FIGHT CANCER! This question is probably the easiest one so far to answer. One of my biggest fears is being diagnosed with cancer. There are many people out there who fight and successfully beat cancer...and all I can say to them is "WAY TO GO"! I am amazed by those who take on something so feirce with strong determination and a will to never give up! I can relate to the internal strength you gain while undergoing the trials and tribulations of something so powerful, I admire those who continue to smile and battle through their long gruelling treatments. My own father battled bowel cancer and is a survivor for 13 years, he is a changed man because of this...a changed man for the better really. He's softer, calmer and more thankful, it was a terrible time for our family but we drew our swords, arms reached out and saddled up to win this crusade.
To all my friends and family who have struggled through a diagnosis of Cancer...you are my hero's! You are strong, and I pray that you can still see the beauty in your life. I hope that the poison which once flowed through your body did NOT over take your heart and corrupt your faith.
If you are reading my blog and fighting cancer today....my mother said to me a very long time ago when I was in a really dark place..
"Where there is life...there is hope"
This statement is what pulled me through my darkest moments...fight my friends..FIGHT!!

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