There has been a major shift in our household. It has not been an easy thing to get use too...not that its been difficult, its just new! It's change!*Sigh*
The boy has a girlfriend! She is probably the most serious one that he has had, she is around..ALOT, which is fine with us because it makes B happy. So weird.
He really likes her, and he has been a wonderful, respectful boyfriend. He bought tickets for Prom and their names were put in for Prom King and Queen, thats exciting!
This young lady is very sweet, she is kind, respectful and very appreciative. I love how she does NOT see the wheelchair, she likes him for who he is and his obstacles don't even seem to phase her. So far she seems to understand his health issues, I don't think there is an understanding just yet of the severity of some of his medical challenges. Thats ok though, she is too young to have that on her plate and I don't expect a woman to become induldged in that part of his life until he is much older.
Unfortunately its all I think of...for the most part. I mean it doesn't stop me from seeing all the other parts of him, but his health does weigh heavy in my mind. There was a new kind of conversation going on in my home on the weekend between Braden and I. I had mentioned to him that we "as a family" were going to Brampton to Dave & Busters and we wanted him to join us. He said that he had plans with his girlfriend that night. So I hid my sadness from him and said that he'd be missed and I really wish he'd come. I even invited the girlfriend! Shortly after that conversation he comes back out of his room and says that L(the girlfriend) wants to go so.."I guess we'll go, because she wants too" he said. WOW...really did this happen? When did my son become a "we"?? That was hard to swallow...I was thrilled, but WOW...not use to that!
Another strange thing that came to my realization through this experience was eventually his medical issues will be monitored by someone else. On our way home in the van I let Ms.L sit in the front seat so that she and B could talk. I had Kail, Emily and Ethan in the back of the van so I didn't mind being back there as we sang songs, laughed and ate treats!
As I was back there I glanced at Braden (as I have for years inorder to assess his current status) as a parent of a child (young adult) who is medically fragile you constantly glimpse at them to check their coloring, breathing and comfort level. B had been very tired for most of the day so when I looked over at him I wasn't surprised to see him looking exhausted, struggling to breath and working hard to keep his energy up.
What I was surprised to see was the two of them holding hands in the van. It hit me hard, how fast this was all happening...how in a couple years from now, things are going to be so damn different and I can't do anything to stop it!
My baby boy( Young man) was tired and working hard to stay awake on a ride that normally would have had his head tilted to the right,eyes closed and passed out unaware of his surroundings . He was now responsible for the happiness of a young lady, who he was thrilled to be spending time with.
My moment did not last long...its all going to be ok. These are great experiences for B. Its what we all strive for when it comes to our children. We want them to be happy, grow up and be independant. There will come a day when B will be taking care of all his own needs...I was reminded of that last weekend, its not a bad thing my friends and I am definately coming to terms with all the changes. Its a nice place to be!
(This post was written along time ago...sorry for the late post)
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