Saturday, February 15, 2014

Galentine's Day....

I found this cute little ecard on twitter about Galentines Day...and at first I didn't quite get what it meant. Then I realized..its for the "Gal's"..

you know, the girls who have a group of friends whether single or taken..that just want to spend some time with eachother. Kinda cool..wish I would have thought about this when I was younger and had more time to devote to my gal friends. Honestly I think that was the plan for Kail and her friends this valentines day, but then they had a tournament in NewMarket so those plans were abolished. Oh well..there's always next year.
I have been going through the bloggers that I follow getting caught up on their lives..its amazing how quickly time flies. It also amazes me how many of them have taken a break from blogging, I guess we all go through changes. I hope to keep this 3 for 3 streak helps with not having facebook anymore thats for sure. Anyways back to Galentine's Day..I didn't put much attention into it, until I found a very popular blogger whom I follow in New York said she was attending her yearly GALentine's Day get together with her favorite Gal's. SO cool...they are all a bunch of married women who get together the day before valentine's day and watch a movie (Clueless), have snacks while lounging in their pajama's or comfy clothes. Fun right?! I think so!!

I've still been putting some thought into this blog..trying to find clever ways to blog about family life without giving out to much info that might upset my young/teen adults. I seem to be asking for permission all the time...especially with Braden. Alot of the bloggers I follow are parents of children with special needs..but most of those children are developmentally delayed and are unable to verbalize their own feelings around their parent sharing stories about them. MINE on the other hand is very capable of voicing his feelings...sometimes a bit too loudly!
He's been gone for 3 days...I will share tomorrow how I am doing, things that have crossed my mind. I have heard from him and he is having a great time! Well my friends, until tomorrow..good day and god bless~ 

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