I am sorry to have cancelled Monday's Menu but like I have said these past couple days..I am still not feeling well. Basically I didn't cook today so there is nothing that I can feature!
Just a bit of an update on the situation with the nursing issue that's about to start for our family is going very well. We are kind of in negotiations with a nurse that we feel is probably perfect to fit into our family. The only changes that I think we are going to make is to not have any nursing hours in the morning. Initially we were going to have a nurse here in the morning to help get Braden off to school and then 3 evenings during the week. The evening hours will eleviate some of the time needed at home to assist Braden with his evening care. This will free up some of Paul's time so that he can still play squash, help with Kailey and even just give him better quality time with Braden, not hours spent arguing because they are constantly with eachother. It will definately improve all of our roles and help with keeping everyone at arms length for respect and independance.
This nurse who we have been in talks with was upset that the morning hours wouldn't work for her schedule, this evening she phoned to tell us what she thought was bad news. Once she told me that she was interested in the evening but couldn't do the morning hours I felt a relief, almost like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I really was struggling with having someone here every morning. There is technically no reason why I cannot continue helping Braden get ready in the morning, I love that part of the day. It's time with him, its time that I have had with him almost everyday for 15 years. I am honestly not ready to let that go....just yet! I think Braden feels the same way. We have lots of time to find the right person to help in our home, the one that is right will hopefully even attend college with Braden and stay with him full time? You never know, its certainly an idea.
It was nice to feel calm and satisfied, almost like everything fell into place. The nurse and I talked some more, and we agreed that she would work with him 3 evenings a week and help us (our family) with the transitions of letting go to this lifestyle. Its great that we will take it slower, why was I in such a hurry? Why was I so panicked? It feels great to have a solution, to have a direction...things are working out. I feel confident that this is what we should be doing, we are happy and these new changes will just have to happen my way! Well this is one problem solved...on to the next!
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