I have been married for 21 years, married my best friend in 1993 and at the time it was the years of rented wedding halls. Halls that we decorated with balloons, flowers and table centre pieces. Everyone pretty much did the same thing, it wasn't known really to look outside the box and change things up and to be fair we were only 21 years old, really too young to be getting married....To b. It was ale original wasn't really heard of, it was all about the alcohol, dance and reception. My wedding was beautiful, we didn't have a ton of money at the time so we had to make due with certain things...we had to make some sacrifices. With only being 21 years old in 1993, and not having Pinterest available or even the internet for that matter...we pretty much just followed the lead of those who married before us. I did make some personal changes..my cake wasn't the usual 3-tier cake, it was heart shaped, single layered and elegant. Paul and I made our own invitations too..designed with love and of course made to save money on something that we felt wasn't necessary. Looking back today they were very simple invitations..but we made them and at the time we were pretty proud. Some of my originality shined through I suppose. I have always been a simplistist, I love things that are mininal shine, but briliantly sparkles..Lets look below and see what I mean~
Take a look at these cakes....plain yet elegant, simple yet sophisticated. Just imagine the white cake on the right sitting on top of that wooden/tree stump cake stand. Minimal shine..but it sparkles..those diamonds {fake of course} add so much detail..and the cake stand makes it look down to earth, not too flashy, just the way I like it!!
Absolutely LOVE this cake stand...I think Paul and I are going to try and make one ourselves this summer with some of our tree stumps from the forest in our yard.
The cake with the beautiful blue flowers and the diamond studded cake wrap is so pretty...once again, just a bit of shine but alot of sparkle.
So like I had said, My dream wedding in todays world would have to be a barn wedding, we are not farmers..and do not claim to be. We are not even cowboys or cowgirls...so there is no faking the cowboy boots and bandana's going on here. Not trying to rip off any identities from those who live hard and die young with rodeo stampede blood flowing through their viens. BUT...we are a down to earth family who very much loves the outdoors, quiet Saturday afternoons, reading a book, sipping a cool tall glass of lemonade while listening to the nature that surrounds us. Seriously, we as a family has always loved the outdoors. Technically if I could do it all again, we would be living on a small hobby farm with a few chickens maybe a goat and just a few more dogs. If I ever own a small barn one day..it would be my sanctuary...my quiet place. With all that said, we have always been a camping type family..when the kids were little we would go all the time, Tents, fires, music, bug spray, games, swimming, beaches, boats and family time. One of our favorite things to do was to have a campfire {still is a favorite} and we'd of course make S'mores...the best summertime treat. A barn wedding wouldn't be complete without S'mores...my wedding would have to have that option..because how much fun would this be?
A S'mores buffet table set up for guest while they wait for the bride and groom to return...pure heaven and of course you can't forget the sparkle...
Every wedding has those last guests who stay late and just can't seem to pull themselves away from your night...having a partially outdoor wedding wouldn't be complete without a campfire and hopefully someone who attends your wedding can pull out their guitar and some tunes can be sung. This is me....this is what means the most to me, family, friends a fire and drinks, reminicing, singing and having a good'ol fashion time~
I just love the cowboy boots look underneith the dress...how seriously cute is that?! Going along with my theme...the boots are down to earth, rugged, distressed, classy and comfortable but the dress shines...with alot of sparkle.
This cute little idea is perfect for a farm wedding. When the sun sets and you feel a slight chill, nothing is better than a warm cozy blanket to cuddle into. See its the small details that make a wedding unforgettable. I LOVE THIS!
This is absolutely gorgeous...it looks so elegant and beautiful. The dance floor is perfect...I love the set up and all the white lights...stunning~
I think I actually like the picture below's set up...I am in love with chandeler's, and just think you can make any room look perfect with the right chandeler and some good lighting. I love the table set up as well...Both pictures shown are dazzling.
Shown below are two amazingly cute idea's..S'mores kits as wedding favor's are just brilliant, especially if you have incorporated the whole fire and s'mores idea into your reception.
S"mores' Love

Ring for a kiss...absolutely fantastic idea!!!
Can you believe this first-class little flower girl dress...how sweet is that? I mean imagine this little girl with a pair of cowboy boots on? Precious...and perfect!
I kinda liked this little drink, cookie and flower station set up..with the crates and lemonade..again having this set up just outside of the barn for guests while they wait for you, so refreshing and adds character to your set up, gives a cute quaint area for people to come together and chat and enjoy eachothers company.
These two old antique doors set up outside, would be the coolest looking entrance ever..this isn't exactly something I would put with my barn wedding but it would work perfectly with an outdoor one. I just love it and think if the bride was coming through those doors while all her family and friends were waiting patiently...what an entrance she'd make!
Kinda like the S'mores idea, as a wedding favor I really do love this cute little idea. Small jars of homemade jam or red pepper jelly would be so cute. You could have your own personal labels made for the jars...and together with your bridesmaids you could make homemade jam. What a wonderful evening together, some wine, good music, strawberries, sugar and laughs...you've got yourself some good ol'bonding time~
Again...loving the cowboy boots with the dresses...
You definately have to have a photo booth...how much fun is that! Again it gives you something to do while you wait for the bride and groom to come back from pictures..etc.
So there you have it my Zeta's..in a nutshell this would be my perfect wedding. This was thrown together in the matter of an hour, maybe two..and I am well aware that I have missed many other things that are vitally important to a wedding. My pictures were taken from Pinterest...but my thoughts and feelings came from me! Hope you enjoyed my dream wedding makeup...i had alot of fun with this~
Until tomorrow my friends, good night and god bless~

Beautiful ideas. I agree we never really thought outside the box. I woukd have one like that if I had the chance to do it all over again. Simplicity is so beautiful