It was truly wonderful..dinner was great! I just missed my own kids there. Kailey was busy with...can you guess??...yup you got it!! Ringette, and Braden is obviously a typical 17 year old young man who just wanted to be home alone and have sometime to himself. He had friends over last night untill wee hours in the morning, sooo I didn't mind that he missed dinner with us. We will just have to have their family here next so they have the opportunity to talk with Braden and catch up. It was nice to see their girls and find out how things are going in their lives. It was especially special to have had her older daughter cook/bake dessert for us..she did a fabulous job! I know someday she will be running her own restaurant fit for the stars!
So, below are a bunch of pictures of cakes that my very talented friend made during a cake class in KItchener. Apparently the teachers or instructor's are well known on TV and have been featured on some cake shows. Look at the detail in these cakes. Can you imagine the amount of work that was put into them? Actually the pictures do not do them justice. My friend is working on her own cake company,things are looking great for her...she is still trying to figure out how to get her company kitchen set up downstairs in her basement, and she is constantly trying new things to better her designs and products. I am so proud of her, I hope you enjoy the pictures...they are amazing.

Wow They are great, she is doing an amazing job! You must be very excited about your trip! Going with another couple is great as well, you certainly deserve a break!