I had an experience today that made me sad. I was waiting for my daughter in the physio clinic and in the waiting room was another mother with a younger child and one about Kail's age who was also being seen by a physiotherapist. As I was sitting there reading a magazine this women started yelling at her son who was probably around 10 years old. He was eating a donut with filling in it and she was warning him to be careful because the jelly in the donut was going to fall out onto his shirt. Just as she handed him a towelette, sure enough the jelly landed on his shirt causing his mother to turn into a crazy frenzy of pure hell. It was utterly ridiculous how this women screamed and yelled at this boy in public, I was seriously so uncomfortable. I did get up and leave, I told Kailey that I would meet her in the car. The front desk staff told the lady that she could use the washroom to help her son clean the jelly from his shirt.
As I was leaving the office, I couldn't help but think...seriously lady, is it really worth freaking out that much over? Honestly what's a little jelly on his shirt? Dab it with cold water, take it off when you get home and wash it, why was she so angry? It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnesses, I felt so bad for that boy. I couldn't imagine yelling like that at my kid, especially in public. Does the mother not understand the damage that is being done by yelling like that at the child? It didn't end there either..she did continue on when I went back in to pay. She was still picking on him for other things...and do you think she would get up off the waiting room chair? Nope, just sat there screaming at the kid.
So, I get home and put on the TV and guess what Dr. Phil is about?? Communicating with your children. How appropriate?! It was interesting, I only wish and/or hope this other mom may just be watching. I have watched Dr.Phil for years and just love his common sense theories. He really is all about using your head, keep it simple. One thing that has worked for me over the years when I am frustrated is changing my thought patterns in times of need. Really it is true what Dr. Phil states...we are raising adults. It is our responsibility to teach our children how to handle situations in life so that when they become adults they will have had the experiences to deal with it. One of the best valuable lessons a child can take with them is dealing with their own natural consequences. If that boy spilt jelly on his shirt, then send him into the washroom to clean it. It might not be perfect but how is he gonna learn if he doesn't handle it on his own? When he gets home make him responsible to take off his shirt, put it in the laundry and treat the stain accordingly.
The whole time I was sitting there all I wanted to do was ask her.."really, is this that important? You want to fight this battle with him?"
Honestley its just a stain...get over it!
I was pretty rattled, I hugged Kailey on the way out and was thankful that I haven't destroyed my children's self confidence or self esteem. I may not be the perfect mother but I am well aware of the damage that is caused by yelling at your children constantly.
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