There is not just one person who has made my life worth living! I will have to say my whole family has made my live worth living!!
It would be unfair to pick just one as we are a unit and each of them are equally important and inspiring to me. Each have their own role in my life, and all of them fit perfectly in my world and share their own special and unique qualities that make me want to live and love life daily. Their roles have changed through the years...I use to only be able to rely on Paul or my parents for emotional healing, but as Kailey gets older I find myself slowly and cautiously drawing to her. I mean she's still only 14 going on 30...but as she matures into a beautiful young women, I am loving who she is becoming as a person and I admire the qualities she has inherited. I don't want anyone to think that everytime I have a down day I run to my teenage daughter for support, because thats not the case. What I do get from her is usually a very realistic response, she listens (age appropritate topics) and she respects my thoughts and feelings. She is still to young to take on a role in my life as a "support"er, and I will NEVER put my "problems" or concerns on her..even as a grown up, will I do that to her! But, it is wonderful to know that we are on our way to a mother/daughter relationship that is growing and blossoming into something special...kinda like me and my mom!! That alone gives me reason to live!!
Paul has always remained my rock and constant form, even if he is just there! I was worked up one day last week and was feeling a bit out of sorts and frustrated, kinda lonely. He came home and just him sitting beside me on the couch after working all day..leaning in to kiss my ever so "unhappy" face made me remember that I am NOT alone in this, he is here with me!
I love to see him smile, I love that he makes me laugh...even when I try not too! I want to see him happy, I want to see him rest, play and enjoy the things we have together in our lives...I love that he kisses me goodbye every morning and then kisses me everynight before we sleep, we have been doing this for 18 years, and I still LOVE that its him! Thats worth living for!
Braden and I right now in life are struggling with our relationship. He seems to be "fighting" against everything I feel is of importance! His role is shifting in this family as is my role! We are trying to find how we fit into eachothers lives...I have always been his caregiver, nurse, therapist, nutritionist..etc etc, I am slowly learning to just be his mom!! Its tough when you've been in charge of so much and it gradually changes and you have no control over that! We are trying to figure it out, I am slowly backing off...my opinions are not as important to him, he is finding his own voice. I am proud of him...it means we did our job right! I would be more concerned if he didn't have an interest in living his own life, his way! I would be incrediably miserable if he relied on me for everything, and was insecure with himself and refusing help from others. Without him in my life, I would not have learned as much about happiness as i have today. I think its virtually impossible to pick just one person who has made my life worth living..because at different times in my life, its been different people!
You are right as our kids get older, we can rely on them for some support, nothing major but nice to have that with our kids. Kailey is amazing, and you would never put anything on her she couldnt handle! Life is changing as we get older, harder to make certain choices with our kids coming into adult hood. you have always had a great support system around you to get by! Something that everyone should feel cause theres nothing like a great support team to help. You have made the right choices and both your kids are amazing, and you and Paul are rock solid! I adore all of you! My life is altering in a different way, need to stay strong and do what you have to do to move on! As we get older we all change and see things in a new light, what really matters at this age and thats a loving family and people who will be there when you need them, nothing else matters!