I am not a grudge holder...and honestly can't think of something that I have to forgive someone for. I guess the closest thing that I can come to is an aunt of mine who we as a family haven't spoken to in years. She is my mother's oldest sister who lives an almighty "Catholic" lifestyle and just happens to think her shit doesn't stink.
Maybe I am way off track here...but considering I have never gotten an explanation for her or her families behaviour I will come to my own conclusions.
The forgiving part is based on her lack of involvement in our lives...especially during and after my car accident. I mean typically a good christian family will let all ill feelings go and forgive and forget (again not sure why she is angry with us in the first place) in order to help a family in crisis. NOPE not them!! I think through all those years of struggling with a "new" lifestyle with a special needs, medically fragile child she called me..ummmm...once?! I do know that she said something horrible about my situation after my son was paralyzed. I am not going to share that...I am sorry! I wanted to be as open as possible but I don't want my son to read this and hear what she said. Lets just say its literally the worse comment I have EVER heard, and I will never forgive her for this! EVER!!
This lady is my mom's sister,who my mom speaks very highly of. My mom is thankful for her sister and has always wanted to make amends. Unfortunately for my aunt..she is NOT receptive. Too bad for her...we are a pretty awesome family who loves to share our awesomeness with others!! LOL..
Seriously the lack of their involvement is clearly their loss, I just feel bad that she is getting older and my mom never had the chance to discuss things with her. My mom deserves that, she is a wonderful person who is so loving and kind hearted! Her sister should have learned from her!!
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