There is just so much to get caught up on! I bet you may even wondered if I was still planning to post. Honestly, lately by the end of the day...i'm pooched! Its either due to getting older, or i'm just busier??
There's been some exciting things happening here in the Martz 's residence, just when I think we will no longer see an ice rink...tryouts start up again. I will admit, after this season I was pretty well finished with ringette. Honestly...I was ready to move on and encourage Kail to try something different this winter..maybe skiing or dancing? She was pretty ready to walk from wintery weekends spent on ice every Saturday morning at 7am, right up until about a week ago. I think once the reality set in of not playing anymore..was a bit more hard to deal with, as of now I think she's playing. I'm not sure how I feel, I really miss weekends as a family. I miss taking off to Toronto for mini holidays, or Niagra Falls for hotel stays..nights away with my hubby! I don't get the chance to spend as much time with Braden either...we go seperate ways in the winter, I am tired of it! However with that said, I do love my daughter and care very much about her happiness...so I will support whatever she decides to do. I might not make it to every game or practice, but as long as she loves lacing those skates...I'll keep supporting her!
My other child managed to prove his excellence once again and was nominated and won an award here in the city of Cambridge. So just bear with me here...yes this is a brag post as I feel the need to share how thrilled we are as parents with our son's wonderful accomplishments. He joined the Youth City Council about a year ago, he absolutely loves it and he brings ALOT to the table. He is definatly at times one of the most mature 17 year old teenager you will EVER meet. It amazes me how confident and how sure of himself he can be at times. He has always had the ability to talk in situations that would make you or I squirm...and he has always been able to grab the attention of others. When he talks...for what ever reason people listen, he has a natural gift..he is lovable and captivating! As we were sitting at our table in the city hall, looking at all the decorations..enjoying the music provided and settling into the atmosphere I was overwhelmed with the "overachiever's" sitting at our table. Honestly they were all great kids, not at all snotty, rude or ignorant to the others at the table. They were all very chatty, sharing in laughs and stories...but I couldn't help and wonder what did their parents do differently to shape the adults these young people were becoming? Talk about high achieving individuals...they had so many goals, they had their paths all laid out. The sad part to me though was...what happens to these young programmed teens when something happens in their lives that wasn't part of the plan? What can mommy and daddy do to fix it? How will they cope with uncertainty? What if they fall off their life path? Will they have the ability and knowledge to get back up? My concern as a parent is just that! I love that my children have hopes and dreams...I love that they like to push themselves...but will they be ok when they fail? You see...we can teach them to strive...teach them to reach for the stars, but we also have to teach them how to cope when those stars are so far out of reach. We need to give them the tools to find away to keep going, to keep reaching...even if our arms aren't quite long enough. The feeling of failure is inevidable, its going to happen...my children are aware of that and hopefully when they fall...they will have enough knowledge to get back up! Try a new path...sometimes the best thing to happen in your life path is coming up to fork in the road and taking a chance going in a different direction.
Anyways..the reason for this post (which by the way has literally taken me 2 weeks to write) was to brag about how proud I am of Braden and how thrilled we are with Kailey's marks. I am however going to end this shortly as I no longer have any desire to finish this. I will say though that Kailey has managed to keep her grades above 80% this semester.

We are so proud of her as with playing in the National games for ringette she had missed a large amount of school. I was concerned that her teachers would become frustrated with her absences so I did give each teacher a copy of her schedule back in March. I explained that Kail will be responsible for her own work, however we would appreciate their support especially if some assignements are late. ALL of her teachers were wonderful, some even showed up to watch some games. Each teacher commended Kail on her efforts at school, and gave her credit for managing great grades while training for the National games. Way to go Kail!!
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