I think I'm leaning towards the one above..i love the candle idea. I'd change the color of the candle to a nice "boyish" one..maybe chocolate brown or a nice dark grey?

I miss him, i still think of him everyday...my heart hurts~
Today was a very frustrating day..yesterday we had 2 appointments which happened to put Braden in a situation that made him eventually become grumpy. He was "man-handled" alot yesterday by his physiotherapist then he saw the seating clinic people and they did the same thing. It wears on him and makes him grumpy, he gets tired of people lifting him, adjusting him...etc etc.
Today was another busy day..so overwhelming for me. There's a lot more that happened then what (most) people know and learning to adapt to the changes has been a whole learning process. IT just adds more things to our timetable, we have vendor's calling, wound nurses here, "special" nurses to deal with the changes..CCAC workers and manager's coming by the house...there is just SO much going on. Today I crashed..i had JUST said goodbye to one nurse, the phone rang...it was a conversation that I just wasn't expecting..talk about changing gears and trying to remember who this person was and exactly what it was they did for Braden drove me insane. I get off the phone and another nurse comes through the door..ohhh what a day!
On top of all this..everyone want's to know what happened leading up to Braden's surgery, retelling that story so often just reminds me of how bad things really were. It makes me angry, sad and frightened...mostly about what the future holds.
Well my zeta's..i am off..tired, frustrated..
I know you miss Harley. hard going there and not seeing him there. he meant a lot to you and was there for at a hard time in your life. We will never forget him and neither will you. I love the urn with the candle. I think thats a perfect choice. Shawn and Susie had to put Buddy down last week. They are having a hard time dealing with him gone. He was 14. It never is easy. Love you lots!