You know what I love?? Being the boss of this blog! HA.
I don't really feel like blogging about any family issues tonight, unfortunately I am really not feeling well. My throat has gotten worse, body aches and just plain tired. So, tonight is going to be a short but sweet blog. I had made plans with my friend Sue and her daughters a few weeks ago and I really didn't want to cancel as it has been over a year since we saw eachother and our girls. Fortunately this friendship is one that can just pick up where ever we left off, there is no expectations and no judgements between us..the friendship is really kinda refreshing.
Sue and I have a history between us that I do not have with any other friend. I mean, she is the only one who I have that can relate and understand the pain and guilt that I sometimes feel over life situations. She lost a son, who happened to be a good friend of Braden's when he was about 7 years old. He had cancer, and fought his best to stay...he died at home on a cold winter night, with his family at his bedside. It was a hard time for all of us, at times so overwhelming but I had this friendship with her, that made us reach for one another in times of difficulty.
Today our friendship has changed. We both have come along way in life, she became a social worker and me a nurse. We both have stories of survival, fear, anger and faith and we both take comfort knowing that we have eachother. We have the best talks, conversations that we cannot have with many people...things that the average mom just couldn't understand.
The wonderful thing about this friendship is that we can still laugh with eachother, and actually over time...we do more laughing than we do crying and I like that! I love where we are in life, I love the friendship..its an easy one, one of comfort, understanding and value. I believe we have both found contentment in our lives, we are now free to see that life is satisfying when it is simple, do not make it difficult or complicated. Never take anything for granted and always find happiness in the small things. We get that... and for all we have been through, when we have been asked if we would change anything about our pasts, our answers are the same.."probably not". We see life different from most, and too us that is our blessing! Thank you Sue for your friendship...I love that you are here!
Guess what I did today?? I signed myself up for a 5 week program called "Get published". It is a class designed to help you write a book, I am so excited. Looks like I will start this next journey and write my book. I can't wait to start this class....I hope that I can do this. I am pretty proud of myself, I only have about 3 months left of this blogging commitment that I made Jan 1st of this year. Technically I will be finished and can return to facebook come this January! We will see what happens...
Good night my friends and god bless~
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