It's raining men! Today was a bit rainy, and our bus tickets expired so from here on in....we are walking!
Tonight we got to see NYC all lit up! We went to the Empire State Building to see the lights of the city. It was beautiful, overwhelming! Spencer took some amazing pictures our camera's were not as specialized..well actually Braden's camera did a great job. Anyways just thought I would post a couple pictures of our evening. Again it was raining this evening and we all pretty much had to buy umbrella's. We had poncho's during the day but we found them too difficult using them in the dark.
I just uploaded some random picture's from today. We did some walking around, checked out Macy's, Magnolia cupcakes and some more of Times Square. They happen to have a Tim Horton's right here in Times Square, so we hit that up and enjoyed some tastes from home along with a cupcake from Magnolia.
The kids decided to pose with some NYC police, they were good sports! Very friendly guys.
On August 14th here in Times Square there is going to be a Kiss In Times Square Event. I honestly do not know the details but they did bring in this statue from the famous picture in New York.."The Kiss". Everyone was taking pictures and having some fun with it! If you look close enough at the bottom of the picture you can barely see Paul and I sharing a kiss in Times Square! Was it romantic you ask? Nope, not really but it was lots of fun pretending!!
The M & M bill board is a famous sight in NY, it starts out as a sight but quickly changes to a taste as you make your way to the M & M store right here in Times Square.
The next few pictures were taken while we visited Magolia Cupcakes shop, it was such a cute place, and the cupcakes were fabulous!
Ok, so anyone who know's me well...knows that I love the show T.A.P.S and Ghost Hunters! I was over the moon thrilled to see that NBC were selling TAPS hats and I took a picture!! LOL
It was another successful day today, again we are over tired...but ending the day on a happy note! All is well my friends, I believe we are all looking forward to spending our last day in Central Park, but I must admit...I think everyone is looking forward to heading home on Saturday!
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