Today we wanted to find a couple stores that the kids wanted to shop in. First off we hit UNI QLO in SOHO. This store is equivalent to a Japanese Gap store. One of the sales people was telling us that there is only one other UNI QUO in NYC and another location in Paris, France. It's cool to have something that not many others in my social circle will have! Next we had to go to the store that Braden and Spencer have been waiting for almost a year to hit...G-Star Raw, a clothing store also in SOHO.
This place was cool, Braden spent a signigicant amount of his own money, but I must say he search the website and new what he wanted before he went in, now that's the way to shop! He did great, and so did Spencer..i think they were happy with their purchaces.
We went into many shops and had fun just looking at stuff...bought a few more souveigners and then headed down to Greenwich Village. We didn't actually spend alot of time there, but we all wanted to get to Gray's Papaya to try one of their famous hot dogs.
If you are not familiar with Gray's Papaya they are shown in the movie Fool's Rush in, starring Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek. After wards we were going to head down to Central Park and just tour around for a bit, but everyone was really tired so we voted against it.
Above we are heading back to Time's Square, this is our wonderful tour bus!
Braden and I on the bus!
Paul passed out on the I said we were all tired!!
As I sit here, Braden and Spencer are chilling in their room, Kail and Carr are resting on the bed, and Paul is having a beer on the other bed watching TV. We are just resting a bit before we get ready and head out on the town and find somewhere for dinner. Tomorrow we plan on going to Central Park for a picnic and then maybe heading over to Brooklyn. Tomorrow evening we have plans to see a musical. Everyone is hyped about that, its going to be so can't come to NYC and not see a play! I will leave you all in suspence on the musical we will be seeing???
Poor Paul lol passed out on the bus, you guys must have been tired for him to do that. I forgot about the fee for testing as its us now I got it lol, wasnt thinking. You guys are having so much fun, I am happy to see that. cant wait to see all your pics when you come back. What musical are you guys going to see? Thats very cool. Glad to hear everyone is shopping lots lol! Cool stores to go into. well have a ton of fun. Have a great time at the musical! Love you guys.