Ryan Reynolds is pretty darn cute too..so its an easy movie to watch! I made a pasta dish, complete with brownie's and my mom bought some pretty spectacular squares and sweets from a British bakery here in Cambridge. Over all it was a wonderful evening!
We did ALOT of talking this weekend as a family about all the parties, get together's and household events that we use to hold. WOW...seriously...where the hell did we get the energy?? MY HOUSE WAS ALWAYS FULL OF PEOPLE!! No word of a lie. We were even commenting to back before ringette was our weekends..we had a group of friends who had the same age kids as we had, so it made sense on weekends to get together for the kids to play AND for the adults to drink and play!
Honestly every single weekend in the winter times would be spent, meeting somewhere with another family to ice skate or tobaggan..then back to our house for hot
chocolate and Bailey's...or tequilla shots!! NOt the kids...just us! They'd come back to our house and stay for hours and hours. I remember friends packing up sleeping babies, crying toddlers and at times passed out husbands..just to load them into their warmed vehicles. SO that the designated driver (mom) could kart them all home. We never had a dull moment in this house! Constantly filled with kids, laughing, swimming, candy, fire pits, roasting marshmellows...it was endless.
I'm not to sure how we did it! Back then in a 5 day work week we would have at least 8 appointments in those 5 days. Damn we were busy, but come the weekend..we wanted to play! Even our kids knew the game plan...we'd be ask by Thursday.."Who's coming over this weekend?" Can we have pizza with so and so? Can we play that game again dad where you chase us around the house? Can so and so sleep over? Can we bake tonight with our friends? IT was awesome! We did have the best years of our lives while the kids were young!
We sat in both nights this weekend and lots was talked about, we use to meet our neighbours outside through the summer months,drink and stay out mostly all night..fire's a blazin'
Winter fire's were even better..nothing taster that a roasted marchmellow dropped into a bailey's irish cream..ohhhh the memories!!
When I think of all those years, all those parties, all those drinking nights...I ask myself..do I miss them??
In all my truth...I will say "absolutely not"! Probably the reason being is the feeling of being burnt out, we over did it in those years! I mean I guess a big part of partying and constant entertaining had something to do with what we had almost lost, how close we came to loosing our lives...we appreciate our life and we wanted to share that with others! Clearly we did a great job, because people kept coming back to us...always things to do at the Martz household, right down from cooking hamburgers at 3am after a night of drinking...to skinny dipping under the moon while intoxicated! We were wild..we had fun!
I think its all caught up to us...all the fun, and all the entertaining! We are exhausted and very happy to spend our weekends with just one another! Mostly just Paul and I...occassionally we enjoy getting to gether with others, especially when its at their home! We've done our time my friends...you want to see us in the future my loves..its gonna have to be at your home! I will entertain again..eventually i'm sure when the teens are gone and grown and have their own lives, I will take pleasure in cooking a meal for four again...Paul, me and some great friends..who ever it happens to be that night!
My mom and I discussed changing christmas plans for our family and we have decided that on the Macphee side we will go out for dinner christmas day...meet a restaurant, get dressed up really fancy and just enjoy eachothers company..there's no fuss, no work and no mess. I am totally good with that! And anyone who is out there and would like to join us for christmas dinner out this year..feel free to come! We'd love to see you!
I mentioned tonight the thought of having grandchildren...and I am sure when that day arises in far far time from now, I will be ready to do LOTS of entertaining! I will be happy to the faces of my grandchildren enjoying my home the same way that thier parents did. That will be when I return to my entertaining years...its not over my Zeta's, I will return...but for now, I must rest. I must rest because when the time comes again, i will need my energy to give all that I have to family~
I need to post pictures of some of these spectacular times that we've had! I have pictures of ALL of my friends kids swimming in my pool, playing our video games, playing air hockey, foose ball, barbies, guns, riding bikes, hot tubbing, making crafts, eating treats and finally passed out downstairs on our big comfy couch that held at least 6 kids at a time...best couch in the world. Unfortunately this couch is going to be taken out this spring..lots of memories on this couch, not just for the sleeping kids either...many nights spent there for me and sparkee *Wink wink*..WE will miss that couch! How many drunkin souls fell down upon that couch to never return again until the morning. How many unexpected guests we've had share time on that old beaten down couch. I will be happy to see it go...just means new furniture upstairs!! YEAH!
Well its seems to me that we have open our lives to many many people, loved EVERY minute of it! Would not change a thing...we have had so many wonderful, fun, crazy years with a bunch of fantastic friends. Its your turn my friends..your turn to let us into your lives...YOU be the entertainer! You can do it, I have great faith in you!!
Good night and god bless Zeta's...I have to go get ready for tomorrow's Monday's Menu!!
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