Ok, so I have your attention...I am not going to bitch too badly here, I probably won't even get that personal. Don't feel like it, however I will say that about 75% of my frustration is based on having no time to relax! You might be thinking...seriously CHrissy you just got back from holidays, how can you not be refreshed! My answer to you my friends is simple, "everything at home just sits and waits for you to return" doesn't matter how long you leave, where you go and what you are doing...life just waits, right here...in the same place that I left it!
Overwhelmed was how I felt today at around 1:00pm as we were all darting around trying to find shampoo, conditioner, blowdryers, clean clothes and toothpaste all which were still sitting in suitcases! I managed to keep things undercontrol...but inside I was just screaming out..."please I am too tired to go to the bbq today", I haven't had a rest in over 3 weeks. My life has been nonstop...I mean the week before we left to go to NY, I was away for 4 days. Then on the night before leaving for NY we were in Hamilton for a tiger cats game until 1am. I had to squash Pauls desire of leaving at 6am that day, as we were all just exhausted from the nights events. So we leave, drive 10 hours and start our NYC tours right away. We had 6 days of non stop fun, filled with everything imaginable and really no rest time! We drive home yesterday...another 10 hours, unwind a little. Then this morning we are up, organizing our stuff and heading out the door to a Martz bbq.
Thankfully my hubby sensed my stress and anxiety. He was wonderful, he simply stated not to worry about the bbq, Braden wasn't well anyways and Kailey wasn't available so he ever so lovingly told me to stay home and organize our things. It was great, I so badly needed the time to get stuff done. I also was available to Braden and his needs. Thankyou Paul for being so understanding and not being so selfish!
You know, the bottom line is that I should not be complaining with things so busy! Come September...everyone will be leaving me again, heading off to school and to work! What will I do with all my time then??
Awe, I luv you Momma Martz!! :)
ReplyDeleteJust come punch me if you need to release the stress, I can take it!! Hahaha! :p
Thanks so much for everything you do, I am seriously SO appreciative of everything, and you know if you ever need any help just let me know!
Ps: Come September when you have all this spare time, I think you should invest in a hobby! Photography. OR. Scrapbooking. OR. Omg. Vlogs!! :p haha! OR just Pin Spencer and tell him to do his school work! :)
Awe Thanks Spencer, I do know that you are appreciative and you are a pleasure to have here! Your ideas for Sept., are great...except I already do scrapbook and manage a little bit of photography..lol, the only thing left is Vlogging??? Maybe we will see what Sept brings!! LOL, Thanks again for the fun in NYC, you were great! Sorry to see your visit coming to an end...however I am sure you can't wait to get back to see Abby ;)XOX
ReplyDeleteUm you are finally complaining your life is stressful, wow its about time I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Of course your life is busy and stressful and always on the go, you have a right to be lost and tired and complain once in a while you are human, you had me wondering otherwise for a moment. Its ok to ask for help and I am glad you have someone like Paul he is an amazing man, I am not just saying that so he will like me more and allow me to come over LOL, in Sept when things go back to normal I am always here will always be willing to help, just text or call I hope you will always know that! Love you lots!
ReplyDeleteWell that is very nice Candy, and thank you for the offer of help! I know that you are always there and the same goes for you as well...life is a challenge for everyone and no one is excepmt from it, and I have always said.."I am here for you too". Things are fine, I wasn't really complaining as more feeling overwhelmed with coming home from holidays, its always difficult to get back into a regular routine! As far as complaining about my busy life?? LOL, do you read my blogs?? LOL, I am always bitching about the chaos..
ReplyDeleteActaully this year has been one of my best years with Paul home, it has been wonderful..I am truly the luckies women in the world to have him and have him home for a year was great! Come Sept. things will be fine, we will have certain things in order and life will resume as normal once again! Thank you again for the kind words...not sure what you mean by "waiting for this day for along time??" LOL, you've confused me?? However, I love ya...and I am here for you too...just call or text, whatever you need! Take care, see you soon for coffee! Miss ya! Love ya and thanks for following my blog, I love you for that!! XOXO
I think what I meant was this blog is good for you, gives you a chance to get things off your chest no matter how big or small and I am sure sometimes you feel better doing it. you are allowed to bitch and complain lol. I know you are always there, other then greg you are my person on speed dial lol! I love your blog, you do discuss all sorts of events not just things about you! You are good at it. So as long as you post I will read lol, as greg would say I am your stalker LOL!