Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Stay away from "Still People"~

If you have kindly come back to this blog, I thank you! From here I hope to continue to provide decent content that will hopefully find you coming back for more. I appreciate your commitment and I would love to hear from you.

I have decided that I need to come up with certain  blog topic ideas for each day of the week.

 Kinda like what I use to do, with Monday's Menu and Wednesday's reflection.

That way I know what I need to prepare for each day. I suppose my biggest challenge is finding the content. My life has changed so much since I stopped blogging and the things that I do want to write about are things that I am still learning and going through. How do you write about things when you don't know how to handle each situation?
Some parts of my life I have absolutely no idea how to handle, other areas are down right perfect. But who wants to only hear about the great times? No one.

Most people like to hear the shit parts...and that's only human nature.

I'm not about to share that on here, not yet anyways.l

So for that reason, I have to be creative. I've been so consumed with many other issues lately. I haven't had time to even think of the things that make me happy. I mean, there's the obvious things like my family, dogs, kids, husband and job but the creative things that once inspired me are just not the same. The ideas that once encouraged me to be expressive.

I absolutely love to throw parties. I love to decorate. I host small parties and serve amazing new and delectable cocktails.

I love Halloween.

I love my dogs, I love to try new recipes and I love the idea of redecorating my home.

But who am I today?

I am in the midst of a life changing course. There is so much changing in my life, some things I have control over and some things I don't. Technically everyone's life changes and so its suppose too. That's how life works, if you are not changing and evolving in life then that's just sad.

I am so blessed to have these life adjustments. It means I have done my job right, our family is progressing along as it should. Both my children are developing into wonderful young adults, both are living the lives they have chosen and both are happy.

What more can a parent want?

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