think that makes you appreciate it more!
I was telling Candy today that since I have left facebook, I have read about 5 books! For me, that's pretty good! I know some people have enough time in their lives to read a book in one day...unfortunately or fortunately that's not me! I am very pleased with my success and I am currently enjoying a book by Elin Hilderbrand and its called "The Island", this one is an easy read...one you might take to the cottage. Nonetheless...I am enjoying it!
I actually ended my day the same way that I started it..outside, with a cup of tea , my dogs and my book! In the morning the sun was rising off to the left and this evening the sun was setting behind me to the right, it was so relaxing...exactly what I needed!
Summer is slowing winding down, I noted tonight that the sun went down earlier and there was a cool breeze in the air, it was the perfect evening. I am seeing Back to School commercials and the stores are putting out all the school supplies. I must admit, I don't think that I am quite ready...I love our summer mornings!
Well I hope everyone is happy and taking advantage of our last couple weeks of summer. I am meeting a friend tomorrow for dinner, haven't seen her in over a year! I am looking forward to that, we are going to that place in Paris that I told you about awhile ago it's called "The Brown Dog". We have lots to catch up on, both of us busy with kids, marriage, friends and family. Good night my friends...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday's Menu....
Black Bottom Banana Pie

What You Need
6 Tbsp. Butter or margarine,
divided 25 NILLA Wafers, finely crushed (about 1-1/4 cups)
2 Tbsp. Sugar
4 squares BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate
2 large Bananas, sliced
1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1-3/4 cups cold milk
1 cup thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
Make It
MELT 4 Tbsp. butter; pour into medium bowl. Stir in wafer crumbs and sugar. Reserve 2 Tbsp. for later use; press remaining crumb mixture onto bottom and up side of 9-inch pie plate.
MICROWAVE chocolate and remaining butter in microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1 min. or until butter is melted; stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is well blended. Drizzle over bottom of crust; top with bananas.
BEAT pudding mix and milk with whisk 2 min.; pour over bananas. Refrigerate 4 hours. Top with COOL WHIP and reserved crumb mixture just before serving.
Welcome back to Monday's Menu...tonight I did not actually make this dessert. We had my parents over for dinner tonight and it was wonderful! We shared so many laughs, talked about old times and just generally enjoyed eachothers company! It was nice, we needed an evening like that! Sometimes over the course of my life, there has been times that my parents have been so involved in our lives. They have at times practically lived here in order to help with the kids, or just help keep things under control when life has been busy. With the kids getting older and more independant we haven't needed them here as often, its been hard getting use to not seeing them almost daily. I know in time, we will again be involved on a regular basis, spending time together...hopefully on the porch of a beautiful cottage, or maybe even on a ranch style bungalow in the country. Well, those are just a few hopes and dreams...I just have to find a way to make it happen!!
You want to know what one of my favorite things to do in the summer is? I love to sit outside under the dark summer skies and look at stars, thinking about life! I love to do that alone or sometimes with Paul, doesn't really matter! On a nice summer night, clear skies filled with stars...I sit and wonder about the world, about people, about the past and about the future! I don't always think about the present because I just like to enjoy it as it happens, and I don't like to put to much thought into it or I may become overwhelmed. Well I am sure many of you are having changes come about in Sept, I know that I am not the only one! I must say, things are calming down, thoughts are in check, emotions are settling and I am becoming use to the feelings of change! All is well...like I said if I don't think about today...I can sit back and look at the stars with optimism.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
It doesn't take long to get home from holidays and feel stressed already!!

Ok, so I have your attention...I am not going to bitch too badly here, I probably won't even get that personal. Don't feel like it, however I will say that about 75% of my frustration is based on having no time to relax! You might be thinking...seriously CHrissy you just got back from holidays, how can you not be refreshed! My answer to you my friends is simple, "everything at home just sits and waits for you to return" doesn't matter how long you leave, where you go and what you are doing...life just waits, right here...in the same place that I left it!
Overwhelmed was how I felt today at around 1:00pm as we were all darting around trying to find shampoo, conditioner, blowdryers, clean clothes and toothpaste all which were still sitting in suitcases! I managed to keep things undercontrol...but inside I was just screaming out..."please I am too tired to go to the bbq today", I haven't had a rest in over 3 weeks. My life has been nonstop...I mean the week before we left to go to NY, I was away for 4 days. Then on the night before leaving for NY we were in Hamilton for a tiger cats game until 1am. I had to squash Pauls desire of leaving at 6am that day, as we were all just exhausted from the nights events. So we leave, drive 10 hours and start our NYC tours right away. We had 6 days of non stop fun, filled with everything imaginable and really no rest time! We drive home yesterday...another 10 hours, unwind a little. Then this morning we are up, organizing our stuff and heading out the door to a Martz bbq.
Thankfully my hubby sensed my stress and anxiety. He was wonderful, he simply stated not to worry about the bbq, Braden wasn't well anyways and Kailey wasn't available so he ever so lovingly told me to stay home and organize our things. It was great, I so badly needed the time to get stuff done. I also was available to Braden and his needs. Thankyou Paul for being so understanding and not being so selfish!
You know, the bottom line is that I should not be complaining with things so busy! Come September...everyone will be leaving me again, heading off to school and to work! What will I do with all my time then??
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I Sooooo.....almost forgot!!

Well, this was actually the first time ever that blogging didn't even cross my mind today until I came upstairs to check my emails! I guess you can imagine then how busy we were today and this evening as well as how tired we are all tonight! No explanations neccessary...over and out my friends..good night and god bless!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Central Park
Well we spent most of the day in Central Park and I must say I think it was one of our best days! The weather was perfect, no rain, no humidity and no worries! It was wonderful. On our way to the park we joked about Spencer going into the Trump Tower to drop off his buisness card for photography!

We were all laughing and daring him to do it, we thought it would be a great idea! I mean really, what's the worse that could happen?? All they can say is "no thankyou"...what was the big deal!?! We pretty much tormented Spencer in hopes of changing his mind about not going to the front desk...as we got closer to the Trump building he began to panick and changed his mind! The rest of us were all telling him "come on, just do it..it will be great!!" They will love it! He continued to refuse to go in...we were kinda hard on him, called him "chicken" of course all the abuse was out of love! The only reason we were so hard on him about doing it, was to get him out of his comfort zone! He was playing it safe, and we wanted to see him go out and fight for what he wanted! He still refused, so Braden took the hit! He, Kail and Carrigan all marched up the front steps of that big, huge, beautiful Trump tower

and walked (rolled) right in there with SPencer's buisness card in hand and went up to the front desk and asked if they would take Spencer's card, Braden told them that it was his friends card and he was a great photographer from Canada! The doormen and desk lady all said "absolutely" and we will look him up on the web! How cool was that?? I was again pretty proud that Braden is brave enough to go that far for a friend! Way to go Braden!!

Even though we bugged Spencer to death, I want him to know its only out of love! It's only because we have faith in his ability and we know he is more than capable to handle anything that comes his way! The problem is...he needs to believe that too. In time I know he will...if Trump contacts him, he better not forget his Ontario family!!

Paul in Central Park...so handsome!

Here is Paul and I sitting in Central Park all alone without any kids. It was wonderful...very quiet! The kids decided to go on a walk to take pictures, it was nice!

We had our picnic in the park...homemade hamburgers and turkey and swiss sandwiches! So delicious!
After our picnik we headed back to the hotel to unwind. Paul, Kail and Spencer headed back to Chinatown and even took the subway. Paul claims that was his favorite part of the trip...taking the subway! He claims if we come again, we will take it everywhere..its so easy! After our resting time, we headed to Planet Hollywood for dinner and a glass of wine (well I had wine), then we said good bye to Times Square..its sad to leave but I think we are all ready to go!

Kailey and Carrigan resting in the grass in Central Park!

Paul and I again, lucky enough to have SPencer snap a picture of us! So fortunate to have such a great photographer with us in the park!
We were all laughing and daring him to do it, we thought it would be a great idea! I mean really, what's the worse that could happen?? All they can say is "no thankyou"...what was the big deal!?! We pretty much tormented Spencer in hopes of changing his mind about not going to the front desk...as we got closer to the Trump building he began to panick and changed his mind! The rest of us were all telling him "come on, just do it..it will be great!!" They will love it! He continued to refuse to go in...we were kinda hard on him, called him "chicken" of course all the abuse was out of love! The only reason we were so hard on him about doing it, was to get him out of his comfort zone! He was playing it safe, and we wanted to see him go out and fight for what he wanted! He still refused, so Braden took the hit! He, Kail and Carrigan all marched up the front steps of that big, huge, beautiful Trump tower
and walked (rolled) right in there with SPencer's buisness card in hand and went up to the front desk and asked if they would take Spencer's card, Braden told them that it was his friends card and he was a great photographer from Canada! The doormen and desk lady all said "absolutely" and we will look him up on the web! How cool was that?? I was again pretty proud that Braden is brave enough to go that far for a friend! Way to go Braden!!
Even though we bugged Spencer to death, I want him to know its only out of love! It's only because we have faith in his ability and we know he is more than capable to handle anything that comes his way! The problem is...he needs to believe that too. In time I know he will...if Trump contacts him, he better not forget his Ontario family!!
Paul in Central Park...so handsome!
Here is Paul and I sitting in Central Park all alone without any kids. It was wonderful...very quiet! The kids decided to go on a walk to take pictures, it was nice!
We had our picnic in the park...homemade hamburgers and turkey and swiss sandwiches! So delicious!
After our picnik we headed back to the hotel to unwind. Paul, Kail and Spencer headed back to Chinatown and even took the subway. Paul claims that was his favorite part of the trip...taking the subway! He claims if we come again, we will take it everywhere..its so easy! After our resting time, we headed to Planet Hollywood for dinner and a glass of wine (well I had wine), then we said good bye to Times Square..its sad to leave but I think we are all ready to go!
Kailey and Carrigan resting in the grass in Central Park!
Paul and I again, lucky enough to have SPencer snap a picture of us! So fortunate to have such a great photographer with us in the park!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Some Sights, tastes and sounds of New York!!
It's raining men! Today was a bit rainy, and our bus tickets expired so from here on in....we are walking!
Tonight we got to see NYC all lit up! We went to the Empire State Building to see the lights of the city. It was beautiful, overwhelming! Spencer took some amazing pictures our camera's were not as specialized..well actually Braden's camera did a great job. Anyways just thought I would post a couple pictures of our evening. Again it was raining this evening and we all pretty much had to buy umbrella's. We had poncho's during the day but we found them too difficult using them in the dark.
I just uploaded some random picture's from today. We did some walking around, checked out Macy's, Magnolia cupcakes and some more of Times Square. They happen to have a Tim Horton's right here in Times Square, so we hit that up and enjoyed some tastes from home along with a cupcake from Magnolia.
The kids decided to pose with some NYC police, they were good sports! Very friendly guys.
On August 14th here in Times Square there is going to be a Kiss In Times Square Event. I honestly do not know the details but they did bring in this statue from the famous picture in New York.."The Kiss". Everyone was taking pictures and having some fun with it! If you look close enough at the bottom of the picture you can barely see Paul and I sharing a kiss in Times Square! Was it romantic you ask? Nope, not really but it was lots of fun pretending!!
The M & M bill board is a famous sight in NY, it starts out as a sight but quickly changes to a taste as you make your way to the M & M store right here in Times Square.
The next few pictures were taken while we visited Magolia Cupcakes shop, it was such a cute place, and the cupcakes were fabulous!
Ok, so anyone who know's me well...knows that I love the show T.A.P.S and Ghost Hunters! I was over the moon thrilled to see that NBC were selling TAPS hats and t-shirts..so I took a picture!! LOL
It was another successful day today, again we are over tired...but ending the day on a happy note! All is well my friends, I believe we are all looking forward to spending our last day in Central Park, but I must admit...I think everyone is looking forward to heading home on Saturday!
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