Last night I recieved a phone call from a very dear friend (who's identity I will protect) who was calling to tell me that her and her husband were getting a divorce. The news was "shocking" something I would have never expected! She and her husband had always seemed to be a happy, well-put together, successful couple...whom I actually admired. Still to this day...I will say that they have a "connection" that most marriages will never experience.
It is sad, it sucks, and it is going to be life changing! But, I know she will get through this and will come away a stronger women. I admire her strength, courage and ability to continue...as many women would crumble.
Unfortunatly the circumstances of the divorce are not based on "both parties agreeing", it was and i strongly voice "HIS FAULT" and he will forever live with the demons of loosing his children, wife, and the perfect life they worked on together. Ok, so..I am the first to say that nothing is ever perfect, and the reality is I am sure it was never perfect for them. But I will admit, they worked hard together to get pretty darn close to perfect...and he chose to destroy every bit of it.
I don't get it? Why?
What part of a man or women's character enables them to "go outside" of the marriage? I know marriage is tough, it doesn't come easy...actually NO relationship is ever easy, they all take work.
I am not going to go into details of their damaged relationship, its not fair to my friend. I guess tonights blog is based on my thoughts this evening. The fact remains, two people who I would have never imagined to divorce will be filing soon. It is shocking, and it is sad.
Today myself and another friend met with her, she seems to be doing ok, the kids are struggling and her soon to be EX-husband is starting to feel the effects of his loss.
From here we will build, we will build your happiness, your strength and your life! The future is encouraging, its exciting and it is new...GO FORWARD, its the only option.
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