Since i have been blogging I have found that the most popular blog...or the one's that get alot of recognition are the ones who blog personally about their special needs children, how difficult things are OR the popular blogs are filled with new mom reports, the newest things in parenting, food fads, recycled clothing lines for children, organic baby products..etc etc..
Unfortunatly when I started out with this blog I was going to share ALL of my trials and tribulations however...as time passed my kids were not as thrilled with the idea. Braden does not like me sharing certain stories or issues here and I need to respect that.

I also found out the whatever I write here on blogger is actually owned by blogger. The only way around that is by getting my own website. That my friends IS in the making, I just need to sit down and get that going. Once I have my own website, whatever I post or write about is strictly mine! I've been holding off a bit with going back to writing about my life raising a child with a disability and all the good, bad and ugly that came with that. I have held back only because of copyright reasons. Once I switch to my own site, I will start up again. I think tomorrow I will share with you something that I wrote a very very long time ago..I know that Friday's are for fashion so i'll be sure to have a few fun things for that too. I hope everyone is keeping well...good night my Zeta's and god bless~
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