This year unfortunately my whole family is going to be away on my birthday~
My parents are off to Las Vegas and my hubby and daughter will be in Ottawa for my daughter's provincial games in ringette. This coming weekend will be spent with myself and my boy, and I can't wait!
So..this weekend we celebrated my birthday with a wonderful dinner out on Saturday night complete with an amazing birthday cake. It was so nice, I had an extremely busy weekend with this Doula workshop going all day Saturday and Sunday. My parents had surprised me with one of the nicest gifts I have ever gotten. I will have to say it is definately one of the most meaning full gifts. They had their wedding bands melted down together and made into this most beautiful locket. At first I didn't know what it was...I thought it was very pretty and thoughtful, but once I was told it was their original wedding bands bound together and made into this locket just for me....the emotions ran high! I LOVE it, immediately all I could think of was how many smiles, breakups, makeups, tears, laughs, handholding, caring for, touching and caressing these two rings together have seen in the 40 years my parents wore them on their fingers. The history and love this locket represents is enduring and breathtaking. These two rings which have become my locket has held the babies in our families, they have touched the heads of many sick children, they have searched for and believed in the power of hope, love and trust. These rings have guided many, they have lived through sorrow, pain and despair but have always remained firm and fierce never leaving the hands that housed them. They are the rings that I once looked at as a child and felt the safe place every child should feel, these rings symbolized my life...they were the image that started and secured our family forever. There are wonderful stories of true love and true heartache embedded in my new beautiful locket...some that I am well aware of and some that I will never know!
With all the love in my heart, I Thank You Mom and Dad! XOXOX
That is beautiful! Wow how touching that is coming from your parents wedding bands. Goose bumps and now words can describe how you must be feeling. Can't wait to see it!