What plans to you have this weekend my Zeta's? We will be painting..trying to get Braden's room's finished and functioning as the bachelor pad that he wants.
So hopefully that gets done!
I mentioned yesterday that I would share with you some of my journal entries from back in the day when I was still living at the hospital while Braden was recovering.

This entry is from Thursday May 25th, 1995 and it is day 1 after Braden had undergone surgery on his Spinal Cord..it reads like this,
Day 1
Braden moved upstairs. (Children's ward from ICU). Excellent recovery. His catheter was removed. He is still being fully ventilated so that he doesn't become ill or too tired to recover. Braden has been sleeping most of the day. He often wakes up very startled and frightened. He is getting alot of Moriphine to hinder any pain. He has smiled and played for small periods. He enjoys his gingerale. Braden had some collapse in the upper right lobe and lower left. Lots of physio is helping, every 2 hours he has physio and is suctioned. Some changes have been seen. He keeps his right hand and wrist straight and in line with one another. He does have difficulty opening his fingers. There is clones in his left and arm. His is wiggling his toes in his left foot without any stimulation. There seems to be more tone there too??(possible) too early too tell. He is handling everything like a trooper. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
You know, I am so happy that I have these little writings that I have kept. It makes it alot easier to remember,especially with writing my book. Thankfully with my memory, I will be able to expand greatly on these enteries. I think the strongest feeling that comes through to me from this day was desperation and relief. Have you ever felt those two emotions all in the same moment? We felt so relieved that it was over..this surgery was 8 hours long, ONE of the longest days of my life. I remember meeting Dr. Hollinburg(Neurosugeon) the night before this day. I was so young, so innocent and so unaware of the seriousness of it all. I mean...I was certainly aware of the situation...just not able to comprehend the fine line we were teetering on. I guess maybe a part of me couldn't look at it like that, I didn't want to understand the severity or grimness of it. Looking back now, I remember like it was yesterday..as a 40 year old women today, I think and reflect on the young, vulnerable frightened 22 year old I was then. I do have to admit, as I sit here and recite the incidents from that time in my life...I am so proud of us. We did good!
Ok, its been awhile since i've shared anything related to my book. With all that said let me go back to fashion Fridays and share a few cute little outfits that I love!!


Have a wonderful weekend my friends..
Until tomorrow, Good night and god bless~
I remember this time very well and the pic you posted! Always get goose bumps and still tears streaming when I read your events that you will remember forever that changed your familys life! when you do write your book I ill be the first buyer and want an autographed cover! You have truely all been through so much and come out on the other side, stronger! With your story, strenghth and courage you do truley inspire others! Love you guys lots!