Monday, December 6, 2010

OH Christmas Tree...

INTRODUCING the Martz's family Christmas Tree... Isn't it beautiful? I can not wait to decorate it! Tonight Paul, Braden and I went to get our tree. Kailey stayed home to do homework and we missed her, she is always there to help pick out our tree. After our tree shopping we came home and I wanted to try a new drink recipe. I watched Cityline this morning and saw some pretty cool drinks for the holiday season. So I want to share them with you!
I also wanted to share some pictures from our drinks that we made this evening...hope you enjoy. Truly this drink was great, we had alot of fun!
I am sorry this blog is late, i was trying to upload a video from cityline but it just wasn`t working. I will share with you the pictures that I took of Paul and Braden enjoying this yummy christmas drink.

1 part/ounce Carolans irish cream
3 part/ounces of Egg Nog

Shake in shaker with ice, garnish with cinnamon stick.
White chocolate melted and rimmed around the glass
White unsweetened coconut

Next time I try this drink i will crush some candy canes and use that instead of the coconut.
Either way it is a very tasty treat for a cold winter evening.

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