Short post today friends, its been a long couple days. Lots of appointments to get to lately. We were in the middle of so much stuff just before Braden fell ill. So know that we are home and recovering its time to get these things back in order. There's been a bit of a problem with a wound on Braden, he's been fighting it for sometime...so that kinda throws a wrentch in our lives and adds a few unexpected appointments. Somedays I just sit here and wonder...when the hell is our lives going to become just plain normal? Seriously, with the issues that we have right now in our lives...i'm not sure how Braden will ever get to college? HE WILL get there...no worries with that...but my goodness..there's always something going on! It's tiring, its draining and it takes an emotional toll on me. I guess I should just be thankful that I can be home and available to him. We had a seating appointment today..looks like we will be getting a new wheelchair complete with a tilting seat. He tried it out and liked it, hopefully it will help with a few issues he's been having. Best thing he loves is that with the tilt..he'll be able to put himself back and sleep in the chair if he wants! Thats great for him! Well friends..i'm exhausted! Off to rest and relax, hope everyone is happy and healthy!!
I feel for you, life has gotten so complicated for you all again. I know what you guys went through and are still dealing with. We are alawys here for you no questions asked. I don't blame you and Braden for getting so frustarted because things have changed. Love you guys! You have a huge support system behind you guys. Hang in there, stay strong my friend. Love u