On Saturday Paul and I attended Braden's Powerwheelchair Hockey Banquet in Toronto. My goodness what an evening. We were presented with the most delicious dinner, which was followed with an awards ceremony. The wonderful evening finished with a dance floor filled with some pretty shifty chair dancers, rippin up the floor like nothing I've ever seen before.
You know honestly, it's these nights when I look back at my life and analyze the events of my life changing catastrophe and realize...it really isn't all that bad.
Sometimes people ask me if I could change what had happened to my family, would I change it?
If I could take away the pain and suffering that Braden had endured, but come out of the experience the same people we are today...then, no...I wouldn't change a thing. I truly LOVE everything we have become together. I am so proud of the couple we are today, and more importantly the family we are growing into.
I have been asked through the years about my marriage, questioned around how did Paul and I make it through these years with all that has been put on our plates to tear us apart.
As I sat at the table and heard the director/owner of the Toronto PowerWheelchair Hockey League announce my husbands name in honor of Volunteer appreciation, I fell even a little deeper in love~

The man beside him is Nando, his son Saverio plays in the league as well. When Braden, Saverio and the team went to St.Paul, Minnesota Paul and Nando travelled with the team and assisted as Equipement managers. Whenever there was a problem with a wheelchair or any other equipment these two men stepped up and took care of whatever issue had come their way. These two guys, had a week of caring for and assisting their own son's needs as well as anyone else who may have needed some sort of personal matter tended too. They took care of all the equipment, and continued to cheer and encourage these athletes through the whole week. Both of these two guys are a special sort of man, not just any kind...you won't find too many like these two.
When he got up to accept his award, we were so surprised. I was beaming, I was beside myself with excitement. They deserved to be recognized, in that moment I didn't think I could possibly love that man anymore than I did. I am the most blessed woman in the world, and I know that!
This is a picture of Monique and myself, this girl is truly one of an inspiration. She is the kindest, gentlest, happiest young ladies you'll ever meet. She plays in the league as well and is a very good friend of Braden's. Everytime I see her she is smiling and always ready to chat, it was so nice to catch up with her. I hope to see her a bit more in the future.
~Braden and Monique~
Below is another special girl and friend of Braden's. Brandy was on Braden's team this season, and it is my pleasure to announce that Braden and Brandy along with their team mates are in first place this year.
Brandy is a mom to her beautiful son Jacob, her and Jeremy are doing a wonderful job loving him, guiding and encouraging Jacob to be the best he can be.
They have over come many obstacles, but finally things are sorting themselves out and Jacob is continuing to strive and grow in the loving arms of his parents. This is another wonderful young lady I hope to keep in touch with. Everyone looked so beautiful dressed up, it really was a superb evening.

This line up of outstanding men are all the team coaches, once again a group of men who take time out of their lives every Saturday. When you have the opportunity to come out and watch one of these hockey games, you really do get the chance to witness their selfless nature. When you are raising a child with special needs, well when raising children regardless of any needs it can be a difficult task. But when you are a father who chooses to stay close and remain a constant in his child's life, it is a life long journey filled with many ups and downs. I can't even begin to express how rewarding it is to be a part of your childs life, with the rewards come the sacrifices. This group of men, are amazing and their dedication to this sport, league and players is admirable.

Braden here is receiving one of his awards, this one was the Best Defensive Forward. He deserved this award, he is a very smart hockey player..able to see the play before it even goes down.

Below is the second award Braden won, Playoff MVP...that one was a shock! I can't begin to explain the feeling a mother of a special needs son has when her child is recognized for his accomplishments.
Well, I do have an able bodied daughter who is an athlete and has played Ringette at a Provincial level for many years. Being a parent and being proud is all the same..it doesn't matter what the obstacles are that your children face. I mean, Braden obviously faces physical challenges but that doesn't mean Kailey doesn't face different kind of trials. I guess I don't want to try to sound like I am taking away from every person who plays a sport or even take away from any parent who supports their athlete.
When you are a parent of a child who you have witnessed survive some of the most tragic moments possible, or you hold the hand of a screaming toddler who looks at you to make them stop. All while knowing the doctors are doing what they need to inorder to sacredly save your babies life. In these moments of accepting awards and seeing your child overcome all those years of pain, you see the smile and you feel the proud....my heart burst with pride~
I couldn't have been happier, what a moment we had. It was a sparkling instance that we knew was going to take the place of a sad memory. There's something about that for us parents of special need kids. We just know not to take advantage of these triumphs.
Here is a picture of the winning team The Saints, they fought a battle in the last game. They won, and they deserved to win. CONGRATULATIONS SAINTS!!!
All three of Braden's trophy and Paul's award below...it was an exciting night, both my men came home with well deserved gold.

Once the awards ceremony was over, everyone made it too the dance floor. Overall the night was one to remember. Paul and I had a great time, I had the chance to catch up with a few great friends. I am so happy we banged into Paul that fateful day in Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Braden had just decided to not return to his sledge hockey league and was struggling a bit with what sport he would play. He loves hockey, and there is not much around for opportunity in our area for wheelchair hockey. I guess you could call it divine intervention. We were visiting family in Nova Scotia and out to dinner in Baddeck, when all of a sudden this man approaches our table. He was naturally a east coast kinda guy, so friendly, easy to talk too. He wanted to chat with Braden, seeing Braden in a wheelchair he felt the need to come on over an introduce himself. He asked if we had ever heard of Power wheelchair Hockey, we had no idea it even existed. So he ran out to his van, grabbed his laptop and joined us at our table to show us a Youtube video of his league. Then we found out his is in Toronto. It was so cool to tell him we are from Cambridge. So we were not that far, he invited Braden to come down for a visit. Once we got home we did check it out..and the rest is history. He has loved it from the beginning. We are parents are very thankful Braden found a new hockey family, we know how important that is too him.
Well my lovelies, if you are reading this and you were a part of that evening I want to say thank you for being a part of our lives. Paul and I are very proud of each one of you, whether you won an award or not. It's not about the trophy friends, its about having fun. Of course, winning is important and valued I am not taking that away from anyone. But you are a family, and win or loose you need to be respectful and happy for eachother.
Thank you for a memorable, emotional amazing night. We are truly blessed to be a part of each of your lives. Continue to inspire~
Until tomorrow chummies, good night and god bless~
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