Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday and a Little Painting Fun~

Well friends, tonight I went to another painting class. I had purchased a class for my friend Candy for her birthday cause she has never been and I thought it was something she would enjoy. I was right, she seemed to have a really good time and it was great that she got out for the evening cause she really needed it. My friend Colleen joined as well, she really loves the painting classes and we have lots of laughs while there. Lynn joined as well, always a pleasure to have Lynn there. Overall there was four of us ladies. I do not have a finished product of my painting posted, I do like it and i'm not its just that I am not feeling well (again) and when I got home I was too tired to take a pic. Lame ass excuse but seriously I was exhausted. I only took a few pics tonight, mostly again cause I wasn't feeling great but as well the lighting was terrible. So below is the sequence of my painting..and how it all pulled itself together...

Once you get the sky done, you add your blue eggs. It was a challenge to find the right spot to put them, but I was pretty happy in the end.
Below is a picture of Candy's painting. She and Colleen both changed up their own backgrounds. Candy decided to do kindof a nighttime setting..and Colleen did a pretty blue sky background. Both were very nice, and I admired their sense of adventure to go outside the box and try their own thing.

Once your done the eggs, you add the nest and the branches that support the nest. Its coming together...I really like it :)

So this below is the pretty much the finished product...I had to add leaves, and I did make different colored ones. It's really pretty once its all pulled together. We had a great night, lots of laughs~

On a side note, I wanted to share this jem. When I was 19 years old I was hired to do a Children's summer reading program at the Hespeler Public Library. It was my second summer with my future husband, and it was probably the best summer of my life. I was accepted into a community college for Early Childhood Education..and working with children was all I had on my mind. I actually had plans on going further in my school career and hopefully eventually becoming involved with Child development.
Well this little summer job was the golden ticket, it looked good on my college application and on a resume. I remember the kids mostly, and how they'd pick their books each week and then report too me at the end of the day. I would ask them questions about the books they had ready, and if I was satisfied with their knowledge then they would proceed in the game "Quest for the Lost City". I don't really remember all the details, It was 25 years ago.
I do recall how it made me feel, I loved the feeling of the children being so proud of themselves when they'd complete their books and pass my questioning. Those smiles...sunburned faces, covered in sunkissed freckles, the smell of sunblock and the cute little summer hats.
 They loved advancing in the game, siblings would compete with one another...parents would be so proud. It was a great program, I hope we still have these types of things around. Its so important to encourage your children to read. The smiles on those I loved my life, it really was the course I thought I'd be on forever. When I look at that young Chrissy, so young, naïve, in love and happy. I was lucky, I am still lucky...cause I still love my life, every single bit of it~Blessed~

Untill tomorrow chummies, good night and god bless~


  1. It was such a fun night as always, and your painting turned out great.

  2. Thanks so much for the wonderful bday gift. I had such a great time. I am now hooked and cannot wait to do another painting. I thought we all did a great job.
